The Capri Club of Chicago is an organization for owners of Capris and other small cars (especially Mustang, Escort, Merkur XR4ti, Fiesta, etc.). We try to offer a variety of Motorsport and social events, such as tours, gymkhanas, ralley, auto shows, technical seminars and clinics and more for our members. We also conduct a monthly meeting to cover normal Club operation and to plan our events.
The Capri Club of Chicago is not in existence just to provide its members with a motorsports outlet. Our meetings usually contain a tech session to answer our members questions. We try to provide as much information as possible on parts location, maintenance, problem solving, after market parts and discounts, and so on to improve the overall performance and appearance of our cars.
The Capri Club of Chicago is a non partisan Club and membership is open to all who have an interest in cars and motorsports. Guests are always welcome at our meetings (held on the third Wednesday of the month.) You can expect good fellowship and interesting get togethers. For more information, please contact the club for a membership form and a copy of our latest newsletter. We hope to hear from you soon. *If you have a printer, you can click on the words "membership form" above and print it.
Send it to..
Capri Club of Chicago
7158 W. Armitage
Chicago, IL 60707