11 January 2002 The Wells Brothers' Wartime Assesment: January 2002

The Wells Brothers' Wartime Assesment: January 2002

Phase 1: Going Well

To an extent, the war is going well.

Phase 1: Remaining Goals

That said, the war is not over by any means.

In Afghanistan, there is still work to be done.

Subsequent Phases

Sadly, even if we correct all of the above situations, the war will still not be over. Terrorism still thrives in other countries. All terrorists are the enemy. Until terrorism is eliminated everywhere, the war is not won.

Not only must we kill or cage all terrorists, we must eliminate the root causes of terrorism. In general, happy prosperous people in democratic nations don't become terrorists. When grievances, real or percieved, are not addressed, people sometimes wrongly think that terrorism is the only solution.

Some nations, especially dictatorial ones, often tolerate terrorism, or even actively use it as an instrument of state policy. They feel that terrorism is the only method to deal with a superpower. We must disabuse them of this notion, by force if necessary.

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