Title: Church Book: German Reformed Church (Frederick, Maryland)
Publication Info: IGI Batch M507711
Call Number: LDS Film 0013935

Microfilm of manuscripts (handwritten, made in 1897 and 1903; typescript index) from the Mary land Historical Society, Baltimore.

Text is in German and English.

Volume one is noted as being transcribed by George Merle de Fr. Zacharias in 1897 and vol . 2 [and probably vol. 1] copied by Miss Sterger.

Contains in p. 1-362: Letter 1753 by Herr Frankenfeld; communicants 1753-1754; confirmation s 1757, 1759 and undated lists; marriage 1767; communicants 1767; baptisms 1795-1796, 1747-17 94; deaths 1829-1874; baptisms 1798-1799; deaths 1788-1802; baptisms 1796-1798. In p. 363-770 : baptisms 1799-1875. In p. 1001-1198: index to confirmations, index to marriages, deaths 178 8-1802 [duplicate filming]