Title: Petition to Join Monongalia Co., 1780

LEGISLATIVE Petition FROM AUGUSTA COUNTY, 7 November 1780. Virginia State Library, Req. C 170 . To the General Assembly of Virginia. The Petition of the Inhabitants of Tigers Valley, a pa rt of Augusta County.
LEGISLATIVE Petition FROM AUGUSTA COUNTY, 7 November 1780. Virginia State Library, Req. C 170 . To the General Assembly of Virginia. The Petition of the Inhabitants of Tigers Valley, a pa rt of Augusta County.
Most Humbly Sheweth. That Your Petioners leys Westward of the Alighany Mountains, and from th e Center of our Settlement One Hundred and Twenty One Computed Miles to our Seat of Justice , which Distance of Road Together with Eight high Mountains and many Rivers and Creeks in th e Way to cross which Obstructions often Renders the way unpassible that we have not as yet In joyed the Common Right of our fellow Citizens which we are Sencible You mean not to Deprive u s of, and humbly Begs leave to acquaint this House that the Seat of Justice in the County o f Monogalia would be much more convenient to us than the Seat of Justice in Augusta County ne ither are we willing to be laid off in any New Direction that may hereafter be made in August a County as we Can not expect that the Seat of Justice in a New Division Could be made Conven ient to us and to the People Living in the Interior Settlements as we would have at least Fiv e high Mountains and two Rivers with many other Rapid Streams of Water in our way to any of t he Settlements on [the] Potomack or James River Waters. Your Petitioners Humble Desire is tha t this present Assembly would be Graciously Pleased to add our Settlement of Tigers Vally t o Monongalia County as the Distance of Road from the Center of our Settlement is but Ninety C omputed Miles to Monongalia County Court House and but one Low Mountain to Cros, and the Wate rs Insiderable
Your humble Petitioners Prays, that our Distressed Situation would be taken into your conside ration and Relief Granted, and we in Duty Bound Shall ever Pray
The signatures or marks are arranged in four columns at the bottom of the page with one shor t column on the reverse.
Column I
Benjamin Wilson Abraham Kittle Peter (P) Springstone Robert Clark Jonathan Smith John Stahnac ker Solomon Ryan Benjamin Hornbeck Nicholas (N) Petro Christopher (C) Treby Valentine (O) Sta lnaker James Westfall Henry Petrow Aaron Richardson Jacob Kittle Nicholas Wolf William Wilson Thomas Fillipps Jacob (+) Stalnaker, Junior
Colunm 2
Peter King Jonas Friend Alexander Rowney Daniel Doehantey Adam (x) Stalnacker William (6) Smi th James Littell William Casaty Aaron Vanscoy Jacob Westfall John (I) Yocum Michael [------? ] John Wilson Thomas (x) Isener [Joseph?] Donoho John Truby Nicholas (N) Smith
Column 3
Jonathan Buffington Joseph Summerfeel Mathew (^) Lambert Abraham (-) Slots Elijah Slots Josep h Friend Cornelius Westfall George Westfall, Junior William Westfall Daniel Westfall Joseph C rouch George Westfall, Senior Alexander Maxwell Thomas (x) [Hoaldr?] James Lecky, Junior Jaco b ()() Riffle Andrew (A) Crouch Charles Fornelson
Column 4
Joseph Nelson Peter Hamilton William Hamilton David Haddan John Haddan Charles McLean Georg e (G) Shavers William Currance John Alexander John Cassity PetEr Cassity Benjamin Jones Ge orge (m) Breding Thomas (+) Price Jacob (IS) Shavers Peter (P) Breding Peter Shavers
Column 5
Cornelius Bogart Joseph (D) Doneaho Moses (M) Kittle Richard (K) Kittle John Croch, Senior Jo hn Crouch Jacob (~) Stallnaker, Senior No. 78 Signers
This is to Certify that I have Been apointed formerly by the Court of Augusta County to Tak e in the List of Tithables in the District of Tigers Valley and they amounted to No. 86 - -Be nj: Wilson 23 October 1780 The above Certifycat of Tithable Done by Colonel Sampson Mathews D irections to me - - - Benj: Wilson
NOTE: There were no other legislative petitions from the residents of this part of Augusta Co unty. The next list of the people there are the tax lists (printed) taken of the new countie s of Harrison in 1784, 1785, 1786 and of Randolph in June and July of 1787.