........... Margot's Biography!



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Margot Finke-

Creator of the "Magic" behind that
Magic Carpet of 16
x Books

Margot Finke is an Aussie transplant who writes midgrade adventure fiction and rhyming picture books. For many years she has lived in Oregon with her husband and family.

Gardening, travel, and reading fill in the cracks between writing. Her husband is very supportive, though not interested in children's books . Their three children are now grown and doing very well. They have four wonderful grandchildren as well.

Margot didn't begin serious writing until the day their youngest left for college. This late start drives her writing, and pushes her to work at it every day. Margot said, "I really envy those who began young, and managed to slip into writing mode between kid fights, diaper changes, household disasters, and outside jobs."

"You are my heroes! "


Margot's Magic Carpet of 16 Books includes 5 young teen books, plus 11 picture books--many of them being in verse. Fun facts about animals, and help for kids with problems.

Her Young Teen BOOKS:

**Taconi and Claude - Dream time spirits, a chatty cockato and big decisions for Taconi to make.

** Trial by Walkabout ( follow up to Taconi and Claude)

**The Revenge of Thelma Hill - ghost mystery

** Down Under Calling - family tales, a grandson, and a grandmother across the Pacific.

** Daisy and Bartholomew Q - a fun, fantasy adventure that encourages writing and vocabulary.

Autographed copies and BOOK DISCOUNTS available ONLY from her Website.


"Musings," her column for children's writers, can be read in The Purple Crayon.

Margot's Website showcases her children's books, Manuscript Critique Service, and offers lots of pages of writing help, including great links for upcoming writers to explore.

Margot also enjoys doing FREE Skype Author Visits to classrooms all over the USA as well as overseas. Her Presnetation is a terrific way to HOOK Kids on Reading, and get them interested in writing stories of their own. Look for links to VIDEOS of Margot reading from her books and talking about her Manuscript Critique service and SKYPE visits.

Margot is also guilty of Twittering, and can be found on Facebook, Google+, JacketFlap, Linkedin and more.


Visit Margot's Secrets of Writing for Children if you need
Self-editing Tips or a few Powerful Writing Clues.

Her Critique Service offers help with plot and character problems, VOICE and FOCUS. There's aguidance for those whose writing is not quite as tight as "Granny's New Girdle." "Nothing gives me a greater thrill than to discover a book I helped polish received a contract."

PINTEREST is another place where her wide and varied likes and interests can be found--including Books, Self Publishing, Reviews. Politics, Food and much more.


E-mail Me
we can chat about writing.


... A Writing Thought ...

"Active and powerful verbs create vivid word pictures."



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