General Political Commentary

  1. Cause of School Violence
  2. Book Reviews
  3. The Bush Family Values
  4. Law and Justice
  5. Drugs and Guns
  6. Flag Burning
  7. the Military Draft
  8. Gays

1.  Cause of School Violence

This is a reply to the opinion of the United States Navy found in file
By Clarence Schultz        +minister and retired Navy Chaplain+
(Paragraphs set off by ---> are my reply.)

Whoa! With all the gangs and the increasing violence in our schools, what in
the world is happening with our kids today? Let's see...I think it started
when Madeline Murray O'Hare complained that she didn't want any prayer in
our schools, and we said OK.
---->What you want is government sponsored religion. That is unconstitutional.
Are you trying to bring us back to the stone age?

Then someone said you had better not read the
Bible in school-the Bible that says thou shalt not kill, thou shalt not
steal, and love your neighbor as yourself.

------>It also says "Suffer not the faggot to live." - Proof that god is evil.

And we said, OK. Dr. Benjamin Spock said we shouldn't spank our children when they misbehave because their little personalities would be warped and we might damage their self-esteem.
And we said, an expert should know what he's talking about so we won't spank
them anymore. Then someone said that teachers and principals better not
discipline our children when they misbehave. And the school administrators
said no faculty member in this school better touch a student when they
misbehave because we don't want any bad publicity, and we surely don't want
to be sued. And we accepted their reasoning.

--->If you have ever seen abused children, you too will support the law.

Then someone said, let's let
our daughters have abortions if they want, and they won't even have to tell
their parents. And we said, that's a grand idea.

----->The world is over populated. It is a compelling interest of government to avoid unnecessary births.

Then some wise school board member said, since boys will be boys and they're
going to "do it" anyway, let's give our sons all the condoms they want, so
they can have all the "fun" they desire, and we won't have to tell their
parents they got them at school. And we said, that's another great idea.

----->With the threat of AIDS it is a wise policy.

And then some of our top elected officials said that it doesn't matter what we
do in private as long as we do our jobs. And agreeing with them, we said it
doesn't matter to me what anyone, including the President, does in private
as long as I have a job and the economy is good. And the entertainment
industry said, let's make TV shows and movies that promote profanity,
violence, and illicit sex. And let's record music that encourages
homosexuality, rape, drugs, murder, suicide, and satanic themes. And we said
it's just entertainment, it has no adverse effect, and nobody takes it
seriously anyway, so go right ahead.

---->That is what the free market does when folks have the right to buy what they want.

Therefore, now we're asking ourselves
why our children have no conscience, why they don't know right from wrong,
and why it doesn't bother them to kill strangers, their classmates, and

---->They are exactly like their parents and the government - robbing the rest of the world and killing ten million in the process since 1940.

Probably, if we think about it long and hard enough, we can
figure it out. I think it has a great deal to do with... "we reap what we
Clarence Schultz
+minister and retired Navy Chaplain+
Our children are searching for role models.  Can you see yourself as the
role model they need?

----->Retort by Charles Pique


 These are very worthwhile books to read. These books are all about recent history. It is important to learn the lessons of history and well known that Americans don't.

Some months ago I read "War Against the Poor, Low-Intensity Conflict and Christian Faith" by Jack Nelson-Pallmeyer. It is published by Orbis Books.
Although written by religious folk the religious part is the last chapter which can be skipped without loosing the value of the book.
It begins by describing the Reagan-Bush foreign policy of low-intensity conflict with certain the third world nations as economic imperialism. Through the news media the military operations are justified as anti-communist measures.
The second chapter describes repressive action against the poor in third world countries supported by the US government. The real enemy is defined as poor folks who are engaged in political activity to improve their living standard.
The third and fourth chapters describe terrorist tactics used by third world agents of the US right wing and the news distortion used to cover their actions. The hypocrisy of the Reagan and Bush administrations is exposed.
Most of the terrorist action takes place in Nicaragua and El Salvador.
Activities in Guatemala, Honduras and Chile are also described. This is an effective primer on the abuses of US foreign policy in modern times and I highly recommend it.

"America: What Went Wrong?" by Donald L. Bartlett and James B. Steele is an account of US internal economic upheaval in the 1980s. It is published by Andrews and McMeel. This book describes the Savings and loan crisis and the junk bonds and economic havoc caused by the corporate raiders. Long and detailed accounts are given of the hardships of displaced and robbed workers.
These accounts argue strongly for legal reform. Unfortunately they are often long winded. I believe the book could be shortened by two thirds if the hardship stories were not so longwinded. The book does little to clarify the process by which the often rotten deals are accomplished. Still it is a very good motivator and I recommend scanning it in a couple of hours.

"Who will tell the People" Is the best book so far to describe the mechanisms of Washington corruption. It analyzes in detail the branches of government, the regulatory process and the influence pedaling foundations.
 In chapter one he explains why American democracy is fake. The politicians and the media only listen to authorities and the authorities are created by institutions funded by big business. The public and the public interest are effectively locked out. The history of the Savings and Loan crisis is given in chapter two. It is shown how both the Republicans and the Democrats were responsible. There was one Senator from Texas who saw the crisis coming and warned the press. He was the same senator who initiated impeachment proceedings against Bush for the Panama invasion and the Gulf war. His name is Henry Gonzalez.
In chapter three "Bait and Switch", the process is explained by which the Congress allows a problem to fester until it produces strong public support for action. Then a bill is hatched that in name fixes the problem but in reality is at best a partial fix. Simultaneously the bill creates other sometimes worse problems and often hatches a whole slew of nasty corruptions.
Chapter four describes the process by which Washington has become a market place for industrialists buying favors and politicians selling them.
Chapter five gives examples of regulations that were deliberately sabotaged by the congress and sit today often as obstructions to justice. In chapter six the regulatory agencies of the Reagan-Bush years are shown to be corrupt. The agencies were directed by the president to rewrite the law to accommodate the abusive practices of numerous industries.
Chapter seven describes how the public is fighting back. Several examples of "Rude and Crude" public action are given. In chapter eight "Political Orphans" several groups of workers are shown to be unrepresented and consequently grossly underpaid. In chapter nine modern reform movements are compared to the civil rights movement. It is explained that the modern movements lack the formal structure the rights organizations had and hence leave the rank file unrepresented and untrusting.
Chapter ten gives the history of Californian propositions and other laws. The proposition limiting insurance rates passed but was blocked by the state supreme court. The next two chapters describe the power structures and philosophy of the two major political parties. The Democrats are seen to be broken by disorganization and corruption. The Republicans are described in so many words as little more than lying showmen with the singular purpose of diverting the government to serve the rich.
Chapter thirteen traces the evolution of the press from a small town honest little guy model to the modern corporate elite news managing machine. The press is seen to be no longer supportive of democracy. Then "The Lost Generation" tells how younger folks,brought up in the TV age have a different outlook on politics. They see themselves dwarfed by powerful institutions.  "Citizen GE" describes the schemes of several big businesses and how they have the legal standing of super citizens but immunity from significant punishment even for serious crimes.
Chapter sixteen "Crackpot Realism" identifies the dishonesty of several nationally accepted truths. The inflated cold war and the red baiting in central America are both exposed. Chapter seventeen describes the awful power of the international corporations to play off nations against each other for wage and environmental concessions that ultimately have the potential to enslave all humanity. The concluding section gives the author's own optimistic position that with a little effort the problems can be fixed. I did not find any encouragement in this last section. This book is my answer to those who say all politicians are corrupt and that there is no way to tell who the bad guys are and who the good guys are. History is very clear. It is only hidden in a book.

3. The Bush Family Values

George Bush's Family Values - A History Lesson by Charles Pique

The most important family value is respect for life. Lets see how George stands. George supported the Contras. In Nicaragua the Contras killed 20,000 civilians including thousands of babies and children who were individually and deliberately killed. Many children were tortured and horribly dismembered. George approved and Ronald was proud of it. George supported the right wing death squads in El Salvador with hundreds of millions of taxpayer's dollars. He falsely certified the right wing dictatorship in El Salvador as democratic so he could get more money for the death squads. He supported Chile's dictator Pinochet who killed 50,000 people in a right wing coup supplied covertly by the US Army and Air Force. He ordered a military operation in Panama that killed 2000 civilians in its effort to get Manuel Norjega. When the Chinese did their killing in Tieneman Square it was George who vetoed the congressional boycott legislation. It was George Bush who had the CIA arm Johnas Savimbe the butcher of Angola. It was George's arm shipments to Somalia that brought the chaos and starvation. And in case you still need more it was George who worked with Colonel North and ordered Justice Department investigations halted on drug imports into the US for the purpose of raising money for the Contras. This is just the top of the list. Aren't you glad George bush was defeated? Now how about defeating his son!

4.  Law and Justice.

In many cases the law acts like a wild beast that suddenly and without warning springs on its victims. This methodology has been observed in the enforcement of all kinds of regulations. There were a number of well publicized cases of environmental law enforcement where folks were treated like crimnals for ordinary activities.  In juvenile criminal law enforcement it is particularly sad. The government is content to let children suffer and rot in poverty. Years later when they come out bruised and hardened, acting in ways that are not acceptable in polite society the law Pounces. It seems as a matter of fairness that if the law is not there to protect and provide guidance when children are developing then it has no business jumping in to punish them when they finally do something that attracts attention.

5. Drugs and guns.

It seems drugs are not nearly as dangerous as guns. War machines of mass destruction are more dangerous yet. When it comes to prohibition and penalties the government is backwards. One can spend years in prison for selling small amounts of drugs. On the other hand the government spends millions to buy weapons of mass destruction to give to dictators, and these weapons to date have killed several million innocent victims.

6.  Flag burning.

Flag burning has conventionally been the method of last resort for slapping the Republicans in the face. It has been shown to get the media attention when all else fails. Historically numerous folks who had legitimate grievances have used this method. Outlawing flag burning has freedom of speech as its main target.

7.  On military draft.

The draft is slavery. There is no doubt about it. If enough people stood up and fought for their rights, this institution could be killed. And remember as long as the law requires Selective Service registration the Draft monster is still alive.
How can a country defend itself? First stop making suicidal decisions. Don't arm dictators. Stand up for justice for all people. I know what the US Government does. The record is criminal.

8.  On Gays

It appears that these folks are the way they are for biological reasons not yet reduced to hard science. The proper attitude toward them is to let them be. The popular practice of harassment is no more excusable than harassing accident or cancer victims. How dare the right wing bigots deny them equal access to the military.