Pictures of images from Sidney Herald newspaper

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This is my father's first ad in the newspaper which announced his availability to practice medicine in Sidney.  This ad appeared in the April 24, 1958 publication.  Notice the three digit phone numbers which they used in those days!  Life was certainly much simpler.


In the December 12, 1959 newsletter, a short paragraph mentioned that my family moved into a new house on the west side of town, just inside the city limits.  Ervin Johnson had a sizable property and he sold parcels of land to build new homes.  Not only he was a farmer, Mr. Johnson was a building contractor.  One of my first memory is holding my father's hand as we walked through the house late afternoon while it was being constructed by Mr. Johnson.  While my dad was talking to Ervin, I do recall seeing the wooden steps and the building framework.  This was a little adventure for me and I am sure my father was proud in providing a new home for his family.  Later as other homes being built in the neighborhood, Ervin's building construction has provided many hours of entertainment to me as a young boy.

Another ad in  the May 25, 1960 newsletter.  I noticed the early seven digit phone number. 

Another ad in  the September 7, 1960 newsletter.

Please click on the picture to enlarge the article.  It mentioned that one of the local doctor has retired and a party took place in his honor.  My mother made the news by baking a cake for this social event.

An announcement was made in the August 2nd newsletter which contains a preview of my father's new clinic.  Ervin Johnson was the contractor and the building's approximate cost was about $20,000!  I wondered what it would cost to build a similar clinic today?  Again, to see the picture, please click on the image to  enlarge the image.

Another ad in the September 13, 1961 newsletter.  This ad has my dad's new clinic address.

I made the news!  This picture announced that I have advanced from Cub Scouts (Webelo) into Boy Scouts.

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