Airworthiness Directive

+Federal Register Information

-Header Information

Federal Aviation Administration

14 CFR Part 39

Amendment 39-3212; AD 78-10-03

Airworthiness Directives; Piper Models J-3, J-4, J-5, PA-11, PA-12, PA-14, PA-16, PA-18, PA-20 and PA-22 Aircraft
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-Preamble Information
AGENCY: Federal Aviation Administration, DOT

DATES: Effective May 23, 1978.

-Regulatory Information

78-10-03 PIPER: Amendment 39-3212. Applies to all J-3, J-4, J-5, PA-11, PA-12, PA-14, PA-16, PA-18, PA-20 and PA-22 type aircraft.

Compliance required within the next 10 hours in service after effective date of this AD unless already accomplished.

In order to prevent inadequate fuel venting, accomplish the following:

(a) Modify fuel caps and inspect fuel tank inlet rubber seal in accordance with Piper Service Bulletin No. 522 dated September 28, 1976, (former AD 77-09-09 Sketch 1) or approved equivalent. AD 78-10-03

(b) Drill 2 additional vent holes .098 inch diameter through locking cam of fuel cap (Sketch 2) in accordance with instructions of Piper Service Bulletin No. 573 dated February 8, 1978, or approved equivalent.

(c) Upon compliance with (b), vibro-etch Part No. 60707-04 as shown in Sketch 2.

(d) Equivalent alterations must be approved by Chief, Engineering and Manufacturing Branch, FAA Eastern Region.

(Piper Service Bulletins Nos. 522 and 573 pertain to this subject.)

Amendment 39-3212 cancels AD 77-09-09.

This amendment is effective May 23, 1978.

-Footer Information
