Please fill out the form below to order T-shirts or Sweatshirts. By clicking the submit button the information on the form will be automatically mailed to WWW.COOSCYCLE.COM

We will process your order promptly
Please be sure to fill in all feilds, we cannot process your order with missing address's etc.

T-shirt and Sweatshirts details click here
Click here for a printable page you can mail or fax to us



Your Name



Zip/Postal Code


T-shirts and Sweatshirts add $5.00 shipping to freight
AZ and CA residents add 6% tax
Short Sleeve T-shirt $18.00 each
How many Short Sleeve T-shirts

Long Sleeve T-shirt $28.00 each
How many Long Sleeve T-shirts

Sweatshirts $37.50 each
How many Sweatshirts
example: 1/Hooded 1/No Hood


We accept Visa and Mastercard
Sub Total
Arizona residents add 6% tax
T-Shirt orders add $5.00 shipping
(if order is Catalog only $0.00 shipping )

Total of order
Total Due

Visa or Mastercard info
Orders can only be mailed to the billing address of your card
For a printable form click here, print and mail or fax your order

Yor Visa or Mastercard info

Your Name as it appears on your card

Credit Card Number

Card Expiration Date

Total Purchase amount

Comments or information you feel we may need or where you heard about us

Coos Cycle Supply
995 S. 2nd Street
Coos Bay Oregon
Voice (541) 269-7292, fax (541) 269-7292