Keen Kutter Routers

Production History

Keen Kutter did not manufacture any routers, but had a large output in the hardware business by way of the E. C. Simmons Co.

The first catalog numbers KK 71 and KK 171 1/2, were produced by the Ohio Tool Co. from 1907 to 1908. The second set of numbers, K171 1/2 and K171, were manufactured by the Stanley Tool Co. from 1908 until Keen Kutter went out of business.

Keen Kutter Open Throat Router

Type 1. KK71 - 1907-1908

Type 2. K171 - 1908-

Keen Kutter Closed-Throat Router

Type 1. KK171 1/2 - 1907-1908

Type 2. K171 1/2 - 1908-

The Type 2. had the Stanley 1901 patent date on it.

Last modified: February 10, 2002