Stanley No. 271 Router Type Study


As you can see, the No. 271 type study needs some real help. If you have some old Stanley catalogs around and you get bored sometime, you could send me a copy of the page with the No. 271. Or, if you have a No. 271, you could send me a description... Thanks!

Patrick Leach's Description of the No. 271 Router Plane

#271 Router plane, 3"L,1/4"W,3/8lb, 1926-1973.

A handy, small router for light work. It's one of Stanley's better ideas, which gained favor from those doing inlay, mounting small door hardware, etc. The plane is a flat, rectangular casting, with a vertical portion at the mid-point that is used as a grip and to secure the cutter (by means of a simple screw). There are two holes in the casting to allow the cutter to be used for normal work or for bullnose work. The plane is nickel plated.

Type ?. No. 271 Router, Stanley 1967 Catalog


Thanks to Patrick Leach for the descriptive text, and Ralph Brendler for helping out with images.

Last modified: February 10, 2002