Johan Jacob Brake *

Birth: EST 1700, Germany
Death: BEF 1 Jun 1760, Virginia, USA

m. Mary Margaret (Brake) *

Elizabeth Brake

Martin Brake

Catherine Brake

Margaret Brake

Johan Jacob Brake *

Married Mary Margaret (Brake) *
Child 1: Elizabeth Brake - m. House
Child 2: Martin Brake -
Child 3: Catherine Brake - m. Gryder
Child 4: Margaret Brake - m. John Batchelder
Child 5: Johan Jacob Brake * ABT 1725/1730 - ABT 1808/1809 m. (1) Maria Elizabeth Cooper (Kieffer) * m. (2) Catharine Stump

Notes: We know very little about the elder Brake family. Johan Jacob BrakeSr. and his wife Mary Marg aret were probably born in Germany. When they immigrated to America is unknown, although it w as before the marriage of their son, Jacob Brake Sr., which probably took place before 1850 , likely in Pennsylvania. Johan Jacob Brake Sr. died in Frederick County, VA towards the en d of 1758. Prior to his death he drafted the following will.
In the name of God Amen the 18th day of August one thousand seven hundred fifty eight, I, Joh n Jacob Braeak being sick of body but of perfect mind and memory thanks be given unto God the refore calling into mind the mortality of my body and knowing that it is appointed for all me n once to die do make and ordain this my last Will and Testament. That is to say principall y and first of all, I give and renounce my soul unto Almighty God that gave it and my bod y I recommend to the earth to be buried in decent Christian Burial at the discretion of my ex ecutors nothing doubting but at the general resurrection I shall receive the same again by th e Power of God and as something such worldly estate wherewith it hath pleased God to bless m e with in this life I give, demise and dispose of the same in manner following. I give and be queath to Mary Margret my dearly beloved wife all and singular to live and to her use and tha t she may leave it to whom she please at her decease. Accepting to my son Martin that is no w in Germany, Elizabeth House, Catherine Gryder and Margret Batchler five shillings to each o f them and I do hereby revoke all former wills as witness my hand the day of year above menti oned. Witness present
George Ludwick Hochimer
John Jacob Break mark
Moses Striker
Lawrence Stephens
At a Court held for Frederick County June 1st, 1760 this Last Will and Testament of John Jaco b Brake was proved by the oath of Moses Striker and Lawrence Stevens witnesses thereto and or dered to be recorded and Margaret Brake, Widow of the said deceased, having made thereto Cert ificate for obtaining administration of all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and c redits of the said descendents with this said will annexed is granted her, she having with Le onard Cooper her security entered into and acknowledged bond in the penalty of two Hundred Po unds for the faithfully administration of the said estate.
By the Court, I.A. Keith[1] Know all men by these presents that I, Margaret Brake, and Leonar d Cooperare held and firmly bound unto Thomas Speake, Lewis Moore, Joseph Glassand Joseph Lan dgon Justices in the Commission of the Peace for Frederick County in the sum of two hundred p ounds to be paid to the said justices, their creditors, administratios (sic) and assings (sic ) to which payments will and truly to be made we bind ourselves and every of our heirs, execu tors and administrators jointly and severally firmly by those presents sealed with our seal s and dated this first day of June 1762. The condition of this obligation is such that if th e above bound Margaret Brake Administratrix with the Last Will and Testament of Jacob Brake d eceased annexed to make or cause to be made a true and perfect inventoryof all and singular t he good, chattels and credits of the said deceased which goods, chattels and credits of the s aid deceased which have or shall come to the hands possession or knowledge of her, the Said M argaret Brake, the hands or possession of any other person or persons for her and the same s o bade do exhibit or cause to be exhibited unto the County Court of Frederick at such time a s it shall be thereto required by thesaid Court and the same goods, chattels or credits of th e said deceased at the time of her death which at any time after shall come to the hands of p ossession of the said Margaret or into the hands if possession of any other person or person s for her to well and truly administer according to Law and further do make a Just and tru e account of her actings and doings therein when thereto required by the said Court and als o do well and truly pay and deliver all the Legacies contained and specifyed in the said Test ament as far as the said Goods, Chattels and Credits will thouunto extend according to the va lue thereof and as the Law shall chargedeal in this obligation is bound otherwise to remain i n full Force and Value.
Signed and Sealed and Delivered
Mary E. Brake seal
in the presence of [2] Leonard Cooper
At a Court held for Frederick County June 1st, 1762. This Bond wasacknowledged by Mary Brak e and Leonard Cooper parties thereto and orderedto be recorded.
By the Court, J.A. Keith, C.C.

A small appraisement of his estate was recorded on August 4, 1762 inFrederick County, VA. Not e that Margaret signed the above document Mary E. Her name may have been Maria Margaretha Eli zabetha or this may be a clue to her maiden name. After finalizing her obligations to her hus band's estate, Margaret may have left Frederick County with her son, Jacob Brake Sr. and sett led on the South Branch. In November of 1767 a Margaretha Brechtel is recorded on a list of c ommunicants from the South Branch in the records of the Evangelical Reformed Church of Freder ick,MD.[3]
[1]Frederick Co. Will Bk:3, p. 50.
[2]No one listed on the original.
[3]Armstrong, David, he cites Hinke, William J., p.384.
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