What Happened What Happened to Conneaut Lake Ferry Tales?
OK, so things have changed a little.

I'm not going to lie to you. Not even gonna fib. I had to change the web site 'cause these space aliens said that if I didn't, they'd destroy the Earth. Honest. That's what happened. Their flying saucer was green with red lights. It went  BEEP~BEEP~BEEP!


Well, so, maybe that isn't exactly what happened.... The fact is that it was time to shut down the web site. It had been more than two years since the last update (an internet eternity) and I had no plans to continue the work. It was fun while it lasted, but it's time for us to move on.

Geeze, I feel like I'm dumping a sweetheart (not that I ever did that, of course).

Still, I respect you too much to leave you hanging. I've placed the original web site AND an electronic copy of my book Sailing Through Time on a CD. I feel sorta crummy about asking you to pay for it, but I can't just give the doggone things away.

The space aliens won't let me.

And that's the truth.

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