The work on this page is comming to an end. I have heard rumors about two more burial sits but haven't had time to check them out. If you know of any other burial sites in Tyler County, please let me know. As of November 9, 2003 there are 133 burial sites listed with over 17,400 individual listings in these pages.
I would like to thank all of the people who have assisted me with these pages and give a special thanks to Steve McAnarney for his assistance in locating and recording some of these cemeteries.
Alf Smith Cemetery
Go 4.3 miles south of Middlebourne on State Rt. 18. The cemetery is located in view of Rt. 18 at the intersection with the Muddy Creek Road. This cemetery is well taken care of.
GPS Location
39 28 33 N
80 50 36 W
Alvy Church of Christ Cemetery
Go 6.8 miles south of Middlebourne on State Rt. 18, turn left on Indian Creek Road (County Rt.13) for 9.1 miles to the Alvy Church of Christ. The cemetery is up on the bank behind the church.
GPS Location
39 26 48 N
80 41 53 W
Anderson Cemetery
Located 2.2 miles from State Route 18 on the Muddy Creek Road (County Route 18/17). The cemetery is about 100 yards up on the hill to the left of the road at the creek crossing. It is located in the woods and is not cared for.
GPS Location
39 28 35 N
80 49 00 W
Ankrom Cemetery
A small family cemetery with just three marked graves in the woods, on top of the hill, about 700 yards behind the Tyler Consolidated High School/Middle School, North of Middlebourne on State Route 18.
GPS Location
39 31 18 N
80 54 01 W
Archers Chapel Cemetery
From just North of Middlebourne on State Rt.18, turn onto the Sellers Road (County Route 24)and go 3.5 miles to County Route 10/1 turn right and go .6 miles to Archers Chapel Church. The cemetery is located behind the church. It is a well kept cemetery.
GPS Location
39 29 40 N
80 56 37 W
Ash Cemetery
A small cemetery with just six marked graves. Located about 100 yards of the right side of the road 9.8 miles from State Route 18 at Blue on the Indian Creek Road (County Route 13).
GPS Location
39 26 55 N
80 41 02 W
Atwood Cemetery
The Cemetery is Located 1100 feet West of the intersection of County Routes 50 and 44 at Atwood. It can be seen by looking over the house and garage at the end of the point. A small cemetery that is well taken care of. There are a few unmarked graves and a few marked with fieldstones.
GPS Location
39 30 36 N
80 44 45 W
Bailey Cemetery
From Middlebourne go south on State Route 18 for 6.8 miles, turn left on Indian Creek Road (County Rt.13) for 1.1 miles then left on Big Run Road (County Rt.40) for 2.7 miles. Cemetery is on the left and not visible from road. This cemetery is not very well taken care of.
GPS Location
39 28 32 N
80 47 02 W
Baker Cemetery
From State Route 180 turn onto the Ten Mile Road. Go .5 miles. The cemetery is located about 300 yards up an old logging road on the left. This cemetery is not being very well taken care of. There appears to be several other unmarked graves.
GPS Location
39 33 27 N
80 52 28 W
Ball Cemetery
A small well kept cemetery on the left side of the Indian Creek Road. Located about 100 yards off the road, 9.8 miles from State Route 18 at Blue on the Indian Creek Road (County Route 13). There are 3 graves marked with field stones.
GPS Location
39 27 02 N
80 41 12 W
Ball Cemetery #2
Located about 10.3 miles fron State Route 18 at Blue on the Indaian Creek Road. It is up a run to the left about .2 miles then up on the hill to the left for about .3 miles.
GPS Location
39 27 26 N
80 41 06 W
Beechwood Cemetery A-G
Beechwood Cemetery H-P
Beechwood Cemetery R-S
Beechwood Cemetery T-Z
Located on West Virginia State Route 18 at the Mt. Moriah Church in Centerville. It is a large well kept cemetery.
GPS Location
39 25 47 N
80 50 04 W
Bennett Cemetery
Located 3.5 miles from State Route 18 on the Muddy Creek Road (County Route 18/17) to a walking or ATV trail, then .7 miles left on the trail. It is located in the woods to the right of the trail, it is partially fenced and cleaned up once or twice a year.
GPS Location
39 29 56 N
80 48 10 W
Big Run Cemetery
From Middlebourne go south on State Route 18 for 6.8 miles, turn left on Indian Creek Road (County Rt.13) for 1.1 miles then left on Big Run Road (County Rt.40) for 2.1 miles. Cemetery is on right and visible from road. A well kept cemetery.
GPS Location
39 27 48 N
80 47 19 W
Bowser Cemetery
From WV State Route 180 turn onto the Ten Mile / Wolf Pen Road (County Route 32). Go 1.4 miles to the Lynn Camp Road (County Route 32/1), turn left and go .6 miles. The cemetery is located on the left about 250 yards up the hill on an old logging road. The cemetery is completly overgrown.
GPS Location
39 33 52 N
80 51 31 W
Boyles Cemetery
From State Route 2 just south of Sistersville, turn on Cow House Run Road. Go 3.0 miles. There is an old road on the right that is for four wheel drive only or walking. The cemetery is about 200 yards from the paved road. A small, fenced well kept cemetery. There are a few stones that are unreadable and a few unmarked graves.
GPS Location
39 31 12 N
80 59 10 W
Brush Run Cemetery
Located approximately 3/4 mile from Hebron on the McKim Creek Road (County Route 6/3). Turn right on the Brush Run Road (County Route 6/5) for approximately 1/2 mile. Turn left up the hill to the cemetery. May also be known as the Brush Run Church of Christ Cemetery. The Church is still standing, but is in poor condition. The cemetery is fenced and well taken care of.
GPS Location
39 21 37 N
81 00 01 W
Cedar Grove Cemetery
Located on State Route 23, just East of Shirley, 7.5 miles from the intersection of Routes 18 and 23. This cemetery is in fairly good shape. There are some tombstones that are upset and a few that are unreadable.
GPS Location
39 24 00 N
80 44 42 W
Christen Cemetery
Also known as the Summers Cemetry. From the intersection of State Routes 18 and 180, go .5 miles north on 180 to the Ralph Koontz farm. The cemetery is located 1.3 miles from Rt. 180 on a Privet road on the Koontz Farm. The cemetery is well mainained by the Koontz family.
GPS Location
39 33 21 N
80 53 44 W
Clayton Ash Cemetery
Located on the Wick Road (County Rt. 7) about 6 miles from Middlebourne on the right. It is not visible from the road It is fairly well kept.
GPS Location
39 26 34 N
80 55 15 W
Cordes Cemetery
Located off of West Virginia Route 74 on Ritchie County Route 2, then up the Stull Hill Road (Tyler County Route 30/3) then Rose Run Road (Tyler County Route 20/3). The cemetery is about 250 yards up the hill to the North of a restored log cabin. It is overgrown and very hard to find.
GPS Location
39 23 33 N
80 55 26 W
Craig Cemetery
From the intersection of State Route 2 and County Route 6 at Friendly. Turn on County Route 6 and go 7.8 miles to Little, stay on Route 6, then bear right on County Route 4 across the Shiloh Bridge. Turn right and go about .5 miles, turn up a hill and go about .25 miles. This cemetery is located on the Thorn property and is kept up. There are some stones that are unreadable and 5 marked with fieldstones.
GPS Location
39 27 21 N
81 01 04 W
Davis Cemetery
From West Virginia Route 180 turn onto Buck Run Road, go .7 miles, turn left onto Willow Fork Road. Go 2.2 miles to where the road dead ends. The cemetery is located up the hill about 100 yards to the right of the road. It is fenced and has been cleaned up in the past few years.
GPS Location
39 33 44 N
80 55 44 W
George W. Easter Grave
Located 8.2 miles from State Route 18 on Indian Creek Road. The grave is located just above the road and is the only grave there.
GPS Location
39 26 35 N
80 42 40 W
Elk Fork Cemetery
Located 1.9 miles from State Rt. 180 on the Elk Fork Road (County Rt. 11). The cemetery is on the left side of the road, up a driveway for about 100 yrads. There are a few stones that are unreadable and several graves marked with field stones. A small, fenced and well kept cemetery.
GPS Location
39 31 50 N
80 51 43 W
Evans Cemetery
Located on the Tyler County / Wetzel County Line. From State Route 180 in Wetzel County turn onto the Paden Fork Road and go 1.1 miles, turn left onto Gamble Run, go about .25 miles. The cemetery is located on the left across Gamble Run and up the hill about 125 yards. It is unfenced and in a pasture field that is in use. There are several unmarked graves, some marked with field stones and there are some markers that have upset and are lying face down and cannot be read. There are also a few unreadable markers.
GPS Location
39 35 29 N
80 54 48 W
Fairview (Williamson) Cemetery at Friendly
Located .3 miles from State Rt. 2 at Friendly on County Rt. 6, just at the top of the hill on the right. A small well kept cemetery.
GPS Location
39 30 53 N
81 03 39 W
Fairview Cemetery on Rush Fork
Located on Rush Fork Road about 2.3 miles from Wick. A small well kept cemetery. You have to walk about 200 yards up the hill. There are a few stones that are unreadable.
GPS Location
39 26 12 N
80 59 16 W
Fairview Cemetery #1
From Alma the cemetery is located about 3.8 miles from State Rt. 18 on the Conaway Run Road (County Route 48) at its intersection with County Routes 30/1, 30/2. The Cemetery is located on the same side of the road as the Fairview Church and is well taken care of. This is the newer of the two cemeteries located at the church.
GPS Location
39 25 06 N
80 53 19 W
Fairview Cemetery #2
From Alma the cemetery is located about 3.8 miles from State Rt. 18 on the Conaway Run Road (County Route 48) at its intersection with County Routes 30/1, 30/2. The Cemetery is located across the road from the Fairview Church and is well taken care of. This is the older of the two cemeteries located at the church.
GPS Location
39 25 06 N
80 53 14 W
Falls Mills Cemetery
From the United Methodist Church at Little continue South on County Route 6 for 1.5 miles, turn left on County Route 14/4 for 1.2 miles to a sharp left turn in the road. There is a grassed over road going to the right that can be walked or traveled with an ATV. The cemetery is located on the left about 350 yards out this road. This cemetery is fenced and well taken care of. There are at least 4 unmarked graves located here.
GPS Location
39 26 48 N
81 00 33 W
Fetty Cemetery
From State Route 2 just south of Sistersville, turn on Cow House Run Road. Go 4.2 miles on Cow House Run Road to the old Adonis Road, then .4 miles on the Adonis Road. The cemetery is located about 100 yards to the right of the road. It is fenced and well taken care of.
GPS Location
39 30 25 N
80 58 50 W
Five Oaks Cemetery
Go 6.8 miles south of Middlebourne on State Rt. 18, turn left on Indian Creek Road (County Rt.13) for 9.1 miles, turn left at the Alvy Church of Christ. Go .3 miles. The cemetery is across a small run up on the bank. There are a few unmarked graves and a few marked with field stones. A small fairly well kept cemetery.
GPS Location
39 26 54 N
80 42 01 W
Fletcher Cemetery
Located about 1.5 miles off Route 18 at Alma on Klondike Road. A small fairly well kept cemetery
GPS Location
39 27 09 N
80 52 20 W
Fluharty Cemetery
From Blue turn off of State Route 18 onto the Indian Creek Road (County Rt. 13), go 9.1 miles to Alvy. Turn left on Stackpole Run, go .8 miles then turn right on Lefthand Fork. Then about 2.6 miles the last part of which is through a field to the edge of the woods.
GPS Location
39 28 35 N
80 40 31 W
Freeland Cemetery
Located on Freeland Run off of the Wick Road (County Rt. 7) going from Middlebourne. Not very well kept. You have to walk about 1 mile to get to cemetery, unless you have a four wheel drive vehicle, even with a 4X4 you still have to walk the last 1/4 of a mile.
Friendly Cemetery A-F
Friendly Cemetery G-R
Friendly Cemetery S-Z
Located on the north side of County Route 6 about .5 miles from the Intersection of State Route 2 and County Route 6 at Friendly. This cemetery is well taken care of. There are some graves in the corner of this cemetery that were relocated here during a road project near the Intersection of State Routes 2 and 18.
GPS Location
39 30 53 N
81 03 16 W
Garrett Cemetery
Located on County Route 28/1, approximately 1/2 mile from the intersection of 28/1 and Eight Mile Ridge Road (County Route 46). This cemetery is very well taken care of and has a lot of graves graves with unreadable markers.
GPS Location
39 31 29 N
80 45 46 W
Gorrell Cemetery
Take the Wick Road (County Rt. 7) from Middlebourne to Meadville. From the bridge in Meadville there is a lane that goes up the hill to the cemetery. A small well kept cemetery. There are a few stones that are unreadable and several unmarked graves.
GPS Location
39 24 32 N
81 00 24 W
Grandon Cemetery
I have been told that this is the correct name for this cemetery although the Surname of Grandon is not on any of the markers. From Middlebourne go 4.2 miles north on State Route 18, turn right on Dry Run Road (County Rt.18/5) go 2.5 miles, to the intersection with the Badger Run Road. The cemetery is located about .6 miles to the south of the intersection back on the hill. There are several graves marked with field stones and a few that are unmarked. You either have to walk all of the way or you can use an ATV for most of the trip. The cemetery is located in the woods and is completly overgrown.
GPS Location
39 32 55 N
80 56 11 W
Gray Cemetery
Located on Eight Mile Ridge, approximately 1/2 mile from the intersection with Kingsley Ridge. It is about 450 feet from the road on the East side of the road. It is a small, well kept cemetery with several unmarked graves.
GPS Location
39 29 05 N
80 44 29 W
Greenwood Cemetery A-C
Greenwood Cemetery D-H
Greenwood Cemetery I-M
Greenwood Cemetery N-S
Greenwood Cemetery T-Z
From State Route 18 north of Sistersville go 1.2 miles on Old Route 18, or from State Route 2 in Sistersville go 1.7 miles on Old Route 18. The cemetery is located on top of the hill. A very well kept cemetery and the largest in the county.
GPS Location
39 33 15 N
80 58 44 W
Grim Cemetery
A Family cemetery with just one marked grave. There are several other unmarked graves. Located up Pyles Run from Bearsville.
GPS Location
39 24 06 N
80 53 59 W
Grim #2Cemetery
A Family cemetery with just one marked grave.
Located up Pyles Run from Bearsville.
GPS Location
39 23 50 N
80 53 56 W
Grim #3Cemetery
A Family cemetery with just one marked grave. Located up Pyles Run from Bearsville.
GPS Location
39 23 50 N
80 53 50 W
Hanlin Cemetery
A Family cemetery with just two markers and several graves marked with field stones. Located on Brush Run in the first hollow to the left after you pass the entrance to the Brush Run Cemetery. About 3/4 of a mile up the hollow there is an old barn or shed on the left side. The cemetery is about 150 feet above the barn in the edge of the field. The Cemetery is in poor condition, the markers have fallen over.
GPS Location
39 21 42 N
80 59 15 W
Hartman Cemetery (Family Plot)
From West Virginia Route 180 in Wetzel County, go 1.1 miles on Cider Run Road (County
Route 28/1), the road to the cemetery is on the left and requires a 4-wheel drive vehicle. The cemetery is .4 miles up this road on the right. This cemetery is located in a pasture field and is no longer fenced.
GPS Location
39 35 45 N
80 51 33 W
Andrew Haught Cemetery
From Conaway go 1 mile on Elk Fork Road (County Route 42). This road makes a left turn and at the present time is suitable for ATV traffic only. The main road which is County Route 42/3 continues straight ahead. The cemetery is approximately 500 feet up the ATV road. A small cemetery that is being taken care of.
GPS Location
39 29 53 N
80 45 23 W
Catherine Haught Cemetery
From West Virginia Route 180 turn onto Elk Fork Road.(County Route 11) Go 8.4 miles to Scale Run Road (which is actually still Elk Fork Road), turn left and go 1.6 miles to Eight Mile Ridge Road. Turn right on Eight Mile Ridge Road and go .5 miles to a cabin on the right. From the cabin walk behind the cabin past a barn, just as you pass the barn (about 200 yards) there is a trail off to the left leading down to the cemetery.(about 400 yards) There are several unmarked graves, some marked with field stones and a few that are unreadable. This cemetery has just recently been cleaned up.
GPS Location
39 30 43 N
80 45 03 W
Hays - Williamson Cemetery
Located 1 mile North of Friendly on the East side of Route 2 beside a pond.
GPS Location
39 31 32 N
81 02 48 W
Henderson Cemetery
Located about 1/4 mile off of the Wick Road (County Rt.7) 3/4 of a mile from Middlebourne. A small cemetery with a lot of brush starting to grow.
GPS Location
39 28 37 N
80 53 44 W
Holmes Cemetery
This cemetery is located about 1/2 mile north of County Route 10, .2 miles east of the intersection with County Route 6 at Little. None of the markers were standing as of the date that I recorded this cemetery.
GPS Location
39 29 05 N
80 59 31 W
Horner Cemetery
From West Virginia State Route 18 at Blue go about 9.3 miles on the Indian Creek Road (County Route 13). The cemetery is located about 100 yards up the hill behind the old Alvy School. It is well taken care of and has several unmarked graves. There was one large stome that had fallen over, face down, and could not be read.
GPS Location
39 26 45 N
80 41 31 W
Howard Cemetery
Located on the Helmick farm about 1.3 miles from Middlebourne on the Wick Road (County Rt.7), turn right on a gravel lane, go .4 miles. The cemetery is about 300 yards up a hill on a ridge. It is a very small well kept cemetery.
Jemison Cemetery
Located 3.1 miles from Middlebourne on the Gorrells Run Road. The cemetery is located on the left about 800 yards from the road, above a pasture field in the woods on the Blizzard farm. A very small well kept cemetery.
Kimble Cemetery
Located on Buck Run off of State Route 180. Go 2.4 miles on the Buck Run Road. Cemetery is on the right and can be seen from the road. A well kept cemetery.
GPS Location
39 34 39 N
80 56 01 W
Lawson Chapel Cemetery
Located on Little Sancho Road about 5.4 miles from Middlebourne. A small well kept cemetery behind the old Lawson Chapel Church building.
GPS Location
39 27 13 N
80 56 49 W
Lazear Cemetery
Located on State Route 18 about 3.8 miles North of Middlebourne. A well kept cemetery at the Lazear Chapel Church. It can be seen from the road.
GPS Location
39 31 56 N
80 53 24 W
Lemasters Cemetery
From Blue turn off of State Route 18 onto the Indian Creek Road (County Rt. 13), go 9.1 miles to Alvy. Turn left on Stackpole Run, go .8 miles then turn right on Lefthand Fork. Then about 1.5 miles, the cemetery is located about 250 yards to the left of the road.
GPS Location
39 27 58 N
80 40 58 W
Lemasters (W.S.) Cemetery
From State Route 18 at Blue turn on Indian Creek Road (County Rt.13) for 1.1 miles then left on Big Run Road (County Rt.40) for 5.1 miles. The cemetery is on a knob on the left side of the road about 150 yards from the road. A small well kept cemetery.
GPS Location
39 28 57 N
80 45 07 W
Lewis Cemetery
Located off of County Route 28/1, approximately 1.1 mile from the intersection of 28/1 and Eight Mile Ridge Road (County Route 46). Then left on a privet lane and then a trail for about .5 miles. This cemetery has a few graves marked with fieldstones some unreadable and unmarked graves.
GPS Location
39 31 36 N
80 46 40 W
Lightner Cemetery
A small cemetery that is fairly well kept. Fron State Route 18 just north of Sistersville, turn onto the Smith Ridge Road (County Route 4)and go .6 miles. The cemetery is located on the right about 600 yards from the road.
GPS Location
39 32 20 N
80 59 45 W
Little Cemetery
Located at the Little United Methodist Church in Little. An older well kept cemetery.
GPS Location
39 28 24 N
80 59 45 W
Long Reach Cemetery
Located on State Route 2 approximately 1/2 mile north of the intersection of Bens Run Road. Some of the graves are marked with field stones and some are unreadable. This cemetery is very well taken care of.
GPS Location
39 28 19 N
81 06 14 W
Lyons Cemetery
From West Virginia State Route 18 at Blue, go 13.7 miles on the Indian Creek Road (County Route 13). The cemetery is located on a bank on the left side of the road, it is a small, well kept cemetery that is fenced.
GPS Location
39 27 23 N
80 38 18 W
Main Cemetery
From West Virginia State Route 18 at Blue, go 14 miles on the Indian Creek Road (County Route 13). The cemetery is located on a bank on the left side of the road, it is a well kept cemetery that is fenced. There is one sandstone B.B. D.C. September 8, 1836 aged 40 years. One with 1857 MADBG OC 17 TH 57 in the 78th year of her life. There are about 20 other graves marked with fieldstones.
GPS Location
39 27 28 N
80 39 05 W
Markley Cemetery
From West Virginia State Route 2 south of Sistersville, turn onto County Route 6. Go 2.9 miles and turn left on Buffalo Run Road. Go .5 miles to the forks and stay to the right. Go another .9 miles. The Cemetery is lacated about 250 yards up the hill on the left side of the road. It is in the edge of the woods by an old meadow. It has been cleaned up and is in decent shape.
GPS Location
39 31 15 N
81 01 04 W
McIntyre Cemetery
From West Virginia State Route 18 at Blue, go 10.5 miles on the Indian Creek Road (County Route 13). Just above Alvy turn right on Sunfish Run Road, go about 1.3 miles.
GPS Location
39 26 26 N
80 39 50 W
McKim Cemetery
From Wick turn across the bridge on County Route 6 and go 1.2 miles, at the forks bear left on County Route 22 for 2.3 miles. Turn left across the cement bridge and go .2 miles on County Route 20/2, turn left through the gate up the hill to the cemetery. This cemetery is fenced and fairly well kept. There are 12 graves marked with field stones.
GPS Location
39 22 51 N
80 57 30 W
Mercer Cemetery
This cemetery is located on Wolf Pen Road. From West Virginia Route 180 in Tyler County, turn on the Ten Mile / Wolf Pen Road, go 1.4 miles, turn right on the Wolf Pen Road and go .9 miles. The cemetery is about 200 yards up the hill road to the left.
GPS Location
39 33 21 N
80 50 34 W
Middlebourne Cemetery A-F
Middlebourne Cemetery G-L
Middlebourne Cemetery M-R
Middlebourne Cemetery S-Z
This cemetery is located on the northern side of Middlebourne, along both sides of West Virginia State Route 18.
GPS Location
39 29 54 N
80 54 04 W
Middlefork Cemetery
From Porters Falls on State Route 20 in Wetzel County, turn on County Route 20/1 go 3.6 miles, to the end of the blacktop, then bear right on the Tyler / Wetzel Ridge Road and go .3 miles. The Church and cemetery are located on the right side of the road.
GPS Location
39 32 56 N
80 47 14 W
Moore Cemetery
From State Rt. 2 at the south end of Sistersville, turn on Narrows Run Road (County Rt. 2/2. Go 2.6 miles to a lane on the right. It is about 1 mile from this lane that you either have to walk or ride an ATV. It is a small cemetery that is hard to find and completely overgrown with brush. There are some stones that are unreadable and some unmarked graves.
Moore Cemetery #2
Located near the intersection of County Route 6 and County Route 10 at Little. All of the Tombstones are neatly stacked on a concrete bench at the origional cemetery site. This information was taken from a Tyler County Cemetery Book by Frances Weekley. Used with permission.
GPS Location
39 28 44 N
80 59 43 W
Morgan Cemetery
From West Virginia State Route 18 at Blue, go 14.3 miles on the Indian Creek Road (County Route 13). At the Mount Zion Church (located at the intersection of Indian Creek, Franks Run and Broad Run)turn right on the Broad Run Road and go .3 miles, turn right on the lane to the cemetery. The cemetery is about 100 yards from the Broad Run Road. This is a well kept cemetery.
GPS Location
39 26 51 N
80 37 23 W
Morgan #2 Cemetery
From Meadville the cemetery is located .5 miles on the Jemison Hill Road (County Route 7/2) on the right side of the road, in a hay field. All three markers are upset.
GPS Location
39 24 14 N
81 00 17 W
Morgan #3 Cemetery
From State Route 18 just North of Middlebourne, turn onto Sellers Road (County Route 24) and go 6.9 miles, turn left onto the Sheets Run Road (County Route 14) go 1.4 miles. The cemetery is located on the left about 125 yards off the road. It is in the woods but is in good shape.
GPS Location
39 28 11 N
81 01 17 W
Mount Aris Cemetery
Located about 5.2 miles south of Middlebourne on Route 18. A small well kept cemetery.
GPS Location
39 27 52 N
80 50 22 W
Mount Hope Cemetery
From WV State Route 180 in Wetzel County go 1.6 miles on the Cider Run Road (County Route 28/1), turn left at the top of the hill on Lynn Camp Road for .1 miles. The cemetery is on the right. A fenced and well kept cemetery.
GPS Location
39 35 17 N
80 51 27 W
Mount Nebo Cemetery
Located approximately 500 feet west of the intersection of Kingsley Ridge (County Route 34) and Muddy Creek (County Route 38). 8.1 miles from Middlebourne on the Gorrels Run Road and Kingsley Ridge Road. Fenced and well taken care of.
GPS Location
39 29 46 N
80 47 00 W
Mount Pleasant Longs Cemetery
From Middlebourne go 7.2 miles on the Wick Road (County Route 7). The cemetery is located behind the church on the right side of the road. It is fenced and well taken care of.
GPS Location
39 25 14 N
80 56 44 W
Mount Zion Cemetery
From the south end of New Martinsville turn East on Central Street, go one block and turn right on Wetzel County Route 30, it turns into Tyler County Route 28/1 for 4.7 miles to an old Church on the left, turn left up the hill for .1 miles. The cemetery is on the right. A fenced and well kept cemetery. This cemetery is located on the Wetzel County / Tyler County line.
GPS Location
39 34 53 N
80 50 15 W
Mount Zion Cemetery (On Indian Creek)
From West Virginia State Route 18 at Blue, go 14.3 miles on the Indian Creek Road (County Route 13). The cemetery is located behind the church at the intersection of Indian Creek, Franks Run and Broad Run. It is a well kept cemetery that is fenced.
GPS Location
39 26 56 N
80 37 14 W
Murphy Cemetery
Located on State Route 23, just East of Shirley, 7.5 miles from the intersection of Routes 18 and 23. This cemetery is located at the corner of the Cedar Grove Cemetery, it is fenced and well taken care of.
GPS Location
39 24 00 N
80 44 42 W
Sharon J. Nice Grave
Located on McIntyre Fork of Indian Creek. Go .7 miles up Mcintyre Fork. The grave is located about .1 miles from the road behind a cabin on the right.
GPS Location
39 26 15 N
80 41 13 W
Oak Grove Church Cemetery
From the intersection of State Routes 18 and 2 at Sistersville. Go south on Rt. 2 for 5.9 miles, turn left on the Wells Hill Road. Go 2.6 miles, the Cemetery is on the right. A small well kept cemetery at the old Oak Grove Church. The church is no longer used and is in sad shape.
GPS Location
39 28 50 N
81 02 57 W
Oak Grove Cemetery #2
From the intersection of State Routes 18 and 2 at Sistersville. Go south on Rt. 2 for 5.9 miles, turn left on the Wells Hill Road. Go 2.8 miles, the Cemetery is on the left. A small well kept cemetery.
GPS Location
39 29 02 N
81 02 48 W
Oak Grove Cemetery #3
Located on the Tyler - Ritchie County Line at the intersection of County Roads 74/9 and 56/4.
GPS Location
39 18 44 N
80 53 15 W
Oakwood Cemetery A-H
Oakwood Cemetery I-Q
Oakwood Cemetery R-Z
Located in Sistersville approximately 1/2 mile from State Route 2 on Cemetery Hill Road. There are a lot of unmarked graves and some vandalism. It is very well taken care of. It is supposed to be the oldest cemetery in the area.
GPS Location
39 33 50 N
80 59 22 W
Old Smith Cemetery
Located on the Wick Road (County Rt.7) about 3.1 miles from Middlebourne. This Cemetery is about 250 yards to the left of the Smith Cemetery on a knoll in the woods. I hasn't been taken care of for several years. There are several stones that are broken and unreadable.
GPS Location
39 27 23 N
80 54 59 W
Parks Cemetery
From West Virginia Route 180 turn onto Elk Fork Road.(County Route 11) Go 8.4 miles to Scale Run Road (which is actually still Elk Fork Road), turn left and go 1.6 miles to Eight Mile Ridge Road. Turn right on Eight Mile Ridge Road and go 1.8 miles to a gravel lane, turn right, the Cemetery is .6 miles at the end of the road. This cemetery is fenced and very well maintained.
GPS Location
39 29 48 N
80 44 46 W
Peoples Cemetery
Located beside a barn on State Route 18 at Pursley, .2 miles North of the intersection of Rt. 18 and Badger Run Raod 18/2. A small cemetery with a 4 foot block wall around it. It has a lot of briars and small trees growing in it.
GPS Location
39 32 11 N
80 56 45 W
Pierpoint Cemetery
Located about 7/10 of a mile off Route 18 at Alma on Klondike Road. A small well kept cemetery.
GPS Location
39 26 16 N
80 50 43 W
Polly Archer Cemetery
From Middlebourne go North on State Route 18 for .4 miles, turn left onto the Sellers Road (Co. Rt. 24) go 3.1 miles, turn right onto Co. Rt. 10/1 for .7 miles. The Cemetery is located on the right, out in a field about 300 yards away from the Archers Chapel Cemetery. Access is by the driveway beside a large dairy barn. The Cemetery is fenced and well maintained.
GPS Location
39 29 50 N
80 56 39 W
Pursley Cemetery
Located on the hill across State Rt. 18 from the church in Pursley. This cemetery is starting to become overgrown.
GPS Location
39 32 13 N
80 57 16 W
Rice Cemetery (Family Plot)
From the intersection of State Route 18 and old Route 18 near Sistersville, go .2 mile south on State 18 to a driveway. The plot is located 1.1 miles back on the hill on a privet road. There are four or more graves here but only two with a marker. The graves are located in the edge of the woods, the one tombsotne that is here is leaning on a large oak tree.
GPS Location
39 32 54 N
80 56 56 W
Ripley Chapel Cemetery
Located in Alma on the Conaway Run Road. There is only one grave located here.
Salisburry Cemetery
A very small cemetery that has been cleaned up in the past few years. From State Route 2 in Sistersville, turn onto Old WV Route 18. Go 1.3 miles, turn left on a gravel lane (keep bearing left) and go .2 miles. The cemetery is located about 250 yards into the woods on the left side of a path going to a small cabin.
GPS Location
39 33 22 N
80 58 56 W
Sandy Cemetery
A small cemetery that has been taken care of. From Middlebourne, go south on State Route 18 to State Route 23. Go 6.3 miles to on route 23 to Shirley then turn on Sandy Run Road and go 1.6 miles. The cemetery is up on the bank to the right about 300 yards from the road.
GPS Location
39 22 41 N
80 46 17 W
Seckman Cemetery (Family Plot)
From the intersection of State Route 18 and State Route 23 at Tyler City, go 1.25 miles on Route 23 to a low water bridge crossing McElroy Creek. The cemetery is approximately 800 feet from the bridge, on the low ridge to the left. This cemetery is fenced but not being taken care of. The headstones are standing up against several trees.
GPS Location
39 25 26 N
80 48 31 W
Shirley Cemetery A-P
Shirley Cemetery R-W
From the intersection of State Routes 18 abd 23, go 6.3 miles on Route 23 to Shirley, turn right and cross the bridge then left to the church and cemetery. This is a very well kept cemetery.
GPS Location
39 23 45 N
80 45 54 W
Shreves Cemetery
From State Route 2 just south of Sistersville, turn onto Cowhouse Run Road (County Rt. 3)Go 1.9 miles, at the top of the hill turn right on a gravel road for 1.1 miles. Turn left at the forks and go .3 miles. The cemetery is on the left about 200 yards from the road. A small, fenced, well kept cemetery.
GPS Location
39 31 45 N
81 00 45 W
Abraham Shriver Family Cemetery
From Wick go approximately .7 miles on the Rush Fork Road, turn right onto the Dudley Hill Road (County Route 6/4)and go approximately 1/2 mile. The cemetery is lacated on the right side, on a knoll, about 375 feet from the road at the intersection of two meadows. It is overgrown at this time.
GPS Location
39 25 45 N
80 58 30 W
Simpson Cemetery
From State Route 180, turn onto the Elk Fork Road, (County Route 11) go 5.7 miles. Turn left and go .1 miles up the hill to the cemetery. This is a well kept cemetry with a few unmarked graves and some unreadable stones.
GPS Location
39 31 42 N
80 49 27 W
Sine Cemetery
From State Route 2 just south of Sistersville, turn onto Cow House Run Road and go 3.1 miles. The cemetery is located about 200 yards to the left of the road on the point overlooking the road. It can not be seen from the road. It is locaetd in the woods and is unkept but in good shape.
GPS Location
39 31 03 N
80 59 02 W
Singer Cemetery
From the Fairview Church in Wilbur, turn down the Singer Hill Road. Go 1 mile, it is locaetd on the right about 50 yards into the woods and is unkept but in good shape.
GPS Location
39 21 32 N
80 48 29 W
Slider Cemetery
This cemetery may also be refered to as the Ice Cemetery. Located about .7 mile off of State Route 180 on Buck Run. A lane turns to the right then it is about 3/4 of a mile back on the hill in the woods. This cemetery has not been taken care of for years.
Smith Cemetery
Located on the Wick Road (County Rt. 7) about 3.1 miles from Middlebourne. A well kept cemetery about 300 yards off of paved road. See also the Old Smith Cemetery.
GPS Location
39 27 27 N
80 54 53 W
Smith Ridge Cemetery
From the intersection of State Routes 2 and 18, go south on 18 for 1.1 miles. Turn right on Smith Ridge Road (County Rt. 4). Go .8 miles, the cemetery is on the left. A small fenced cemetery that is well cared for.
GPS Location
39 32 08 N
80 59 15 W
Spring Hill Cemetery A-E
Spring Hill Cemetery F-L
Spring Hill Cemetery M-R
Spring Hill Cemetery S-Z
This cemetery is very well kept and contained over 650 graves at the time of recording and is located at the Riggs Memorial Church on State Route 18, 3.9 miles south of Alma at Joseph's Mills. It can be seen from the road.
GPS Location
39 23 11 N
80 52 05 W
Statler Cemetery (Family Plot)
From the bridge in Meadville, turn on the Rock Run Road (County Route 7/5), go .9 miles. The Cemetery is about 350 yards to the right of the road.
GPS Location
39 25 10 N
81 00 02 W
Stealey Cemetery
Located behind the old Tyler County High School in Middlebourne. An old cemetery, with some markers unreadable.
GPS Location
39 29 28 N
80 54 20 W
Sturm Cemetery (Family Plot)
At the upper forks of Daniel Run, approximately 1.1 miles from Conaway on County Route 42/1.
GPS Location
39 30 35 N
80 44 57 W
Talkington Cemetery
From State Route 18 at Blue turn onto Indian Creek Road (County Route 13)and go 7 miles. The Cemetery is on the left about 200 yards up the hill from the road alongside a right of way, it is fenced but has not been mowed for some time.
GPS Location
39 26 33 N
80 43 58 W
Tennant Cemetery or Rawley Lemasters Cemetery
Located on the Lemasters Branch of Walnut Fork. From a low gap of Big Run near Link walk down the old county road for approximately 1/2 mile. The cemetery is located on the left at the junction with Matthews run. It is not very well taken care of but some care is given every year. There are over twenty graves that are unmarked or marked with fieldstones.
GPS Location
39 28 44 N
80 44 47 W
Travis Cemetery
Located on a knob on the ridge between Ten Mile and WV Route 180. From WV State Route 180 in Wetzel County go 1.6 miles on the Cider Run Road (County Route 28/1), turn right on the Lynn Camp Road (County Route 32/1). Go.3 miles. There is a trail going south, follow this trail for .9 miles. There are a few graves with unreadable markers.
GPS Location
39 34 39 N
80 52 17 W
Tustin Family Cemetery
Located on Walnut Fork, approximately 3/4 mile above thr Walnut Fork Church. On the right side of a gas line right-of-way and about 100 yards from where it intersects the hollow. It is a small familt cemetery that is probably being mowed several times a year. Some graves are marked with field stones.
GPS Location
39 28 56 N
80 43 46 W
Tuttle Cemetery
From Middlebourne go 4.2 miles north on State Route 18, turn right on Dry Run Road (County Rt.18/5) go 1.8 miles, the cemetery is located on the right. A fenced and very well kept cemetery.
GPS Location
39 33 00 N
80 55 22 W
Tyler County Home Cemetery
Located 4 miles south of Middlebourne, on the hill across West Virginia State Route 18 from the Old County Home.
GPS Location
39 28 39 N
80 51 37 W
Underwood Cemetery
From State Route 18 at Tyler, turn onto State Route 23 south. Go 6.8 miles, the cemetery is on the right just as you are leaving Shirley. This is a well kept cemetery.
GPS Location
39 23 50 N
80 45 17 W
Underwood Cemetery #2
From State Route 18 at Tyler, turn onto State Route 23 south. Go 3.6 miles, the cemetery is across a bridge and up on the hill. It is approximately 500 yards from Route 23. There are several graves marked with field stones. It is fenced and well taken care of.
GPS Location
39 24 33 N
80 47 41 W
Victory Cemetery A-G
Victory Cemetery H-S
Victory Cemetery T-Z
When this cemetery was established it was known as the Booher Cemetery. In 1893 it became the Victory Cemetery. A well kept cemetery. There are some unmarked graves and 25 are marked with field stones. Go 6.8 miles south of Middlebourne on State Rt. 18, turn left on Indian Creek Road (County Rt.13) for 4.6 miles Cemetery is on right, across a bridge and visible from road.
GPS Location
39 26 43 N
80 46 01 W
Walnut Fork Cemetery
An older cemetery that is still in use and well taken care of. There are a few markers that are unreadable and over 20 graves marked with field stones. From State Route 18 at Blue turn onto Indian Creek Road (County Route 13). Go 6.2 miles and turn left onto the Walnut Fork Road, Go 2.5 miles. Turn right on a gravel road and through a creek crossing. The cemetery is visible from this intersection.
GPS Location
39 28 05 N
80 44 07 W
Watts Cemetery
From West Virginia State Route 18 at Blue, go 9.5 miles on the Indian Creek Road (County Route 13). At Alvy turn right on McIntyre Fork Road, go about .7 miles. The Cemetery is about 400 feet to the left above the road.
GPS Location
39 26 33 N
80 40 51 W
Wells Cemetery
A well kept cemetery located about 2 tenths of a mile from Middlebourne on the Gorrells Run Road. There are a few markers made of field stone that are unreadable.
GPS Location
39 29 48 N
80 53 51 W
Wells Family Cemetery
Located behind the Sistersville General Hospital. A small well kept cemetery.
GPS Location
39 33 28 N
81 00 24 W
Wells Cemetery #2
From State Route 2 just south of Sistersville, turn on Cow House Run Road. Go 4.2 miles on Cow House Run Road to the old Adonis Road, then left .5 miles on the Adonis Road. The cemetery is
located on the Sprig Smith property about 1000 yards from the road. There are several unmarked graves and several marked with fieldstones. The cemetery is badly overgrown.
GPS Location
39 30 12 N
80 58 39 W
White Cemetery
From State Route 18 at Blue turn onto Indian Creek Road (County Route 13)and go 7.4 miles. There is a gravel road behind a gate that leads up the hill to the cemetery. The cemetery is located about .2 miles from the gate. The road requires a truck or ATV as it is very steep.
GPS Location
39 26 29 N
80 43 36 W
Wick Cemetery
From Middlebourne, go 8.9 miles on the Wick Road (County Route 7), turn left across the bridge and go .1 miles. The cemetery is located on the hill behind the Wick United Methodist Church. It is fenced and fairly well taken care of.
GPS Location
39 24 41 N
80 58 31 W
Wilbur Cemetery A-F
Wilbur Cemetery G-P
Wilbur Cemetery Q-Z
From State Route 18 between Tyler and Alma, turn onto Jefferson Run Road (County Route 58). Go 4.5 miles to the cemetery. This cemetery is fenced and well taken care of. There are some graves marked with field stones and one stone that has fallen over on its face that I couldn't read.
GPS Location
39 22 42 N
80 49 30 W
Williamson Cemetery
From State Rt. 2 in Friendly, turn on County Rt. 6 for 1.3 miles, then right on Rippentuck Road, County 6/1 for .2 miles, then right back a lane for .2 miles. A small well kept cemetery.
GPS Location
39 30 21 N
81 03 06 W
William Wells Grave
Located in the side lawn of the Old Stone House in Tyler City.
GPS Location
39 26 05 N
80 49 29 W
Zion Church Cemetery
Located on the Friendly Road (County Route 6) at the Zion United Methodist Church. There are several missing tombstones, broken tombstones and unmarked graves.
GPS Location
39 30 35 N
81 02 41 W

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This Page Was Created
February 15, 1999 and last updated November 9, 2003.
Guest Book added September 16, 1999.