SEARCHABLE SHAREWARE LIBRARIESC/Net's Virtual Software library boasts over 130,000 software files available from the 22 largest shareware and freeware archives on the Internet. THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS SOFTWARE ARCHIVES Powerful microcomputer search through the Computing and Communications Services Office. Unix, Macintosh, and Windows information can be found through keyword or substring searches (key letters or parts of names) THE M.I.T. INFO-MAC HYPERARCHIVE The Info-Mac HyperArchive at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology provides information on Macintosh products only. Search for keywords in file names and subject lines, by entering one or more words and word fragments (separated by blanks) below. |
Nexor U.K. offers this tool, a single form to search a large number
of different WWW engines for documents, people, software, dictionaries,
and more.
Yahoo is actually a bit more than just a search engin. It acts as something
of a telephone book and subject list with searching capabilities.
Netscape, local search
Our local search engine will accept any word, set of words, or phrases
you might use when speaking or writing. For example, you could search for
"downloading Netscape Navigator 1.1" and the results would include every
page on our site that includes that concept.
Search Gopherspace Using Veronica
a title search and retrieval system for use with the
Internet Gopher.
Gopher n.1.Any of various short tailed burrowing mammals of the family Geomyidae, of North America. 2.(Amer.colloq.) Native or inhabitant of Minnesota: the Gopher State. 3. (Amer.colloq.) One who runs errands, does odd jobs, fetches or delivers documents for office staff. 4.(computer tech.) Software following a simple protocol for tunneling through a TCP/IP internet* Gopher is a system of text based menus (directories) that groups information together by subject rather than by file type, file name, or actual physical location on the Internet.
It offers complete archie-parameter support (even regular expressions)
via a practical user interface, as well as smart, sortable output with
direct hyperlinks to the targets found.
or try:
Netscapes Anonymous FTP site
Open text Index
The Open Text Index finds pages on the World Wide Web by searching
their contents. Like other search engines, the Open Text Index works by
following URLs around the Web, copying in the contents of the pages they
point to, indexing them, and searching through the index.
The largest collection of indexed archived Usenet news anywhere!
It's fast. Searches through mountains of Usenet archives in seconds
to find the information you need.
Gopher Menu
WWWW is a World Wide Web Search Engine which you can use to search
for information of interest worldwide. WWWW allows you to locate almost
any WWW hypertext (text seen underlined in a Web Browser) or WWW information
resource (URL), simply by specifying some keywords. WWWW provides four
types of search databases: citation hypertext, citation addresses (URL),
HTML titles and HTML addresses. The latter two are much smaller databases,
which can therefore be searched faster. For explanation of the terms HTML,
URL and citation see the definitions section below. WWWW provides three
different search techniques for each database: two fast keyword searches
and a much slower regular expression search. In both methods upper case
and lower case letters are not distinguished. Finally WWWW allows you to
specify a limit for the number of matches you wish returned to you (very
useful on slow lines).
Galaxy is a guide to worldwide information and services and is provided
as a public service by TradeWave and Galaxy guest editors.
(lists of topics here)
(search here)
The Whole Internet Catalog
The Whole Internet Catalog (WIC) is a hand-picked collection of the
best sites the Internet has to offer. Each of the 1200 sites in the WIC
has been reviewed and categorized by subject by the WIC editorial team.
If we don't think our users will find a site useful or entertaining, we
don't include it in the catalog.
The Internet Public Library Ready Reference Collection
The IPL Ready Reference Collection is a collection of Internet resources
gathered together with the needs of the Internet community in mind. It
is not intended to be a comprehensive hotlist to all sites on every subject,
but rather an annotated collection, chosen to help answer specific questions
quickly and efficiently. Sources are selected according to ease of use,
quality and quantity of information, frequency of updating, and authoritativeness.
The WWW Virtual Library
This is a distributed subject catalogue. See Overview, Library of Congress
Classification (Experimental), Top Ten most popular Fields (Experimental),
Statistics (Experimental), and Index. See also arrangement by service type
., and other subject catalogues of network information .
RiceInfo collection of "Information by Subject Area"
These directories contain links to resources organized by subject matter.
The resources themselves are scattered all over the Internet
(main page)
( searchable Gopher index)
ALIWEB Search Form
This form queries the ALIWEB database. You can provide multiple search
terms separated by spaces, and the results will be displayed in a best-match
The Internet Sleuth
note that many of the sites listed here have additional fields that
can be set that we have not included. It is always a good idea to check
out the link above the search box to become familiar with the search terms
and other available fields that these sites may offer.
Gopher Search
This is a searchable Gopher index.
Monster FTP Sites List
FTP (File Transfer Protocol) allows a person to transfer files between
two computers, generally connected via the Internet. If your system has
FTP and is connected to the Internet, you can access very large amounts
of files available on a great number of computersystems.
Here you'll find search and retrieve engines, such as Archie, Veronica,
Jughead, the Web Crawler, plus indices, databases, etc. Plus pages with
multiple search forms, and even multiple search devices that will check
several databases at once.
OKRA net. citizens Directory Service
OKRA will help you find email addresses of your friends, organizations
and even your dog (if it uses the net...) Essentially, there are two functions
provided, submitting a query, and performing and add/delete from the database.
Primary differences between this database and most others are that we do
not require any registration for using our service, our data comes from
a variety of differing sources, and of course, we're just college kids.
Netfind Email Address Searches
IWeb Query Form
The IWeb service is just getting started
Willow -- the Washington Information Looker-upper Layered Over Windows
-- is a general purpose information retrieval tool. It provides a single,
easy-to-use graphical user interface to any number of text-based bibliographic
databases. It is fully compatible with the World Wide Web (WWW)
A very persistent program that searches a variety of databases to help
you find someone. Not very easy to use, but it may be easier than looking
through several different white pages servers to find someone.
If you have a hunch someone you know is rolling down the Infobahn,
but you can't locate that person, you might try Four11 Directory Services.
While the Internet has no central directory, Four11 has about 500,000 entries
and a fast, custom database engine for searching. New listings are incorporated
daily. You can search the directory by any combination of first name, last
name, location, and old email address. Four11 is a free service from SLED
Corporation. (Note: New users will have to fill out a brief registration
form before they can search the database.)
Knowbot Information Service
The Knowbot Information Service is a "white pages" service that will
search for a name through a large number of Internet databases. It's a
great way to look up friends and acquaintances. It's not yet as convenient
as it might be, but Knowbots are among the newest and most advanced services
on the Internet; it's worth knowing about them.
(this is a telnet address)
List of Internet Whois Servers
Lists of all of the known whois-style white pages servers on the Internet,
and related information.
LookUP! Directory Services
A Web-based directory of over 600,000 email addresses. Basic searches
are free; advanced features require membership (also free as of June 10,
1995). While the advanced search has some cool features, the basic search
works great for a straightforward name search.
WWWeb to X.500 Gateway
If you need an email address and you know where a person works or goes
to school, the WWWeb to X.500 Gateway at the University of Texas is a great
tool -- as long as you use it properly. The problem is that X.500 is an
email directory protocol that isn't used by everyone on the Net; hence,
many institutions with email access are not included in this directory.
When it comes to navigating the directory, the best strategy is to follow
the geographic and institution links down to the department or division
of the person you're looking for. No matter how tempting, lay off the search
engine until you're completely stuck -- most of the time it's worse than
All the FAQs
A FAQ is the first refuge of an Internet user. There are thousands
of FAQs on as many different subjects, written by longtime users who grew
tired of answering the same questions over and over again. Thomas Fine
has helped provide a better answer to the frequently asked question: how
can I find the FAQ I need? He has created a hypertext database of FAQs
and made them available through Ohio State University.
Usenet Info Center Launch Pad
Formerly called "The Bible of Usenet," this is a comprehensive list
of answers to FAQs about Usenet. The site includes documents for new users
and the Newsgroup Info Center where you can browse the groups by category
or view the master list of Usenet groups. The advanced Usenet Info section
offers tips for creating a new Usenet group with specific sections on alt
USENET Periodic Posting Archives
A repository of the periodic informational postings of the newsgroups.
There is a directory corresponding to each newsgroup name. The directory
contains all regular postings to the newsgroups (including FAQ lists),
as well as many other "general interest" postings that have sprung out
of the newsgroups.
Magellan........... McKinleys Internet Directory
Stanford Netnews Filtering Service (e-mail search service covering
net news) Netnews, or USENET News, is a bulletin board system on the Internet.
It is organized into discussion groups (called newsgroups) covering a wide
variety of topics, e.g., from robotics to video game tips, from food recipes
to politics. Its total readership is in millions and daily traffic in tens
of MBs. One problem with Netnews is the volume and diversity of information.
Our filtering service allows the user to express her interests in finer
granularity (using profiles) than newsgroups, and hopefully can provide
a better match of interests.
Hypertext Webster Interface
This hypertext Webster interface provides a point-and-click client
interface (for non-linemode browsers) for accessing the various Webster's
dictionary services on the Internet.
Free On-Line Dictionaries of Computing
A Better Galaxy Search Engine
The Galaxy uses WAIS technology for searching various indexes. Until
now, the FreeWAIS software we used was ill-suited for searching a really
large index like our Gopherspace - it used way too much computer memory!
We had been forced to limit Gopher searches to keep the Galaxy from imploding.
The Web Press Text Search & Retreival System
The search engine will scan the contents of theweb pages or text files
in the section choosen for all occurances of the keyword and display them
for you in the context ofeach sentenence. Click on the hypertext word list
and you will be shown the web page or text document and the surrounding3000
characters of text around the search word(s). If this is what you are looking
for then click the hypertext again and theentire web page or text document
will be displayed. This is a very powerful tool to search thousands of
Web Press pages, word for word, for keywords of specific or general interest
with minimal navigation. Multiple word searches take longer than single
word searches.
Open Market's Commercial Sites Index.
We list companies, institutions, or organizations with a presence on
the World Wide Web, not individual products or services.
EOL Search Guide
This search engine will search for documents on this server by keyword.
It uses a WAIS indexer and search engine and it's very fast. Also included
are a ready to use subject searches on topics relevant for this server
The Premiere Internet Research Library
The Clearinghouse for Subject-Oriented Internet Resource Guides
Find a Friend (this search service costs $s)
REUNITE with long lost relatives or friends
GET BACK IN TOUCH with research colleagues
FIND college or high school alumni
SEARCH OUT your veteran friends
COLLECT on an old debt
ALL-IN-ONE Search Page
This page is a compilation of various forms-based search tools found
on the Internet. They have been combined here to form a consistent interface
and convenient
SEARCHING Gopher and WWW (lots of good info. here plus links)
Combined and collected search engines
Details about the most important search engines
Robot-based WWW Catalogs
Indexing full document content, more or less
Indexing various elements from the documents
List- and template-based WWW Catalogs
Fee-based search services
Indexes for individual types of Web resources and/or other protocols
Library catalogs (OPACs)
Search for OPACs and connect
Search records from OPACS through HTML Forms
Excite The intelligent way to navaigate the internet*****
(very nice interface, highly useable)
The Art History Research Centre: Search Engines
World Arts Search Form
This is a new searchable index for the arts. We have compiled over
400k of unique arts related URL's world wide. Enter the information that
you are looking for. For example, if you are looking for museum you will
enter museum and the search engine will find all museums that are available.
You can then search the museums index for further information or a particular
museum. You can also enter the artist's name or art gallery that you are
looking for and you should be able to find whatever you are looking for
if it exists on the Internet.
Dow Jones
Dow Jones News/Retrieval is the world's premier online business news
and information service from Dow Jones & Company, Inc. News/Retrieval
offers the most important and prestigious business news available and is
the exclusive provider of the full text of The Wall Street Journal and
the same-day text The New York Times News Service, the Los Angeles Times
and the Financial Times. News/Retrieval has over 265 U.S. regional and
local newspapers, including 8 of the top 10 and 41 of the top 50 in the
United States -- more than any other online service.
Postal Service (search for zip code)
Address Quality & ZIP Code Lookup
Savvy Search
An expieremental search engine
SavvySearch, the premiere Parallel Internet Query Engine. Simply describe
your information need in a Key Word Query and let SavvySearch do the rest.
SavvySearch will act as your intelligent agent to contact multiple Internet
Search Engines, gather information from each source, then return the linked
results. You can fine-tune the defaults in the Expert Options Section.
Use a space to separate terms in your Key Word Query. Good Luck with your
Tribal Voice Search
Native American search engine
USA Reference Desk
USA services and state services
Virtual Reference Desk
Search dictionaries,thesauruses,atlases,phonebooks,etc
Wandex, the World Wide Web Wanderer index
Over 71,000 pages referenced
Open Market's directory of commercial services, products, and information
on the Internet.
World Wide Yellow Pages
where to look for all businesses providing a service.
listings sorted by name
Browse by locations -- listings organized by where a business is located
The List
THE LIST(tm), the world's most comprehensive list of Internet service
providers. It is brought to you by Colossus. Colossus provides web pages
and listservers on the Internet.
good info about searching for data on the net
K.U.Leuven Meta Search Engine
Using this Meta Search search engine different search engines will
be searched with the given keyword. The underlying search engines are consulted
one by one, so it can take some time before the results are ready. First
local indexes will be searched, and as long as there are not a certain
number of matches other search engines will be consulted. If you give more
than one keyword some search engines (which allow only one keyword) will
not be consulted. Some of the consulted search engines are regularly overloaded,
so they will return nothing during some periods. In some cases the results
are reformatted to make the output smaller.
Book Stacks Unlimited, Inc.
"You want books? They got books - and tons of literary info, to boot."
(for more of the same, check out Scribblings). Our Web Bookstore "shelves"
hold over 330,000 titles, and we have lots of other little goodies too.
(Or use our Telnet Bookstore.)
Definition: Jughead gets menu information from gopher servers.
The Internet-tools list is also indexed in the CUI Catalog. This Catalog,
developed by Oscar Nierstrasz (formerly of) the Centre Universitaire d'Informatique
(CUI), l'Universite de Geneve, uses the full-page version of this Internet
Tools list in its search engine (along with other lists). Therefore, you
can use CUI Web Catalog as handy index to quickly find keyword matches
in this document. Caveat: the CUI catalog does not index resources in my
document such as an entry for a paper-based source or a email resource
that does not include a URL.
Definition: Netserv is a server for access to data files and programs
of general interest. Netserv info/EARN: from European Academic Research
Network Association (EARN)