
1. St. Augustine, De Trinitate 1.5, quoted in Garry Wills, Saint Augustine (1999, Viking Penguin, New York), p. xiv.

2. C. J. Peter, "Original Sin," in New Catholic Encyclopedia (1967, McGraw-Hill, New York), vol. 10, p. 776.

3. Henry Denzinger, The Sources of Catholic Dogma, translated by Roy J. Deferrari (1957, B. Herder Book Co., St. Louis), p. 248, par. 792.

4. Stephanus Trooster, S.J., Evolution and the Doctrine of Original Sin (1968, Newman Press, New York/Glen Rock), p. 116.

5. Michael Schmaus, Dogma, Vol. 2 God and Creation (1969, Sheed and Ward, Kansas City), p. 190.

6. Trooster, p. 116.

7. Schmaus, p. 191.

8. Karl Rahner, "Original Sin," in Karl Rahner, editor, Encyclopedia of Theology: The concise Sacramentum Mundi (1982, Crossroad Publishing Co., New York), pp. 1148-1155.

9. Denzinger, p. 247, par. 791.

10. Gabriel Daly, OSA, "Original Sin," in Jos. A. Komonchak, Mary Collins, and Dermot A. Lane, editors, The New Dictionary of Theology (1987, Michael Glazier, Wilmington, Delaware), p.728.

11. Conrad E. L'Heureux, In and Out of Paradise (1983, Paulist Press, New York/Ramsey), p. 75.

12. Scripture quotations are from the New Revised Standard Version: Catholic Edition (1993, Thomas Nelson Publishers, Nashville).

13. Joseph Blinzler in Johannes B. Bauer, editor, Encyclopedia of Biblical Theology: The Complete Sacramentum Verbi (1981, Crossroad Publishing Co., New York), p. 621.

14. Andre-Marie Dubarle and Piet Schoonenberg, "Have We Forgotten Original Sin?", in Monika Hellwig, editor, What Are the Theologians Saying? (1970, Pflaum Press, Dayton, Ohio), p. 68.

15. Denzinger, pp. 44-45, par. 101-102.

16. Denzinger, p. 75, par. 174-175.

17. Denzinger, pp. 246-248, par. 787-792.

18. Pope Pius XII, Humani generis, quoted in Schmaus, p. 132.

19. Catechism of the Catholic Church, English edition (1994, United States Catholic Conference, Washington DC), p. 98.

20. J. Ries, "Manichaeism," in New Catholic Encyclopedia (1967, McGraw-Hill, New York), Vol. 9, pp. 153, 155.

21. G. R. Evans, Augustine on Evil (1982, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge), p. 14.

22. Elaine Pagels, Adam, Eve, and the Serpent (1989, Vintage Books, New York), p. 85.

23. St. Augustine, Confessions, translated by Henry Chadwick (1991, Oxford University Press, Oxford), II. i (1), II. ii (4).

24. Confessions, II. iii (7).

25. Garry Wills, Saint Augustine (1999, Viking Penguin, New York), pp. 10, 15-16.

26. Confessions, VI. xiii (23).

27. Confessions, VI. xv (25).

28. Wills, p. 41.

29. Phillip Cary, Augustine: Philosopher and Saint, audio tape set (1997, The Learning Company, Springfield, Virginia), lecture 5.

30. Confessions, VIII. xii (29).

31. Cary, lecture 6; Evans, p. 27.

32. Carol Harrison, Augustine: Christian Truth and Fractured Humanity (2000, Oxford University Press, Oxford), p. 182.

33. Pagels, p. 76.

34. Pagels, p. 131; Harrison, pp. 85-86.

35. St. Augustine, City of God, XIII, 1-3, XIV, 1,3,

36. Trooster, pp. 88, 120.

37. St. Augustine, On the Merits and Forgiveness of Sins, and on the Baptism of Infants, I, 19,

38. Trooster, pp. 81-82; Pagels, pp. 109, 143.

39. Zachary Hayes, O.F.M., What Are They Saying About Creation? (1980, Paulist Press, New York/Ramsey), pp. 79-81.

40. Harrison, pp. 23, 25-26.

41. C. Kirwan, Augustine (1989, Routledge, London), pp. 131-132, cited by Harrison, p. 109, footnote 81.

42. Harrison, p. 89, footnote 18.

43. Pagels, p. 27.

44. St. Augustine, Opus Imperfectum 2, 33, quoted in Pagels, p. 140.

45. Pagels, p. 111.

46. St. Augustine, On Marriage and Concupiscence, I, 27,

47. St. Augustine, On the Grace of Christ, and on Original Sin, II, 43,

48. John M. Rist, "Saint Augustine: Virginity and Marriage-2," Canadian Catholic Review, February 1987, p. 61; Evans, p. 21.

49. J. P. Kenny, "Concupiscence," in New Catholic Encyclopedia (1967, McGraw-Hill, New York), Vol. 4, pp. 122, 124; Harrison, pp. 176-177.

50. St. Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologica, translated by Fathers of the English Dominican Province (1981, Christian Classics, Westminster, Maryland), Pt. I-II, Q. 30 Art. 1 & 3.

51. Karl Rahner, "The Theological Concept of Concupiscentia," in Theological Investigations, translated by Cornelius Ernst, OP (1974, Darton, Longman & Todd, London), Vol. 1, pp. 349-350, 370-371.

52. S. J. McKenna, "Pelagius and Pelagianism," in New Catholic Encyclopedia (1967, McGraw-Hill, New York), Vol. 11, pp. 58-59.

53. Evans, p. 147.

54. Pagels, pp. xxvi, 132.

55. Pagels, p. 139.

56. Pagels, pp. 140-141.

57. Harrison, p. 104.

58. Catholic University Louvain (Belgium), "Augustine and Manicheism" research project,, accessed August 2000.

59. Ries, pp. 157-158.

60. On the Merits and Forgiveness of Sins, and on the Baptism of Infants, II, 21, 28.

61. Benjamin B. Warfield, "The Polemics of Infant Baptism,", accessed August 2000.

62. Evans, p. 130.

63. Trooster, pp. 108-109.

64. Tertullian, De Baptismo, 11:17-19, trans. by Rev. S. Thelwall,

65. H. Mueller, "Baptism: In the Bible," in New Catholic Encyclopedia (1967, McGraw-Hill, New York), Vol. 2, p. 58.

66. Tertullian, De Baptismo, 18:4-8.

67. Evans, p. 25.

68. Harrison, p. 92.

69. Pagels, Chapter V. The Politics of Paradise, pp. 98-126.

70. Cary, lecture 1.

71. Confessions, I. ix (14); Wills, p. 9.

72. Charles-James N. Bailey, "Inherited Guilt?,", accessed August 2000.

73. St. Augustine, On Rebuke and Grace, 36,

74. Augustine, On the Predestination of the Saints, 36,37,; On Rebuke and Grace, 13,14.

75. O. J.-B. Du Roy, "Augustine, St.," in New Catholic Encyclopedia (1967, McGraw-Hill, New York), vol. 1, p. 1056; Evans, p. 128; Harrison, pp. 110-113.

76. Denzinger, p. 65, par. 160a; p. 81, par. 200; pp. 127-130, par. 320-322.

77. J. Pohle, "Predestinarianism," in The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume XII (1911, Robert Appleton Company),

78. Pagels, p. 90; Harrison, p. 185.

79. Confessions, VI. xii (22).

80. Pagels, p. 141.

81. Confessions, X. xxxiii (50).

82. Confessions, I. xii (19).

83. Pagels, p. xxvii.

84. Evans, p. 31.

85. Elizabeth Léonie Simpson, "A Holistic Approach to Moral Development and Behavior," in Thomas Lickona, editor, Moral Development and Behavior (1976, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, New York), pp. 162-163.

86. Confessions, VII. iii (5); Pagels, p. 106.

87. Confessions, VI. xii (21).

88. Pagels, pp. 146-147.

89. The Catholic Study Bible, Donald Senior, editor, (1990, Oxford University Press, New York), p. RG 49.

90. Joseph Campbell with Bill Moyers, The Power of Myth (1988, Doubleday, New York), p. 6.

91. Campbell with Moyers, p. 45.

92. Reference lost.

93. Pagels, p. 63.

94. Confessions, V. xiv. (24).

95. Confessions, Book XII.

96. Confessions, Book XIII; Harrison, pp. 159,160, especially footnote 3.

97. Catechism, p. 98, par. 390.

98. Schmaus, pp. 188-189.

99. Trooster, p. 70.

100. Summa, Pt. I, Q. 91 Art. 1, Reply Obj. 4.

101. Joseph Campbell, "The Impact of Science on Myth" (1961), in Myths to Live By (1993, Arkana, New York), p. 10.

102. Mike Lee, "Politics of the past," "New World habitation tricky issue," Tri-City (Washington) Herald, 26 December 1999, pp. A1, A6. The articles report on the controversy between scientists and Native Americans over Kennewick Man, a 9,000-year-old human skeleton with European facial features discovered in 1996 along the bank of the Columbia River in Kennewick, Washington. Available at:

103. City of God, XII, 10.

104. Christianity Today, December 9, 1996, p. 72.

105. Genesis 2:4-9, 18-19.

106. City of God, XIV, i; Hayes, pp. 71-73; Harrison, pp. 66, 93.

107. C. J. Peter, "Original Justice," in New Catholic Encyclopedia (1967, McGraw-Hill, New York), vol. 10, p. 775.

108. Schmaus, p. 167.

109. "Stone Age Wood," Discover, June 1997, pp. 17-18.

110. Rick Gore, "The First Europeans," National Geographic, Vol. 192, No. 1 (July 1997), pp. 96-113.

111. City of God, XIV,10.

112. Arthur C. Clarke and Stanley Kubrick 2001: A Space Odyssey, 1968. In the Clarke-Kubrick fiction, Adam and Cain are combined into one person. The first being endowed with intelligence uses the bone as a weapon to kill another.

113. Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, The Phenomenon of Man (1959, Harper & Brothers, New York), pp. 183-184.

114. Eliot Marshall, "Paleoanthropology Gets Physical," in Science, Vol. 247, 16 February 1990, pp. 798, 800.

115. C. J. Peter, "Original Sin: In Catholic Faith and Theology," in New Catholic Encyclopedia (1967, McGraw-Hill, New York), vol. 10, p. 778; Denzinger, p. 646, par. 2328.

116. Schmaus, p. 198.

117. Gore, pp. 104-105.

118. 2 Kings 6:28-29.

119. Deuteronomy 12:31, 18:10; Judges 11:29-39.

120. Lawrence Kohlberg, "Moral Stages and Moralization," in Thomas Likona, editor, Moral Development and Behavior (1976, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, New York), p. 34.

121. Pagels, p. 124.

122. R. J. Faley, "Scapegoat," in New Catholic Encyclopedia (1967, McGraw-Hill, New York), vol. 12, p. 1114.

123. B. L. Cocherell, "Day of Atonement Rituals,", accessed July 1999.

124. Greg Mogenson, "The Erotics of Blame," Journal of Analytical Psychology, 1992, vol. 37, no. 2, pp. 153-171.

125. Harold S. Kushner, How Good Do We Have to Be? (1996, Little, Brown & Co., New York), p. 3.

126. On the Merits and Forgiveness of Sins, and on the Baptism of Infants, I, 20.

127. St. Augustine, City of God, XIII, 14, quoted in Pagels, p. 109.

128. Pagels, p. 112.

129. J.M.O., ed., "Baer, Karl Ernst,", accessed July 2000.

130. "Leeuwenhoek, Antonie van,", accessed July 2000.

131. Chadwick, footnote to Confessions, IX. xiii (37).

132. Evans, p. 124.

133. Catechism, p. 102, par. 404.

134. Schmaus, p. 133.

135. P. B. T. Bilaniuk, "Soul, Human," Section 5. Theology, in New Catholic Encyclopedia (1967, McGraw-Hill, New York), vol. 13, pp. 462-463.

136. Summa, Pt. I-II, Q. 83 Art. 1, Obj. 4.

137. Summa, Pt. I-II, Q. 83 Art. 1, Reply to Obj. 4.

138. Summa, Pt. I, Q. 84 Art. 6.

139. F. R. Tennant, "Original Sin," in James Hastings, editor, Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics, 2nd impression (1930, T. & T. Clark, Edinburgh), p. 564.

140. Schmaus, p. 189.

141. J. L. Heft, "Infallibility," in New Catholic Encyclopedia, Vol. 18, Supplement 1978-1988 (1989, Catholic University of America, Washington DC), p. 201.

142. Dubarle and Schoonenberg, p. 62.

143. Joseph Campbell, "The Confrontation of East and West in Religion" (1970), in Myths to Live By (1993, Arkana, New York), p. 88.

144. Los Angeles Times, October 31, 1992,, accessed July 2000.

145. Summa, Pt. I, Q. 102 Art. 1, Obj. 3 and Reply.

146. Schmaus, p. 126.