Welcome to Steve and Debbie's Amateur Ham Radio Web Page. . . . . . . KD7WII ( Kilo Delta Seven Whiskey India India ) & KE7DMI (Kilo Echo Seven Delta Mike India). Located in McMinnville, Oregon. . . . . . . . . . .

Welcome to my Amateur Ham Radio Web Page. I became interested in Ham Radio about a year ago. I found myself a local Ham Radio club in my area M.A.R.C. (McMinnvile Amateur Radio Club) and started to attend the meetings every month. In short order I began studying for my Technician License which took me about two months to complete. That was studying about an hour every night going over the test questions and studying the theory about amateur radio. I was able to get my license on June 9, 2003. I am now currently studying for my General License and the Morse Code. What really peaked my interest was the ability to communicate around the world with others with the same interests in Ham Radio. I have found probably the most friendly group of people on the airwaves who are always ready to help out the new Ham in anyway. I am currently working on 2 meters in my local area, still learning the ropes in Ham Radio. I have also in the last two months also joined our local A.R.E.S. in Yamhill County, Oregon

Definition of "HAM: a poor operator. A 'plug.'" That's the definition of the word given in G. M. Dodge's The Telegraph Instructor even before radio. The definition has never changed in wire telegraphy. The first wireless operators were landline telegraphers who left their offices to go to sea or to man the coastal stations. They brought with them their language and much of the tradition of their older profession. In those early days, spark was king and every station occupied the same wavelength-or, more accurately perhaps, every station occupied the whole spectrum with its broad spark signal. Government stations, ships, coastal stations and the increasingly numerous amateur operators all competed for time and signal supremacy in each other's receivers. Many of the amateur stations were very powerful. Two amateurs, working each other across town, could effectively jam all the other operations in the area. When this happened, frustrated commercial operators would call the ship whose weaker signals had been blotted out by amateurs and say "SRI OM THOSE #&$!@ HAMS ARE JAMMING YOU." Amateurs, possibly unfamiliar with the real meaning of the term, picked it up and applied it to themselves in true "Yankee Doodle" fashion and wore it with pride. As the years advanced, the original meaning has completely disappeared. - Louise Ramsey Moreau W3WRE/WB6BBO - (from the ARRL Web SIte)"

My Current HF QSL Cards From Around the Country and World

Favorite Internet Web Sites For Ham Radio

Amateur Radio General Information Sites

The American Radio Relay League
World Radio
Federal Communications Commission

Some Great Websites

McMinnville Amateur Club Website
Yamhill County ARES Website
Northwest Country Cousins
Western Country Cousins

Ham Radio Retailer Sites

Ham Radio Outlet - Ham Radio Equipment Retailer
MFJ Enterprises, Inc - Ham Radio Equipment Retailer
Home of the RIGblaster and RIGrunner
KJI Electronics
Gigapart Super Store - Ham Radio Equipment
Heil Sound - Microphones and Broadcast Equipment
Astron Power Supply - Excellent Power Supplies
Radioware and Bookstore DX Zone
Arrow Antennas

Ham Radio Manufacturers

Ten Tec - American Made Amateur Radios
ICOM America
Kenwood Radio
Yaesu Radio

Antenna Construction Sites

Calculate Your Own J pole
Calculate Your Own Yagi, Dipole or Vertical Antenna

Ten Tec Jupiter Resource Sites

NAPY - PC Software Controller For TEN TEC Ham Radios
Resources for owners of the Ten-Tec 538 Jupiter

Morse Code Sites

Great Training Program For Learning Morse Code. (KOCH Method)
Ham University - Great program morse code and Tutorial for License Studying
Stormy Weather Software
Quick Code Morse Code Mastery Center
Super Morse Code Homepage
ARRL WEB Site For Morse Code

CW Converter - See what Morse Code Looks Like!


Fox Hunt Attenuator Kit
Middletown, Ohio Fox Hunting Page
Let's Go T-Hunting!
Homing In - All About Radio Direction Finding

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12 Hour Time

Last Update 27 September 2005