1 Kings 17 -

1) Continually "standing" before the Lord God (verse 1)

1) Living continually in the presence of God (Zechariah 4:11-14)
2) Speaking God's judgments to His people to warn and prepare them for the final judgments; calling His church to repentance and restoration (verse 1) 2) Sounding the trumpet messages of warning and rebuke to the churches who are not living up to the light they have received (Rev. 8)
3) Miraculously sustained by God at the brook Cherith all the while interceding for backslidden people of God (verses 2-7) 3) Entirely dependent on God for everything; living in the realm of Matt. 6:25-34 where God provides the necessities and all time and energies are for spiritual purposes
4) Sent to witness to the Gentiles and to live among them and represent God by word, character and miraculous signs; sent especially to the suffering ones who have been hurt by the drought among God's people (verses 8-16) 4) Sent to the unchurched, to those who have not had the opportunities and privileges of learning about the true character of God, sent especially to the suffering ones who have been seriously hurt by the lack of love in the churches (Isaiah 58:6-12)
5) Falsely accused and blamed for the widow's world crashing down at the death of her son (because of guilt from her past); also demonstrating the love and mercy of God's heart to give new life to her son (verses 17-24) 5) Blamed for the judgments in the land; greatly used to show God's heart of love as He lays to rest what has been the results of sin and creates new lives for those who have sinned and for those who have been sinned against (Matthew 5:38-48; Isaiah 61)
1 Kings 18 - Mount Carmel Showdown

6) Calls the Israelites and Baal worshippers to meet together to find out who is worshipping the true God (verses 1-21)

6) Calling for the last time to examine the issues and to make final decisions; this is the judgment of the living (Revelation 11)
7) Clearly defines the test that determines the true worshippers of God explaining what needs to be sacrificed and that the answer must come by fire (verses 22-25) 7) Defining the test question by their words & actions: "Is God's love thoroughly written in the heart?" (Heb. 8:10); Proclaiming that the Sabbath message is the test that shows our love to God (Ex. 20:8-11); and our self-denial for "the least of these my brethren" shows our love to God's children (Mt. 25:40)
8) Letting the Baal worshippers demonstrate their form of worship first (verses 26-29) 8) Watching God strip away the façade of those trusting in human-devising (Rev. 8-9)
9) Restoring the broken altar of the Lord which had been neglected, using twelve stones to represent God's people, building it in the name of the Lord (verses 30-32) 9) Restoring neglected truths handed down by God thro' pioneers of the faith, God using His 12 stones (12 tribes of the 144,000), exalting the name (character) of God (Rev. 7 & 14)
10) Sacrificing according to the direction of the Lord, drenching it in water, God consuming everything by fire, people deciding which God will be their Lord, God's people determined (verses 33-39) 10) Laying everything on God's altar: human nature (wood), faith in Jesus (bullock), watching as "all our chances" of being exonerated are drenched by the Spirit's workings (water) which do not make "human" sense, God at last miraculously honors His servants showing His approval and anointing, many make their decision for God at the last, God's kingdom is forever made up (Rev. 11)
11) Announces God's judgment on the prophets of Baal (verse 40) 11) Announces God's judgments on the leaders who have promoted falsehoods and human devising ((Eze. 9)
12) Prays earnestly for God to honor His word, reviews his life to see where he had dishonored God, confesses sins, sees he is nothing and that God is everything, while clinging to the Savior as his only strength and righteousness, the answer comes, God rains in torrents 2BC 1035 (verses 41-46) 12) Earnestly seeking God to honor His word through His servants, afflicting of their souls before God, renunciation of self, plagues begin falling (Rev. 15-16)
1 Kings 19 -

13) Hears that Jezebel is planning to kill him the next day (verses 1-2)

13) Universal Death Decree of God's people, set for a certain day & time (Rev. 16-12-16)
14) Flees to the wilderness, cared for by angels, wrestling with discouragement (vs.3-7) 14) Flee to the mts., cared for by angels, final wrestling with sinful nature, passing thro' Jacob's time of trouble (Zech. 3)
15) God comes down & shelters Elijah in the cleft of the rock as the wind, earthquake & fire are felt all around, God proclaims His message (verses 8-12) 15) Voice of God is heard proclaiming His covenant from the temple in heaven, the last plague is poured out (Rev. 16:17-21)
16) Taken to heaven in God's chariot of angels as one of the first fruits of the living (2 Ki. 2:11) 16) Translated to heaven without dying (Rev. 19:11-14)


Morning light
