II Cor. 5:17

Beginning Study

SETTING: Read Genesis 1:1,2 KJV

1. What spiritually represents the combination of "heaven and earth" that God created? Gen. 2:7; II Cor. 4:(6),7 _____________ ______________________.

2. What condition am I (the earth) in without the "heavenly" presence? Gen. 1:2 ________________________________________________________


3. Spiritually, how am I "without form and void"? Strongs

Concordance - translation of "form" and "void" for Gen. 1:2 _____



4. How does the Bible spiritually apply "without form and void"?

Jer. 4:22,23 ____________________________________________________


5. Who gives us "form"? Zech. 12:1 ____________________________

6. How is the word "darkness" in Gen. 1:2 translated? Strongs Concordance _____________________________________________________



(John 3:19,20; Matt.6:23; Prov.2:13 ff; Prov.4:19-added insights)

7. What or who does the Spirit of God "move" upon?

Literally in Gen. 1:2 ___________________________________________

Symbolically in Rev. 17:15 ______________________________________

Meditation: Jesus' heart is "moved with compassion" to help the people of this world. Think on Matt. 9:36.

Summary: In the beginning God created me. Since sin has separated all mankind from God I need to be recreated. Without His Spirit in me I am worthless, empty, and wicked. God's heart is moved with compassion when He sees His lost children in darkness.

His Spirit moves upon each person in a face-to-face encounter to restore all to His original perfect plan.

Sing Hymn: "Christ For the World" #452

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S T E P 1


Read Genesis 1:3-5 KJV

1. When God created the earth, He consistently used the word "let". How can I apply this to how God saves us? Isa. 43:13;

I John 2:24 ____________________________________________________

2. Who does the light represent that shines into my darkness?

I John 1:5-7 (James 1:17) ____________________________

John 8:12 _______________________

Ex. 27:20-21; (Ex.29:7); I Sam. 16:13 __________________________

3. What are the ways in which God reveals Himself to us?

Ps. 119:105,130 ________________________________

Dan. 2:20-23 ___________________________________________________

4. Just as the literal light has different spectrums, what are some of the spiritual spectrums of light that God shines upon us?

Pr. 6:23 _______________________________

II Cor. 4:4-6 ___________________________________________

II Pet. 1:19-21 _________________________________________

5. When the light shines upon my inner soul, what do I learn about myself?

Ps. 90:8 ________________________________________

6. After I see the light which God reveals to me, what should be my response ? John 1:12 (1-14) _________________________________


7. In Gen. 1:4 God divides the light from the darkness. Spiritually, how do I cooperate with God in making this a reality for my life ?

Rom. 13:11-14 _________________________________________



(Eph. 5:1-21; I John 1:5-7)

Meditation: The Lord wants to shine His glory, His character, upon you and through you to others. Think on Isa. 60:1-2.

Summary: God causes the light of His character of love to shine upon my life. The Godhead--Father, Son & Holy Spirit--shines upon me through the Bible and personal revelations, teaching me the truth as revealed in the law and the gospel, dividing right from wrong, righteousness from sin. He shines in my mind and heart revealing the works of darkness in me and helping me discern the beauty of His character in contrast to the evil of my own.

Sing Hymn: "Thou Whose Almighty Word" #451

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S T E P 2


Read Genesis 1:6-8 KJV

God will continue on to recreate us as we let Him work.

1. What does God call the firmament that He created? Gen. 1:8


2. At this step of spiritual growth, what is God creating and where is He creating it? Mt. 4:17; Lk. 17:20-21 _______________


3. What are some of the many benefits of being part of the Kingdom of God? Col. 1:12-14, 20-22 ___________________________



4. This step has to do with being "justified". What is the basis for God to justify me (to pardon or clear from guilt)?

Rom. 3:23-28 ___________________________________________________


5. When God divides the waters from the waters in Genesis 1:7 and puts some "above" and some "below", what does this mean to my spiritual life? Heb. 4:12 _____________________________________


6. What part of our lives needs to be subdued and pushed down "under the firmament"? Mic. 7:(18),19 _________________________


7. At present, where are we spiritually to be? Eph. 2:5-6


Meditation: God wants to daily connect our lives with Him, so that we are dwelling in the atmosphere of heaven. Prayer is to be as the breath of the soul to keep us in constant communication with God. Think on Ps. 141:2-3.

Summary: God brings His presence into my soul justifying me with Him. He forgives my sins and casts the remembrance of them into the depths of the sea. God sets up His kingdom of light and establishes an atmosphere of heaven to come upon me; lifting me up to heavenly insights and opening up channels of communication between us.

Sing Hymn: "Breathe On Me, Breath of God" #679

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S T E P 3


Read Genesis 1:9-13 KJV

1. Revelation 17:15 says that water represents people. On the third day what new thing is God creating in the midst of the waters (people) to grow His new life upon?

Literally in Gen. 1:9 ________________________________

Symbolically in Eze. 36:26-27 _________________________________

2. Receiving a new heart is also receiving a new beginning -- a fresh new start. What experiences in the Bible speak of "dry land" and are examples of new beginnings? Ex. 14:21-31 ________


Jonah 2:1-10 ___________________________________________________

3. What three things did God create on the land? Gen. 1:11 ___


4. What is the spiritual fruit that grows in the person that has received a new heart? Gal. 5:22-23 ___________________________________________



What is the seed that brings forth this fruit? Lk 8:11 _________

What part if His Word specifically will He write on our hearts?

Jere. 31:33 __________________________

5. God created grass to grow on the third day. What might be a spiritual meaning for grass in relation to the new heart? Think of the characteristics of grass; look also at 2 Sam. 23:4 and Isa. 40:5-8 _________________________________________________________________


6. What could the herbs spiritually represent for our new life?

Ps. 104:14; 2 Kings 20:7; Rev. 22:2 ____________________________


7. This step of recreation changes our desires and attitudes.

What does the Bible call this step of changing our minds and hearts?

Heb. 10:10-17; I Thess. 4:3 ___________________________

Meditation: The old sacrificial system was used by God to purify hearts in old times, but how much more should we be seeking the new life, now that Christ has shed His blood for us and is interceeding for our salvation even now. Think on Hebrews 9:13-14.

Summary: God creates a new heart within me, giving me new desires and attitudes. He causes the fruit of His Spirit to grow within my new heart. He brings in the needed healing and enables delicate sensitivity to spring forth. He creates beauty within where it was barren and colorless. Daily growth or sanctification begins here, enabling me to walk in the Spirit.

Sing Hymn: "Take My Heart, O Father" #269

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S T E P 4


Read Genesis 1:14-19 KJV

1. God created the sun to be the greater light to give light upon the earth. What is our greater light in the Christian walk?

Matt. 12:6,41,42; 4:14-17 _______________________________________

(Extra reading: Ps. 89:36; Mal. 4:2)

2. What lesser light reflects the Sun of Righteousness and gives us guidance on our walk? Jere. 31:35 (Ps. 89:37) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ of the moon

What are ordinances? Dictionary Def.: __________________________

List some of God's laws that guide us. Ex. 20 ___________________




3. Make a list of what the stars could represent in our spiritual life.

Rev. 1:20 _____________________________________________

Gen. 22:17 (Gal. 3:29) __________________________________________

Dan. 12:3 _______________________________________________________

4. What might the "day" experience represent with the sun (Jesus Christ) ruling over it? Matt. 9:14-15 (Ps. 19:4-5); I Jn. 1:1-3


5. What would the "night" experience of the Christian be symbolic of with the moon (God's laws) and the stars (God's servants) ruling over it; when the sun (Jesus) is hidden from view?

Ps.17:3; Ps.22:1-2 ff ___________________________________________


(Gen. 15:12; Job 36:20)

6. What has God designed to keep us in the night when we cannot sense His presence? Ps. 119:50-55 ______________________________

7. List some of the encouragements we have from God's word for the times of darkness. Ps. 30:5 ________________________________

Ps.74:16 ________________________ Ps.139:11-12 __________________

Ps.142:3 ________________________ Rev.22:3-5 ____________________

Meditation: No matter what evil befalls us, the Lord promises to be our personal guide by day and by night as He did with the Children of Israel (Ex.13;21-22). Think on Isa.42:16; 58:11

Summary: God gives me personal guidance for the daily decisions that build character. In the "daytime" of my experience I sense God's presence and manifestations of His leading. In the dark trials of the "night" experiences, even though I cannot sense God's presence, I am led by His reflection in His law and by His leading through other heavenly illuminated people as lights in the darkness.

Sing Hymn: "Lead Kindly Light" #403

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S T E P 5


Read Genesis 1:20-23 KJV

The first three days of God's creation He made the basic elements of life: light, water, air, earth. Then He took these basics and abundantly blessed and multiplied them. He filled the sky, water and earth on Days 4,5, and 6 with His works of great variety in kind, function, and appearance.

1. One thing that He did on Day 5 was to add "abundantly" to the water. We learned from Rev.17:15 that the water represents people or life. In Rev. 22:1 we find that life comes directly from God flowing out as a river. In John 10:10 what has God promised to do with the life He has given us? ___________________

_________________________________________________(also Eph. 3:20)

2. God wants to work in the lives of His people--the body of Christ--and bless them and multiply them. What are some of the gifts He abundantly gives to His people as blessings for one another?

I Cor. 12:7-12 (27-31) _________________________________


3. God not only increases the life (water) in us to bless our fellow man, but He also increases the atmosphere of heaven around us (air) and blesses our relationship with Him. What spiritual experience will God bless and enhance that is represented as incense ascending up into heaven? Rev. 8:3-4 ___________________

4. What is necessary for us to have "wings as eagles" and to spiritually soar above the earth? Isa. 40:31 ___________________

5. What are we promised to receive "in heavenly places"? Eph.1:3


6. Whether these spiritual gifts are for the water (our relationship with people) or for the air (our connection with heaven) what does God want them to achieve in me personally? Eph.4:10-13


7. As we are blessed with these supernatural gifts, what are we to always remember as to who is actually doing the work through us?

I Cor. 12:11 _______________________________________________

Meditation: Jesus will bestow more and more gifts upon us as we come to know Him through His word and enter into closer fellowship with His Spirit. Love for God and for mankind will become the all-absorbing focus of our lives. Then we will understand why love is the greatest gift God can give. Think on I Cor. 13.

Summary: God brings into my life more of Himself, manifesting His Spirit through the spiritual gifts. He blesses me to be able to commune with heaven through study and prayer. He blesses me to share with others what He has shared with me.

Sing Hymn: "Working, O Christ, With Thee" #345

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S T E P 6


Read Genesis 1:24-31 KJV

1. On the sixth day God created "the living creature". Most of the other references for "living creature" are found in Ezekiel

(chap.1 & 10). What are the four faces on this symbolic creature in Ezekiel 1:5-6,10? ___________________________________________

2. What might each face on the living creature represent as four important characteristics for us to properly represent God to others?

A. Mt. 22:37 Man: ___________________________________

(only man is capable of choosing this -- his highest calling)

B. Micah 5:8-9 Lion: __________________________________________

(another way to state this is: power over sin)

C. Jer.11:19 Ox: ______________________________________________

(interpreted: a sacrifice whether for death or for life)

(also since the ox is a beast of burden, Gal.6:2 would have a connection here: "Bear ye one another's burdens")

D. Job 39:27 Eagle: ___________________________________________

(no other is so removed from earth and lives so close to heaven)

3. What two qualities makes this sixth day work different from the work we have done for Christ before? Exek.1:12,14 __________


4. What is the main message the living creatures (God's people) are to declare with their lives before the universe night & day?

Rev. 4:7-8 ______________________________________________________

5. On Day 5 the spiritual gifts were given as a means for perfecting us (Eph.4:11-13). The Day 6 experience show the restoration complete. In Gen.1:27 God said He created us "in His own image". How does Paul describe this experience in Eph.3:17-19?


6. God will restore His people to the original plan He had for mankind. In Gen.1:28 God gave mankind dominion over the whole earth. What two positions of dominion will we be restored to us?

Rev. 1:6 (Ex. 19:5-6) ___________________________________________

7. The sixth day experience also includes the institution of marriage (Gen.1:27-28; 2:21-25). Our intimate relationship with Christ is symbolized by a marriage relation. When we become settled into this relationship so that we will not be moved, we are then sealed with Christ. What main characteristic will be seen in us when we become fully Christ's? Eph. 5: (24-26) 27


Meditation: God has a high calling for us. Think on I Pet.2:9.

Summary: God restores me into His image, especially the characteristics of His great heart of love, victory over sin, self-sacrifice, and close connection with the Godhead, so that I may give glory to Him. I am ready to receive the fullness of God and have a marriage with Him. My position of king and priest is restored so that God is able to quickly reach His lost children.

Sing Hymn: "Live out Thy Life Within Me" #279



S T E P 7


Read Genesis 2:1-3 KJV

1. On the seventh day God rested after He had finished His work of creating the world. What does God prophecy in Rev. 10:7 that should be finished in the last days? ____________________________

2. What is the mystery of God? Col.1:26-28 ____________________

3. Zion is referred to many times in the Bible as His people

(Isa.51:16). What hs God desired of Zion--His people? Ps.132:8,

13-14 ___________________________________________________________

4. For us to join God in His rest, what do we need to do?

Heb. 4:9-10 (Isa.66:1-2) ________________________________________


5. Describe what God will feel like when He has finished His work in us and finds rest with us. Zeph.3:17 ___________________


6. In the first study of Gen.l:l we learned that the "heaven and earth" represent mankind (combining divinity & humanity). What are some of the events that take place after there is at last a spiritual "new heaven and a new earth"? Rev. 21:1-3 ____________



7. How long will the "Sabbath rest" be remembered and celebrated between God and His spiritual children of Israel? Ex.31:13,17

(Isa. 66:22-23) _________________________________________________

Meditation: The seventh day Sabbath God blessed and sanctified above any other day as a hallowed day for God and mankind to meet together in special communion. God still wants to meet with us every seventh day. Will you remember to set aside that time for Him? Think on Exodus 20:8-11.

Summary: Thus God ends His work in me. He finds His rest and joy in dwelling in His temple of my soul. He continues to dwell in me and with me forever in a blessed and sanctified relationship.

We celebrate for eternity the amazing marriage of our lives and the strong union of our love.

Sing Hymn: "Hail, Peaceful Day!" #457

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