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Wednesday, March 12, 2014

FORT VAPE may make/sell 18650 battery chargers. (Chargers for APV and mods)

I ordered 2 charging boards today. I am unable to find a cool or stylish battery charger for e-cig APV batteries. The board is easily plugged in via USB cable, and will charge 1 18650 rechargable battery. This should prove to be a worthwhile project, as they will be useful, fun to make and cheap.

The board is actually pretty common in the electronics world, and should work with very little work. The board's model number is TP4056. It claims to be fully assembled and ready to go with little soldering. It even claims to have charging/ready LEDs on it to monitor progress. We wil see...

Here is a picture of the board (right)...

In addition, we may add some sort of DC ammeter to check incoming current (just for fun, below)...