A second letter from my mother to her childern.
Book: A Certain People by Charles E. Silberman
October 15, 1985
Dear Children,
This second letter to you all is enclosed in a book that is very important to me and I believe should be very important to you.
Although I am Jewish I did not raise you within the traditional Jewish community. The reasons are many. One of the most important reasons was that the established church did not foster those elements of Judaism that were the most important to me. Rather they preferred to keep alive the realities of European Jewish life. In so doing they foster the "under seige" mentality that while appropiate to their history was not appropriate to my life or to the lives of my childern. The underlying values of Judaism are some of the greatest ideals of man. It seemed to me that these underpinnings were lost in a sea of meaningless rituals, self abasement, and defensiveness rather that joyous celebrations, humility, and commitment.
I now find that many of my peers have also looked for a way to express the real meaning of being a Jew in present day America. The book I am sending you is a history of Jewish life in America and most happily the story of the wonderful changes that have happened in the last 40 years.
You will also read about other people who have expressed some of the discomforts and uncertainties that you have heard me express. Maybe this book will give you a greater understanding of my "Peculiar" attitudes.
The author has an excellent record as a social researcher and this book has a superb bibliography. He also cites various opinion polls, and surveys of behavior to support his conclusions. All in all it is a very credible book.
Happy reading and much love,
PS. To all you music lovers: Mr. Silberman talks about some new recordings
of happy Jewish folk music in the modern idiom and not lachrymose as most
older recordings. I have one tape of this music and it is a delight.
Copyright © 1994-2003
Michael C. Johnson, P.E.