Snohomish High School
Class of 1978
Classmate Update Page

A lot of you have moved, some have changed your name, and others have stayed put since our last gathering. So where are you now? We need you to send us your contact information so we can contact you for our 40th reunion.

We are also using facebook to get the word out to folks.
You can join the conversation at:

Please email us your current address, phone number and email address so we can keep you apprised of our progress and where and when we'll meet. Also, if you keep in touch with other classmates please spread the word and have them update their information. All information is confidential and will only be used to contact you for our 40th and future reunions.

Again, please send

your name (plus school name)
current address
phone number
and email address

to the Reunion Committee at

Thanks everyone!