Grundy County

Cherokee Connection

This page is for the discussion of the families from Grundy County,Tennessee that have Cherokee connections.Grundy County was formed from the counties of Warren and Coffee in 1844. I will first discuss my connection,the Cope/Bolin(Bouldin) line. Then,I will include families of others that supply their information. Please note, although most of the information has been passed down orally over the generations, very little written evidence remains today. This due to a number of factors, including illiterecy and prejudece towards native americans

My ancester, Comfort Bolin,was born in what is now the state of Kentucky on 5 October, 1805 to Lewis Bolin and Temperence M Hardin. Comfort married Stephen Cope and bore 16 children, with 12 reaching adulthood. Of these 12, I have information on at least the children of 11 of them. They married into the families of Sanders, Meeks, Tucker, Fults, and others of the Grundy County area.

Not much is known about Lewis Bolin. It is also unknown about the correct spelling of his surname, as I have seen it spelled Bouldin as well as others. It is also not known how or if he was related to Noble Bouldin of the Hills Creek area of southern Warren County, which is also near where Stephen Cope's father, James Cope, settled. The one thing is known for sure, was found written about him in a biography of James Harrison Bradford Cope , seventh child of Stephen & Comfort, in a county history book covering Wright County, Missouri.

In the short bio, it states that Lewis fought in the war of 1812, then left his family and went to Texas, eventually fighting in the Texas war of independence. The last thing heard from him was his writting home and telling his family to come west, as he has land. Not sure if any did,and no record of him has been found in Texas to this date.