Book G

pages 301-

301 G B Snith & L E Smith to Moses J Shrom, adj Brazzleton,Parmley 5000a tract,Colyar,excluding tracts sold to Wm Dixon(11a),Wm Wallace(6a),Ed Brazzleton(.5a),John P Hoffner,  26 sep 1881

302 Moses J Shrom to J R Myers  part of tract mentioned in 301, 11 Nov 1881

304 Moses J Shrom & Elisar Shrom to F L Lusk  part of tract mentioned in 301, 11 Nov 1881

305 J R Myers & W D Myers to R T Myers  same as 304  18 Jul 1883

307  Florence Key & B P Key to W L F Frizzel  Tracy City  lot 67  10th dist,formerly owned by G G Sanders & Callie Sanders. 15 Feb 1883

308  C C Cunningham,of Tarrant Co,Texas to Gentile Braley,concerns the sale of share of interest in estate of Eliza Ramsey to Gentile Braley from C C Cunningham,R E Ruckman of Tarrant Co,Texas,J Henderson Braley of Grundy Co, Jesse & Martha Wooten of Grundy Co, land in Coffee and Grundy County. 6 Aug 1883 

311  T M Steger & Ann E Steger to Rosa Levsy lot on College St in Monteagle,adj John Bennett. 9 Jul 1886

312 John Scruggs,County Clerk to Lawson H Gross, court order of 8 Jun 1875 for the sale of the lands of estate of John Gross to heirs,sold to Lawson H Gross 156a  11th dist on Collins River,bounded on north by lands of John Walker, on south by lands of Asa Gross, on east by J J & Julia Walker,on west by lands of Walker & Gross,land copnveyed to John Gross 7 May 1857 by Martain Dykes, 1 Dec 1880

314  M V & S A Dykes to J C Knight  4th dist  adj F M Walker,Hurricane Cr,Esther Smartt Spring Branch, 300a  , 14 Aug 1883

316 William Rogers & Harriett Rogers of Bersheba to Clara Schaffter,wife of Anton A Schaffter,letely a citizen of Berne in the confederation of Switzerland,now residing in Grundy County, 10th dist,near coalbank in Cagle's line,,Bersheeba Springs-Altamont Rd,adj A J Dykes,Armfield,Stonedoor Rd,John Goodsells 100a,George R Smart 1550a grant, Kitzstiener,Gross,Wm S Brown,Russell Brown,Gross 200a,Irving Hill 172a,Collins River,Nellie Dykes,Dark Hollow,Wm B Lockhart 10a, contains 1080a,contains Dan Springs23 Aug 1875

321 John & Winnie J Scruggs to Wm H Hampton  5a Tracy City, adj Mike Flynn,2 Jun 1883

323 James Lusk & John & Susan Hawk to Byrd Lusk 30a where James Lusk lived,3 Dec 1883

324  Thomas & Rebeca Geary to Robert E & Mary Sartin, 13th dist , 2a,part of their home tract,3 Dec 1903

325 John A & B F Woods to T B Roddy one-half acre lot with home in Tracy City,adj James Boll, 31 Aug 1883

326 John & Nancy Tipton to Alexander & Sarah Jane Hobbs, Hurricane Creek, Adj Woodlee,  100a , 2 Sep 1872

327 M V Dykes & William & Julia Rogers to William Tate,Alexander Hobbs and William Rogers,school directors of the 11th school district,10 dist on waters of Collins River,one acre

329 Jesse & Luenida Nunley to John Scott, on waters of Collins River,part of grant to Abner Woodlee,adj Smith,Hurricane Cr,100a,

331 L H Northcutt to Alexander Hobbs  10th dist top of mountain Pond Springs School Adjoining Edmonson,Bensom 3 Sep 1883

332 Joachim Wirtz to John Krick  2nd dist  adj Ignatz Schlagetus, Altamont-Chattanooga Rd,Samuel Blauensteins lot 65a 25 Aug 1883

333 W A A Northcutt & wife to Adrian Northcutt  estate of John Northcutt in 3rd,10th, & 15th dist's  3 Sep 1883

335 Ephriam Summers to his children, W McFarrin Summers, James Quintos Summers, Anita Melissa Summers, Martha M Summers, Nelson Gaitor SummersLetty Ann Summers 18 Mar 1882

336 Jesse Parsons to Methodist Church South  6th dist, headwaters of Paynes Cove, 1a 7 Sep 1883

337 Greer Woodlee to F M Walker original deed 16 May 1867 Book F Page 42-3, Adj F M Walker, Altamont-McMinnville Rd, Philadelphia Meeting House, Wm Coppinger, Jenny Killian,Walkers Mill,Ken Smartt, 154a 4th dist 14 Aug 1883

339 John & Elizabeth Rycken to Jacob Dickelmann  100a  2nd dist  adj lot 12, known as lot 11 in the colony 2 may 1881

341 Poindexter Burrows to W B Meeks  Burrows Cove  8th dist  bank of Elk River, Mill of Thomas Smith 16 aug 1875

342 Samuel & Elilsa Warner to Friederich Thueler  Adj lot 101 in Swiss Colony, 300a, known as lots 100,99,& 98 10 Mar 1882 

344 Friedrich Thueler & Elizabeth to Christian & Anna Marugg same parcel as p342 3 Sep 1883

345 Basil Summers to Frank M Meeks  Original grant of Ephriam summers,deeded to Basil Summers, 5a 13 jan 1881

347 Henry Overturf,sherriff to A E Patton land sale involving case of Jackson & Landon Armstrong vs Britanah Armstrong & A E Patton  1000a
adj R Sanders, J M Bouldin, F Mofford, heirs of Martha McGraw, K Armstrong, 1 Mar 1878

348 A E Patton to Fannie Northcutt,wife of H B Northcutt  same lands as p347, 3.5 miles west of Altamont on Altamont-Pelham Rd 22 Apr 1878

349 Bitty Armstrong to Fannie Northcutt,wife of H B Northcutt 1000a 10th dist  3-1/4 miles west of Altamont on the Altamont-Pelham Road,adj  McGraw, R B Roberts, Jessee Wooten, J M Bouldin, E O Smith 5 apr 1878
Apparently same as pages 347 & 348.

350 John & Loussa Dugan to T J Brown  4th dist adj Elizabeth Nunley, Poke Brown, New Vision Church Collins River 28 Nov 1881