Other Cope's

This page is for other Cope's that we are working on and we have not been able to get back before 1800 on.Listed is the Cope ancester,when he/she was living and married too(if known),and the descendent that is researching them.

The descendent is Joyce Willhoit.Lucy was one of the wives of James Thacker,who lived in Newton Co,Missouri.James was born in 1859 in Jasper Co,Missouri and died in 1931 in Newton Co,Missouri.He was married at least three times,one of those times to a Lizzie Cope,possibly a sister to Lucy.

Alice Wakeam is his descendent.What we have so far on him is that on the 1880 census for waushara Co,Wisconsin,he was living with his son William H Cope.Thomas was listed as being born in England and was 72 years old.William was listed as being born in Canada and 43.His wife Margaret was 30 and born in New York state.Alice is descended through William's son Archibald Cope.There were other Cope famiolies in Wisconsin at the time,but seems as though they are not related.

Fred Higgins is his descendent.He informed me that George Cope was born in Indiana in 1819 and married a Sarah Cobb,she was bornin 1826 in Mississippi.More than likely the marriage took place in Mississippi.There were 5 children born,all in Mississippi.

Not to be confused with the James Thomas Cope that was the son of John Cope.This one was born in 1872 and married(2) Josephine Tanner.They moved to Texas in the early 1900's.It was said by a descendent that he moved from Virginia to McMinnville,TN and then on to Limestone County,Texas.The researcher is John Dean.

Audrey is descended from a Alice Cope,who was the daughter of William Cope.They are buried in Baxter Co,Arkansas.Alice died after a few children,her husband taking the children to Oklahoma,near her brother.William was married twice,the first wife ,mother of Alice,is unknown at this time.On census records it was stated he was born in Kentucky or Indiana.Have been unable to find him before 1880 at this time.