You Don't Eat - You Can't Fight!
Napoleon supposedly said it - An army travels on its stomach. True then and true now. But as to what those men (and now women, too) put in their stomachs to keep on truckin', that is a wholeeeee other story. Military rations have evolved dramatically over the centuries, from basically nothing (you were expected to hunt/kill/gather/cook all of your own food, to today's high-tech cooks-itself-in-the-bag delicacies that can feed an individual or an entire group a hot meal in mere minutes.
I've always been fascinated with military rations of all kinds. Why? Who knows. Best not to dwell on my thought processes.
Recently I decided to dive in with some actual taste tests and evaluations of my own (others on the web have done a much more thorough job) and see if what soldiers were and are getting to keep them going is up to the job. I was helped along immensely by Repro-Rations*, a small company that tries to reproduce, as closely as possible, World War I and II rations using modern components with authentic-looking labels. They have offerings from a number of countries, and I decided to look at meal kits - a box that contained enough food for either one meal or an entire day.
Great Britain
First up are the British 24-Hour Rations. These were supplied to Commonwealth troops right before the D-Day invasion of France in World War II. Each consisted of a small waxed cardboard box and were issued two per man, per day.
Repro-Rations offers four menus. At least six were actually produced.
It's worth noting that some of the food in these rations needs to be cooked in order to be palatable (such as oatmeal and soup), but the only way most of the assault troops had to do so were small solid fuel tablet "stoves" that were really only good for warming up a canteen cup of liquid. You simply can't boil water using solid fuel tablets (which are basically alcohol) - there isn't enough heat energy in one tablet, let alone a whole boxful (which nobody had anyway). So a lot of this food was eaten cold, or lukewarm at best. If you felt like eating at all.
Ration - Spam
Spam - 1 can, 13.3 ounces
Plain Biscuits - 5, 1.6 ounces
Chocolate - 1 square, 0.5 ounces (vitamin fortified)
Boiled Sweets - 5 pieces (what we call hard candy in the US)
Tea-Milk-Sugar drink mix - 2 packets
Sweet Biscuits - 1, 0.4 ounces
Oatmeal - 1 packet, 1.1 ounces
Meat Broth - 2 large cubes
Chewing Gum - 2 packets, 8 pieces
(the US equivalent is Chiclets)
Latrine Paper - 4 4x9-inch sheets
Paper Matches - 20, 0.2 ounces
Instruction Sheet and Menu Suggestions
Weight Overall: 23.0 ounces
Weight of Food: 17.4 ounces
When you open the box you find out how tightly packed it is.
Suggested Breakfast Box of tea opened to show the tea-sugar-milk mixture inside. You're supposed to share the hard biscuits between breakfast and dinner. |
Snack Lunch or Tea I used two cups of water to make the soup. This photo shows a box of the tea mix. This was the sugar rush meal, between the chocolate and the sweet biscuit. |
Suggested Dinner I thought the hard candies would be needed to wash down the salty taste of all that meat and another bowl of soup. |
Final Bits Nothing like ending your day with a mouthful of gum and a trip to the latrine. I snacked on the other pack of gum all day. All contents of ration now accounted for! |
Breakfast was OK. Not very filling, but at least it was hot. There are no directions on the "instruction leaflet" included with the ration on how to cook the oatmeal (or anything else), but they are included on the packet inside the brown paper overwrap. No sugar or salt for the oatmeal, bummer. The plain biscuits are rather hard, with a vaguely sweet flavor. I saved three of those for dinner. The instant tea-milk-sugar combo is, well, it's not coffee. I'll be charitable and say it's an acquired taste ... but I can't imagine drinking this stuff lukewarm, let alone cold.
Lunch was mostly sugar, with the chunk of
chocolate and the single "sweet biscuit," which was like a thin wafer bar with a
nominally sweet, thin frosting-like layer in the middle. The chocolate was a good
milk chocolate, I suspect far tastier than what the Tommies got in WWII. The
paper-wrapped cube labeled Soup was a very large beef-flavored bullion cube, but it
dissolves much easier than the small cubes you find in US grocery
stores. It made two cups of richly-flavored liquid which was hot, but again, not
very filling.
menu called this lunch-tea-snack ... I would rate it a snack, at best.
Dinner is the largest suggested meal of the day, since it centers around the almost 1-pound can of a Spam-like meat product. All of that, three plain biscuits, and another 2-cup bowl of beef broth, made the only genuinely filling and satisfying meal of the day. The remaining hard candies helped chase away the salty taste of the Spam and bullion. I made the other mug of tea, and drank it, for which I should get some kind of medal. Or at least a certificate of participation.
Spam was an American invention that quickly became a staple for troops (and sometimes civilians, the US shipped millions of cans of it to Russia, among other allies) and hence entered culinary "fame." Since it was easily portable, had a long shelf life and was relatively high in protein, it was served almost daily in stateside mess halls, overseas mess halls, front line mess tents, in foxholes - you get the idea. Which was OK, unless that was all that was served. Spam for breakfast ... Spam for lunch ... Spam for dinner ... seven days a week ... could easily become a recipe for madness.
As far as the cooking goes, I cheated. Although I have a small folding metal stove and a goodly supply of solid fuel tablets, this is about seeing if it tastes OK and is filling enough. Hence the electric kettle to boil water for the oatmeal, tea and soup.
For some reason this ration didn't include one of the little pocket can opener/spoon utensils, maybe because the Spam can be sliced and eaten with your combat knife? The Spam can opened with an old-fashioned twist key (I'm amazed Repro-Rations can still find those).
Ration - Ham
Ham Chunks - 1 can, 6.7 ounces
Plain Biscuits - 5, 1.6 ounces
Chocolate - 1 square, 1.0 ounces (vitamin fortified)
Boiled Sweets - 5 pieces (cherry, lemon, orange, grape and, ummm, green)
Tea-Milk-Sugar - 2 packets
Sweet Biscuits - 2, 0.8 ounces
Oatmeal - 1 packet, 1.1 ounces
Meat Broth - 2 large cubes
Sugar - 1 packet with 6 lumps, 0.8 ounces
Chewing Gum - 8 pieces
Latrine Paper - 4 4x9-inch sheets
Paper Matches - 20
Pocket Tin (Can) Opener - 1, 0.6 ounces, (combination can opener/bottle opener/spoon)
Instruction Sheet and Menu Suggestions
Weight Overall: 17.9 ounces
Weight of Food: 13.1 ounces
Suggested Breakfast You're supposed to share the hard biscuits between breakfast and dinner. Plenty of sugar to go with the oatmeal in this box - yay! |
Snack Lunch or Tea Beef-flavored soup again. The chocolate square is quite good, and there are TWO sweet biscuits in this ration box. Still. it's mostly sugar. |
Suggested Dinner Took some work to get the can of ham chunks open with the dinky little can opener that comes with the ration. The tea is starting to lose its luster. Or something. |
End Nothing like ending your day with a mouthful of gum and a trip to the latrine. As for the latrine paper's quality ... well, best not to "go" there. In a manner of speaking. |
Breakfast was better, because this ration box had sugar for
the oatmeal! Four lumps of sugar made a real difference in the taste and
materially increased the eating experience, although trying to use the tiny
spoon included in the ration box detracted from it. I decided to use the
remaining sugar for the other mug of tea at dinner - maybe doubling the
would help mask the taste of the tea. The slightly-sweet biscuits are filling,
so I ate three of the five for breakfast, and topped it off with a hard candy.
While a hot meal is a good way to start the day, this was not really a lot of
Lunch was another bowl of beef broth, this time made using
one cup of water. That was a mistake, it was incredibly salty. Which the square
of chocolate and the vanilla-flavored sweet biscuits helped you forget about.
Sort of.
Ham was the main course for dinner in this ration. Eaten cold, it wasn't awful, just a little salty. The remaining plain biscuits helped give it some bulk, the other 2-cup beef broth creation, not so much. The interplay of flavors between salty ham and salty beef broth was "interesting." Using the remaining sugar lumps that came with this ration significantly helped the taste of the tea-milk-sugar mix. I would rate this mug as palatable. And having yet more candy helped dilute the salty taste of all the meat.
A filling meal, but only if you weren't planning on any strenuous activity.
The included reproduction can opener will open a can ... with a great deal of effort and vigorous application of selected swear words. It leaves a wickedly sharp serrated edge along the top rim of the can, perfect for snagging your finger as you eat the meat with the minimalist spoon at the other end of the can opener. I didn't have a bottle handy to try that opener, but it appears functional.
Ration - Chicken
Chicken Chunks in water - 1 can, 6.3 ounces
Plain Biscuits - 5, 1.6 ounces
Chocolate - 1 square, 1.0 ounces
Boiled Sweets - 5 pieces
Tea-Milk-Sugar - 2 packets (enough for two 12-ounce mugs)
Sweet Biscuits - 2, 0.8 ounces
Oatmeal - 1 packet, 1.1 ounces
Meat Broth - 2 large cubes
Sugar - 1 packet with 6 lumps, 0.8 ounces
Chewing Gum - 8 pieces
Latrine Paper - 4 4x9-inch sheets
Paper Matches - 20
Pocket Tin Opener - 1
Instruction Sheet and Menu Suggestions
Weight Overall: 17.7 ounces
Weight of Food: 13.5 ounces
Suggested Breakfast Having learned from the ham ration, I used two lumps of sugar for the oatmeal and saved the rest for the tea. Two of the biscuits with breakfast, the rest for dinner. |
Snack Lunch or Tea Beef-flavored soup again (I was hoping for chicken). The chocolate is very sweet, and the sweet biscuits are crunchy and sweet. It's a lot of sugar for one meal. |
Suggested Dinner Saving three biscuits helped make the chicken chunks go down a little easier. The tea could have used four lumps of sugar per mug, or even all six. |
Last Hurrah I really, really hope that the combat troops got more than these four rather diminutive sheets of rough and very flimsy paper ... The candy pieces are to give it some scale. |
was - surprise - oatmeal. Again. Either the Brits loved this stuff or the
Ministry of Defense thought it was the cheapest way to give the troops a hot
breakfast (I suspect the latter). Still trying to find a balance between feeling
full and going hungry all day, I ate two of the plain biscuits with the oatmeal,
saving the other three for dinner. Two lumps of sugar went into the oatmeal, two
lumps for the tea (which helped, kind of), with the remaining two lumps for
evening tea.
The "snack lunch or tea" hardly merits the term "lunch" - it's basically all carbohydrates in the form of sugar. But that does help cancel out the salty taste of the beef broth! I unwrapped the broth cube to show how big it is, basically the size of four of the bullion cubes you see on US grocery store shelves. It's rich tasting, and it has a nice flavor, and it's hot ... but it's still basically flavored water, and I can't imagine it has a lot of calories or nutrition.
The chicken chunks for dinner were surprisingly good - all
white meat and not too much fat. Some salt and/or pepper in the ration sure
would have been nice, though. Combined with the remaining plain biscuits,
it was one of the more filling dinners. The abundance of hard candy helps get
rid of any unpleasant aftertastes. By now, though, the big-bowl-o-broth for
lunch and dinner was starting to get old. I have the luxury of an electric
kettle to boil water quickly - I can't imagine what this broth would taste like
made with lukewarm water heated up over fuel tablets, and don't think I want to
go there.
24-Hour Ration - Tuna
Tuna in brine - 1 can, 6 ounces
Plain Biscuits - 5, 1.6 ounces
Chocolate - 1 square, 1.0 ounces
Boiled Sweets - 5 pieces
Tea-Milk-Sugar - 2 packets
Sweet Biscuits - 2, 0.8 ounces
Oatmeal - 1 packet, 1.1 ounces
Meat Broth - 2 large cubes
Sugar - 1 packet with 6 lumps, 0.8 ounces
Chewing Gum - 8 pieces, 0.4 ounces
Latrine Paper - 4 4x9-inch sheets
Paper Matches - 20
Pocket Tin Opener - 1
Instruction Sheet and Menu Suggestions
Weight Overall: 17.2 ounces
Weight of Food: 12.6 ounces
Suggested Breakfast Box of tea opened to show the tea-sugar-milk mixture in its plastic packet. Two of the hard biscuits gave the meal some bulk, and there was a lot of sugar added to the tea. |
Snack Lunch or Tea More beef broth for lunch! I changed things up a bit and added just the sweet biscuits, using the gum throughout the afternoon. |
Suggested Dinner Beef soup and tuna ... only the Brits could dream up this combination. The remaining hard biscuits made this a satisfying meal. Except for the tea ... |
Exit Lines I decided to end this day's ration with a chocolaty flourish. It helped. Kind of. At least it left a pleasant taste behind. |
I decided to pull out all the stops, or lumps, for breakfast tea
- four lumps of sugar. That made a real difference, but it left only two
lumps of sugar for either the oatmeal or the
evening tea. Decisions, decisions. I decided to have the oatmeal plain and use
the rest of the sugar for the dinnertime tea.
Lunch was kind of skimpy, since it consisted of a bowl of beef broth and the two sweet biscuits. I decided to spread out the sugar load and save the lump of chocolate for the end of the day. The chewing gum flavors last a surprisingly long time, and even when that runs out, it does give your mouth something to work on, to distract you from the fact that it's not food you're chewing.
Dinner entailed another session with the minimalist can opener included with the ration. If you're trying to open a can with any kind of liquid inside, using this can opener pretty much guarantees you're going to make a mess doing so. But the tuna was tasty even eaten cold.
I am puzzled why the British didn't put any kind of seasonings in these rations - even a little packet of salt would have helped. And although you do get a pack of matches to start your pocket stove or light a cigarette, they aren't waterproof and would quickly become useless if they got even a little damp.
The tea-milk-sugar combination might be OK, if you like milk and sugar in your tea (if you didn't you were evidently out of luck), but mixing instant tea, powdered milk and sugar in the same mug of hot water just doesn't ... work. It is, to me, a jarring combination of flavors whose only redeeming quality is ... sorry, can't think of one. But it is hot, so it might give you a little morale boost while waiting for whatever came next.
Final Thoughts on the World War II British 24-Hour Rations:
You have to wonder what officials back
then were
thinking when they stated in the instructions, "All food in this ration can be eaten
cooked or uncooked." I don't know about you, but uncooked oatmeal isn't my idea
of fine cuisine. Cold Spam is nothing to raise any flags over either. Cold ham
and chicken are tolerable. Just. The only one that tastes good cold is the tuna.
That, and the fact that no seasonings other than sugar were included in any of the boxes, makes
for an overall bland eating experience.
The Repro-Rations cardboard boxes are not waxed to be totally authentic, but that's OK with me because it's less messy. They measure 6-1/4-inchs long by 4-3/4-inches wide by 2-1/4-inches high and are sealed with two strips of brown paper tape on the bottom edge. Four of them would fit in a largish shoebox.
The only indication as to contents is a large capital letter stamped on one end of the carton, so I assume the troops would open the cartons and trade amongst themselves to get their favorites. The Spam was stamped with an A; ham with a D; chicken, E; and tuna, F. The good folks at Repro-Rations tell me that the B ration contained canned cheese, jam and meat (probably a pâté) in a squeeze tube, impossible to find these days; the C ration had sardines, and those tins are all made with pull tabs now so it wouldn't be historically accurate to use them.
Oddly, only the tuna ration can is marked as to its contents (it was also the only unpainted one). The Spam, ham and chicken rations are in plain painted cans. You can guess which one's the Spam by its shape, and maybe the ham was color-coded red and the chicken green ... or maybe not. Maybe it truly was "mystery meat" until you managed to saw the can open with that delightful little opener. Just another wrinkle in the combat dining experience!
One thing that carefully weighing these rations showed me - a lot of the weight is the packaging. The troops were having to carry these, and extra weight means extra work, but when up to 25 percent of the weight of each ration box was packaging, that seemed to partially defeat the purpose of passing out these boxed rations in the first place. These four boxes, two day's worth of food for a Tommie waiting to wade ashore in Normandy, weigh 4.7 pounds; the various packing materials are 1.2 pounds of that! Although all the paper and cardboard could be used in a soldier's pocket stove to warm up water or a can of food, I suppose.
A note about the chewing gum packed in these reproduction rations: The brand, Canel's, is imported from Mexico. It has several interesting flavors, including "violet" and tutti-frutti, along with more traditional ones like peppermint, spearmint and cinnamon.
But for getting a real-life feel for what troops about to hit the beaches at Normandy got to eat, these Repro-Rations British 24-hour ration boxes are hard to beat.
United States - WWII
10-in-1 Ration - Lunch, Menus 3 and 4
Tackling a different part of the dining experience, I decided
to partake of lunch in the combat zone for the US World War II meal by sampling
offerings that would have appeared in the 10-in-1 Ration. The
10-in-1 was a vast improvement over the previous C- and K-Rations, having more varieties
of food and sometimes even decent quantities of certain items. The ration was delivered in one
large box designed to feed 10 men for one day - hence the name - and contained
mostly canned and/or dehydrated components for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
While the breakfast and dinner menus were designed for some
minimal preparation in group feeding situations and with sharing things like
scrambled eggs, bread, beef stew, etc., lunch was a "portable" meal that could be eaten
on the move if necessary.
It was basically the K-Ration repurposed so an existing production line could
continue to be used.
A note about nomenclature - in the 1940s, what we today call "lunch," the noontime meal, was more commonly referred to as "dinner" and it is so labeled on these boxes.
M(eat)-Unit - Menu 4
Chicken Chunks in Water - 1 can, 6.3 ounces
Wooden Spoon - 1
Partial Dinner Unit - Menu 3
Bullion - 1 packet, 0.2 ounces
Crackers - 4, 0.5 ounces
Sugar - 1 box, 0.6 ounces
Instant Coffee - 1 packet, 0.1 ounces
Candy - Charms brand, 10 pieces (grape, cherry, lemon, grapefruit, orange, lime and, ummm, green {apple?} flavors), 1.2 ounces
Gum - Wrigley's brand spearmint, 1 stick, 0.1 ounces
Paper Matches - 20, 0.2 ounces
Pocket Can Opener - 1, 0.2 ounces
Weight Overall: 10.4 ounces
Weight of Food: 7.9 ounces
Once again Repro-Rations came through with the goods to have an authentic WWII-style dining experience. The components arrived in two small cardboard boxes with realistic-looking printing on them. The Partial Dinner Unit components were shrink-wrapped in cellophane, as was the practice back then, while the can of chicken and its diminutive spoon were loose in their box.
The chicken was all white meat, in small chunks, and thankfully packed in not too terribly salty water. Quite tasty. Opening it with the GI can opener was a snap, although like the British opener in their 24-hour rations it leaves a wickedly jagged edge. But - trying to eat the meat with the included wooden "spoon" was an exercise in frustration I soon gave up on.
The four crackers added a little bulk, but not much, and
together the chicken and crackers definitely left me wanting more to eat.
The instant coffee was very strong, so I used most of the sugar to tone it down. It would have been more palatable (to me at least) if I'd used more water instead of the recommended 6 ounces. Not having any creamer in this ration kind of sucked. There was about three heaping teaspoonfuls of sugar in the small packet.
I ended up with chicken-flavored bullion, although
Repro-Rations says beef was the usual flavor issued. Although it was hot, it wasn't very filling. As I understand it, a lot of troops in WWII used the
bullion packets to give more flavor to some of the canned meat rations (hardly
anyone used it to make soup, because the saltiness created a raging thirst that
the soldier might not have enough water on hand to wash down).
Keeping in the spirit of things, I thought I'd try using a GI-issue heat tablet from Repro-Rations to heat up the drinks. Each tablet weighs 1.2 ounces in its foil wrapping, and you're supposed to use at least one-third of a tablet to heat up a canteen cup of water or a can of rations.
Righttttttttttttttttttttttt. Using six ounces of room-temperature water in my GI canteen cup, with one-third of a heat tablet in my Esbit stove, the water got heated to ... maybe a tad more than room temperature. Probably because that small bit of tablet burned up in less than three minutes. Using the remaining two-thirds of a tablet, and fresh room-temperature water, I managed to produce a canteen cup of ... lukewarm water. Hmmmmmm ... Burning every scrap of paper and cardboard that came with the two rations, including the outside candy, gum, sugar and coffee wrappers, I ended up with a cup of OK-I-can-tolerate-this-to-make-coffee water. Suffice it to say, if I was a GI in WWII and wanted hot food, I'd be carrying around a whole lot more of these heat tablets. At the expense of ammunition. No, wait ...
The only thing missing, according to the printing on the
Partial Dinner Unit box, was a "can of dessert" from the main 10-in-1 Ration
box. So I improvised, and ordered a roll of "chocolate malt tablets" as found in
the British WWII Composite Ration (their equivalent to the US 10-in-1) from
Repro-Rations. I
figured that was something US troops might trade for with neighboring
Commonwealth units.
The tablets come in a paper-wrapped roll of 19 that weighs 2.4 ounces. According to Repro-Rations, three tablets provide 15 calories, 4 grams of sugar and 4 grams of carbohydrates. Repro-Rations uses US-made SweeTARTS candy as a substitute for importing expensive malt tablets from across the pond, and it was a welcome and even somewhat filling addition to what was in the boxes. Combined with the included Charms candies and chewing gum, it's about 225 more calories.
Final Thoughts on the World War II US 10-in-1 Ration Lunch:
Each ration component comes in a thin cardboard box that measure
3-1/2-inches long by 3-5/8-inches wide by
1-1/2-inches high (both have anti-malaria
warnings printed on the
bottom, showing these rations were used worldwide).
I have to say, this is not a lot of food, especially if the soldier eating it was doing any strenuous activity. There is probably adequate protein with the canned chicken, but not really enough carbohydrates to give you the "full" feeling Americans are used to. There was almost too much candy between the Charms and the chewing gum, but then, that could have been eaten throughout the afternoon to provide modest sugar boosts.
Making this a hot lunch would not really be an option unless you were also packing some heat tablets, as I discuss above. Even if you used all of the cardboard and paper wrappings to fuel a small fire, which I tried, it wouldn't be enough to heat up water for coffee, let alone the canned chicken.
A couple of oddities stand out: First, why pack the can opener in one box and the can that needs to be opened in another box? Even though many GIs had a can opener on the dogtag chain around their neck or on their keyring, it seems like tempting fate to separate the main can of food from its opener.
Second, why not include
even a miniature bona-fide spoon instead of the pathetic wooden paddle-like thing? Surely
the Quartermaster Corps could have dreamed up something at least remotely
adequate to eat solid food with, as the British managed to do with their
ingenious can and bottle opener/spoon utensil (see British 24-hour rations
Speaking of can openers, the one included in the Partial Dinner Unit box, aka the P-38, is surely one of the great inventions of WWII. Cheap, simple, durable and reliable, the P-38 was conceived and designed in just 30 days in 1942 by Maj. Thomas Dennehy at the US Army's Subsistence Research Laboratory in Chicago. It was used by the US Army for the next 50 years, until canned rations were replaced by the soft pouches containing Meals, Ready-to-Eat. That amazing lifespan shows just how evolutionarily perfect the P-38 was from the get-go.
Germany - WWII
Combat Ration for Paratroopers
The Germans were never really on board with the concept of
unitized rations during WWII, only coming up with something that vaguely resembled
US and British boxed rations towards the end of the war (after a lot of
griping from their troops about how much better captured enemy rations were).
The basic German "iron ration" was a can of some type of meat (anything from
beef, to horse near the end of the war) and a packet of hard bread or crackers - hardly enough to keep
one going all day long, even in multiples. Plus, it got real boring, real quick.
There was little attempt to do much beyond hope that the unit's field kitchens could keep close enough to the advancing/retreating troops to provide some kind of soup, stew, oatmeal or similar large group-feeding type of hot meal. Failing that, the soldiers had to depend on whatever military-issue cans of various types they themselves could carry.
So things tended to be a hodgepodge. Which complicated my desire to evaluate meal "kits." Repro-Rations to the rescue again, with its Combat Rations for Paratroops, as issued to those specialized troops only when going into combat.
Ham Chunks - 2 cans, 12.7 ounces
Cheese Spread - 2 cans, 17.5 ounces
Crisp Bread - 5 pieces, 2.4 ounces
Chocolate Substitute - 1 bar, 1 ounce
Bonbons Candy - 6 pieces, 1 ounce
Lemon Hard Candy - 5 pieces, 0.9 ounces
Powdered Coffee and Milk - 2 packets
Solid Fuel Tablet - 1
Weight Overall: 41.7 ounces
Weight of Food: 30.6 ounces
This is not a lightweight ration. At 2.6 pounds, I can see Fallschirmjäger (paratroopers) discarding some of the food so they could carry more ammunition. On the other hand, this might be all they got to eat for a day - or longer - depending on how the tactical situation was evolving.
The ham chunks are tasty, if a bit salty, and probably have a
lot of protein. Combined with the Knäckebrot crisp rye crackers topped with
canned cheese, you'd have at least one filling meal. The cheese was
interesting. For one thing, I didn't know they made canned cheese. It had a
surprisingly good flavor - kind of a mild, cheddary taste, a creamy white color
and a fairly firm texture. You definitely need a
stiff knife to pry it out of the can
and spread it.
The "milchkaffee," a powdered milk/instant coffee combination, wasn't bad. You get two servings, each making a little over a cup of coffee. Although the directions say you can drink it hot or cold, I highly recommend drinking it hot. Or at least warm. I tried heating a US canteen cup full of water over my German-made Esbit folding metal stove, using the supplied Flammo heat tablet. It burned for about eight minutes and got the water warm. Not boiling, but tolerable enough to make instant coffee with.
Then there is the candy! Three different kinds! All of it good! The bright yellow lemon hard candies were kind of chewy in the middle, which was different. The bonbons candy was six pieces of a vaguely fruity-flavored chewy candy imported from Germany, and the chocolate was a good solid hunk of milk chocolate (the WWII kit had artificial chocolate). Enough to give you a sugar high that would carry you into the next day!
Final Thoughts on the World War II German Combat Rations for Paratroops:
This doesn't appear to be a lot of food at first glance, but then, you have to
remember what it was designed to do - get a paratrooper through those first few
critical days of combat, when he might, 1) Not have time to cook anything,
2) Be too tense to eat, or 3) Both. The best part of the ration for
addressing those issues is probably all the candy.
Somebody at the German high command showed some common sense with that decision.
That said, it's all surprisingly filling, especially the cheese. The overall weight of the ration includes the cardboard box Repro-Rations shipped it in. I'm not sure that's how it was done during the war, but it seems reasonable. The German markings certainly add an air of authenticity.
I also indulged and bought a few extras, things that a paratrooper might have added to this ration. One was a box of Koko's Energy survival food, three coconut-flavored bars in a small box that were supposed to provide 18 hours worth of calories. These were also packed in Luftwaffe (German air force) aircrew survival kits. Not sure what Repro-Rations used to make these, but mine were rather dry and crumbly. They did have a vague coconut smell, however, which was an odor that supposedly permeated German paratrooper's gear as well.
The other item was something I've wanted to try for some time, ersatz "coffee" made with chicory. Ersatz coffee was big in the German armed forces, simply because the nation's supply of real coffee had been mostly cut off by the Allied naval blockade. I found it to have a denser flavor than American-style coffee, more of an espresso-type taste, but with a distinct nutty aftertaste. The only down side - no caffeine in chicory coffee! So much for adding that to my morning routine.
Great Britain - Current
24-Hour Operational Ration Pack- Menu 18, Sausage Casserole and Bean and Pasta Salad main dishes
Oh what a difference
70-plus years makes! The 24-hour ration
for British troops now comes in a single cardboard box, and there are, as of this
date, at least 20 different menus. Wow. Although it's worth noting that one
of these ration boxes weighs almost as much as the four WWII British
24-hour ration boxes evaluated above.
Still, it is a vast improvement over what Tommies were issued in that war. I got this box from MRE Mountain. There is definitely a lot more variety and much closer attention to things like nutrition, calories and hydration (i.e., something besides just water or tea). Let's proceed with the eating to see if the taste end of things holds up.
Cinnamon Bun - 1, 4.4 ounces
Bean and Pasta Salad - 1 pouch, 11.6 ounces
Sausage Casserole - 1 pouch, 11.3 ounces
Chocolate Brownie - 1, 3.4 ounces
Hot Pepper Sauce - 1, 1.2 ounce glass bottle
Mango/Banana/Apple Fruit Puree - 1 squeeze pouch, 3.4 ounces
Oat Digestive Biscuits - 4, 1.9 ounces
Smooth Peanut Butter - 1 squeeze pouch, 1.5 ounces
Cheddar Cheese-Flavored Spread - 1 squeeze pouch, 1.5 ounces
Cranberry Cereal Bar - 1.9 ounces
Sesame Seed Bar - 3 pieces, 1.9 ounces
Mixed Nuts - 1 bag, 2.8 ounces
Apple Flavor Vitamin-Fortified Drink Powder - 1 packet
Orange Flavor Vitamin-Fortified Drink Powder - 1 packet
Tropical Flavor Vitamin-Fortified Drink Powder - 1 packet
Cola Flavor Vitamin-Fortified Drink Powder - 1 packet
Hot Chocolate Mint Flavor Powder - 1 packet
Chewing Gum - 8 pieces
Tea - 2 bags, Ty-Phoo brand and English Breakfast (generic)
Instant Coffee - 2 packets, Nescafe and Rombouts
Sugar - 4 packets, 0.1 ounces each
Creamer - 4 packets, 0.1 ounces each
Wet Wipe Cleaning Cloth - 2
Tissues - 10
Water Purification Tablets - 6
Waterproof Matches - 5, plus striker strip
Plastic Spoon/Fork (Spork) - 1
Zip-Close Plastic Bag - 8 3/4 x 15 inches
Contents List
Feedback Sheet - win the latest iPod Touch from the MOD if your entry gets picked in the drawing!!!
Weight Overall: 67.3 ounces
Weight of Food: 55.7 ounces
There are no menu suggestions, so you are free to eat what you want, when you want. If bean and pasta salad is your idea of a smashing good breakfast, here's your chance! So I decided to take photos of the main meal groupings and then do individualized taste tests.
Breakfast started out with the "shelf stable" cinnamon bun.
No, it's not going to be light and flaky like a fresh-baked bun, and it's rather
flat because it's in a vacuum-sealed pouch, but this one was pretty good, even
eaten cold: definite overtones of cinnamon without too much of a processed food
taste. Paired with a cup of instant coffee (I tried the Rombouts brand because I'm not
familiar with it) and the fruit puree squeeze pouch, it's not a bad way to
start the day.
The cinnamon bun was made in the US (I think by a company that makes US military Meals-Ready-to-Eat) and the puree came from Belgium. Talk about international. Being able to have coffee, and being able to choose whether or how much cream and sugar to add to it, is a huge improvement over the WWII British tea-milk-sugar combo packets troops back then were issued. Or so it seems to this Yank.
Ministry of Defense definitely takes hydration more seriously these days - there
are FIVE different drink mixes for soldiers to liven up the water in their
canteens. Which works out nicely because you only get SIX water purification
tablets in the ration box. If you drank all of these in one day, that's about 10
cups of water (there are 16 cups in 1 US gallon). Toss in two cups each of tea
and coffee, and that's a lot of fluids from one ration box.
It seems another purpose is to sneak in vitamins, rather than using pills. The apple drink mix has extra vitamin B1; and the orange, tropical and cola flavors, extra vitamin C. The hot chocolate mix has extra protein included.
All tasted good when mixed with the recommended amount of water. The apple had a nice, vaguely tart green apple flavor and wasn't too sugary. It was touted as an energy drink, but didn't have appreciably more carbohydrates than the other mixes. The tropical flavor was more of a citric acidy-taste with no real fruit overtones, an odd yellow color, and wasn't overly sugary. I liked it the least. The orange flavor tasted like oranges, was a little too sugary for my taste, and had a milky-white color when mixed, which was a little off-putting.
I was curious about the cola-flavored mix.
It was more reluctant to dissolve in cold water, although it did have an
appealing brownish cola color and syrupy texture. There was a cola taste, but it
was overshadowed by the ascorbic acid added to boost the vitamin C. And, OK, I cheated with the hot chocolate mix, using the electric kettle
instead of solid fuel tablets to heat
the water. So sue me.
It had an OK texture, a little watery, and it was MINTY. As it, "We thought it'd be a good idea to dissolve an entire peppermint
patty into this cup of hot
minty. But I drank all of it.
Lunch was the bean and pasta salad, eaten cold right out of the
pouch with the provided spork, with the oat digestive biscuits (had to look up
what those are) and cheddar cheese-flavored spread.
Although the salad supposedly had chili flavoring in it, it seemed a little bland to me so - out came the mini-bottle of hot sauce included with the condiments. THAT certainly livened things up. The mix of two kinds of beans, some corn, and pasta in a light tomato sauce was flavorful, but kind of gooey texture-wise. I thought it tasted fine eaten cold. Although I have to admit that it did look like, ummmm, fresh vomit.
Only two of the biscuits were intact, the rest were broken up or just crumbs, a consequence of being tossed into the box loose rather than being packed in, I guess. They have a slightly sweet taste with noticeable oat overtones. The cheese spread, made in the US and probably another MRE item, was very flavorful and went well with the biscuits.
There are enough snack items to keep almost anyone from feeling hungry during the day. I thought the cranberry cereal bar was quite good, lots of berry flavor and chewy, not rock hard like some bars. The bag of nuts was a mix of peanuts, almonds and cashews and wasn't salted, which I happen to prefer. The three sesame seed bars had a nice honey flavor but were a bit gooey (mine were all stuck together, probably due to heat). The creamy peanut butter was a perfect topping for them. It was made in the US, I suspect by another MRE contractor because of the brown packaging used.
Dinner was excellent, the sausage casserole package had three
English-style sausages in it, along with big chunks of potato, peas and carrots
and a rich brown gravy. Heated up, it tasted very good, and the portion size
filled you up. Paired with the shelf-stable chocolate brownie (which was the
size of my hand), it was more than enough for a satisfying dinner. The brownie
was a little dry and crumbly, however, unlike the cinnamon bun.
Final Thoughts on the British 24-Hour Operational Ration Pack:
The ration comes in a plain brown cardboard box that is 9 3/4-inches long by 7 3/4-inches wide by 4 1/4-inches high, held closed with a strip of clear packing tape. This is a lot of food - more than 6,500 calories in a box that weights a little more than 4 pounds. Everything tasted good to me, although I am not a terribly picky eater to begin with. There was enough variety in the entrees, and with all the snack foods there's little chance of feeling hungry during the day. As with the WWII British rations reviewed above, though, you'd think the military would find more ways to minimize the weight of the packaging.
Although a few waterproof matches are included, there is no pocket stove and solid fuel tablets, or flameless heaters as some countries put with their soldier's rations. So that's an issue. Although the cardboard box could fuel a small fire, enough to heat up a mug of tea. Maybe. If the weather was dry. Another omission - no toilet paper. Yeowwwwww. Although maybe that's what the 10-pack of tissues was intended for, which is hardly adequate. Nor was there any salt and pepper (but the hot sauce is plenty potent). The Brits seem to have an aversion to seasonings. The spoon/fork (spork) turned out to be a little too flimsy to do a good job of scraping food out of the bottoms of pouches, and it wasn't really long enough, either.
A nice touch is the large clear zip-close plastic bag, which is big enough to hold all of the food, or when you're done for the day, all of the trash. My only complaint about some of the pouches is they don't have tearing notches and are impossible to open without a knife or scissors. I did find it odd that some of the pouches were a shiny metallic silver, or red in one case. Not very stealthy.
As far as long-term storage goes, if I was going to squirrel these rations away for a rainy day, I'd remove the fruit puree and the hot sauce - liquids just don't last.
The most amazing thing about this ration pack? The feedback sheet. The Ministry of Defense actually wants to know what the soldiers who have to eat this stuff think about it! Heck, they'll enter you in a drawing for a new iPod just for filling out the feedback sheet and sending it in. Someone at the MOD should get a special medal for thinking that up. Even if they never act on the feedback, it's a nice gesture.
United States - Current
Germany - Current
24-Hour Individual Combat Ration - Menu 5, South American Vegetable Chili and Dumplings with Vegetables in Tomato Sauce main dishes
Unlike in WWII, the modern German army is fully on
board when it comes to 24-hour ration packs and boxed rations - and as you would
expect from the Germans, they do a thorough, workmanlike, and at times very
clever job of it (although there are also some curious omissions). I wanted to try a different type of ration, so got one of their
vegetarian menus. There are at least 12 menus all told. As with the modern British rations, this one comes from
MRE Mountain.
For such a small carton, the variety and quality of food is amazing. Truly. Good-bye to the bad old days of iron rations (canned meat and bread and not much else) day after day after day. Please bear with some of my translations, the last German I had was in high school, which was ... a long time ago. And I took the liberty of converting grams into ounces.
South American Vegetable Chili - 1 container,
11.1 ounces
Dumplings with Vegetables in Tomato Sauce - 1 container, 11.3 ounces
Tuna with Lime and Pepper - 1 package, 3.3 ounces
Instant Chocolate Muesli - 1 pack, 3.5 ounces
Instant Apple-Apricot Dessert - 1 packet, 1.7 ounces
Chocolate Cookie Bits - 1 pouch, 1.2 ounces
Canned Rye Bread - 6 slices, 8 ounces
Hard Crackers - 12, 4.6 ounces
Black Currant Jam - 1 carton, 1 ounce
Sour Cherry Jam - 1 carton, 1 ounce
Cream Cheese Tomato/Paprika Spread - 2 cartons, 3.7 ounces
Sesame Seed Bars - 3, 1.8 ounces
Chili Pepper Spread - 1 squeeze pouch
Coffee - 2 packets
Tea - 2 packets
Cappuccino - 1 packet, 0.6 ounces
Sugar - 4 packets, 1 ounce
Creamer - 2 packets
Salt - 2 packets, 0.2 ounces
Exotic (Tropical) Flavor Vitamin-Fortified Drink Powder - 1 packet
Grapefruit Flavor Vitamin-Fortified Drink Powder - 1 packet
Orange Flavor Vitamin-Fortified Drink Powder - 1 packet
Lemon Flavor Vitamin-Fortified Drink Powder - 1 packet
Dried Fruit Mix - 2 ounces
Chocolate - 2 bars, 1.8 ounces
Chewing Gum - 12 pieces
Water Purification Tablets - 4
Multi-Purpose Paper - 2 sheets, 7 1/2 X 7 3/4 inches
Wet Wipe Cleaning Cloth - 1, 5 3/4 x 7 3/4 inches
Wooden Safety Matches - 20 with striker stripContents List - in German, English and French
Weight Overall: 72.1 ounces
Weight of Food: 62 ounces
Tightly packed! No loose bits rattling around in this ration box.
Breakfast started with the instant chocolate muesli
cereal and the instant apple-apricot dessert. Both are commercial
freeze-dried products and the directions said you could use warm or cold water
to rehydrate them. I opted for hot water for the muesli and room-temperature tap
water for the dessert for comparison. Unlike many American-made freeze-dried meals, these
didn't have a zip closure top, so unless you fold the stiff envelope top over,
hot food gets cold quickly. And the accordion fold on the bottom
of the envelopes, designed to help them stand upright, made it rather maddening
to try and pry out bits of oatmeal and fruit.
Both items were ... OK. Like most freeze-dried foods, it seems like there are always some little bits that refuse to rehydrate properly. The muesli was very chocolaty, and seemed to consist of nothing but oats and cocoa powder, but it was filling. The dessert would have probably done better with warm water - most of the fruit bits were still chewy despite soaking in water for about 10 minutes. Paired with a mug of the instant coffee, though, it was a filling breakfast. Thankfully the Germans know how to make a good cup of coffee. It's a little stronger than Americans are used to, but you get enough creamers and sugar to tone it down.
The snack items were all tasty and filling, almost a
couple of meals by themselves. The
fruit mix of cranberries, bananas, papaya and mango and was quite good, if a bit
sugary; all of the pieces were very small, however. The sesame seed bars were
stuck together (seems to be an issue with these things) so I ate them as one
single bar. Gooey with a distinct honey flavor.
The chewing gum (made in France, which is kind of funny when you think about it, but that's NATO for you) had a nice spearmint flavor and came in a nifty little zip-closure pouch. And the two small hard chocolate bars, well ... the Germans know chocolate! There should have been a dozen of these in the ration box.
The rye bread was quite good, considering it was
canned. The slices were thin, but had a solid, rather grainy texture and a nice
smooth taste. They were moist enough that you didn't need a topping on them, but I
tried the tomato/paprika cream cheese and they went really well together. The
two cartons of spread were more than enough for all six slices of bread.
The only disappointment was the crackers, a dozen thick 2x2-inch shortbread-like things that had gone rancid. Even though the foil packaging was still sealed, they had definitely gone bad. This was one of numerous commercial food products in the ration. I had to try the two jellies on my own pieces of toast. Each had the required fruity taste, but they both wanted to come out of their little tins as one solid glob. I liked the black currant better than the sour cherry, which was very sour.
drinks were a highly varied lot, showing that the modern German army also takes
hydration seriously. The instant coffee was stronger than Americans are probably
used to; the instant tea was good, but a little flat tasting and wouldn't
satisfy a true tea lover. Having four
packets of sugar helped with that. The instant cappuccino was adequate on its
own (no extra sugar needed), but the packet only brewed a little over a mug's
The drink mixes intended for a soldier's canteen all made a little over a pint (two cups) and were fortified with a lot of different vitamins, which is a more sensible way to get those vital nutrients than telling people they have to take a huge pill every day.
The exotic mix was a whitish-orange color, and had a vague citrus taste with coconut overtones. Why does everyone think that putting a few drops of coconut into something makes it "exotic"? It was OK, but I liked it the least of the four mixes. The grapefruit mix was a little sugary, a whitish-yellow color, and tasted vaguely of citrus but not really like grapefruit. I thought the orange drink would be, well, orange, but I guess the Germans aren't as big on food colorings as the Americans, because it was also a milky orangish color. But at least it tasted like actual oranges. As did the lemon drink, which was a brighter yellow and so looked the most appealing. It was also the most refreshing of the drink mixes, with a zesty lemon taste and even a bit of lemon rind aftertaste. I liked that one the most.
I tried something different with the two
"ready-to-eat meals" that are the main entrees. Rather than pairing them up with
other ration items, I ate each one separately as a meal in its own right, to see
how filling they would actually be.
I tried the dumplings with vegetables in tomato sauce
entree cold, to see if the claim that "Meals can also be eaten cold without any
loss of nutritive value and without substantial reduction in taste" would hold
up, and it does. By and large. The six large dumplings in the aluminum tray
would surely have tasted better hot, but the entire thing was palatable, if a
little salty and rather slimy-looking. I'll have to take their word for it that there were any vegetables
swimming around in all that greasy-looking bright red tomato sauce, though, because all I could make out
were some tiny reddish bits. It did make for a filling lunch.
Heating up the vegetable chili was problematic, and highlighted one of this ration's biggest failings - it's both awkward and time consuming to heat up these entrees in a mess tin of boiling water, try to fish them out without burning one's hands, and then wrestle the foil lids off without risking more burned digits. Other nations have developed better or at least safer systems. The heating up was accomplished with some element of risk; the actual eating was very satisfactory.
The entree was tasty, if a little bland, but squeezing the entire packet of chili pepper spread into the middle of things resolved that issue, and it made for a very filling hot meal. That said - I grew up in the American Southwest. Anyone who called this concoction "chili" would be either soundly beaten or run out of town on a rail. It's just ... wrong ... to see corn, kidney beans and *gasp* green beans in anything called chili. But since this rather grandiosely-titled South American Vegetable Chili comes from Germany, I can forgive them not knowing any better.
As an aside, my dedicated and hard-working FRAs (Feline Research Assistants) gave two claws-up to the remnants of both entrees, leaving the gold-colored aluminum ration containers shiny clean. Honestly, there's enough food in this box to make five or even six meals for a normal adult, although I can see an active and engaged soldier consuming every morsel and still being hungry.
Final Thoughts on the German 24-Hour Ration Pack:
The German ration comes in a thin gray cardboard box,
hinged at the top, measuring 9 3/8-inches long by 7 1/4-inches wide by 3
5/8-inches high. As noted above, it is much more tightly packed than the
British 24-hour ration box (but also much flimsier). As is the British ration
above, this one is loaded with calories,
almost 7,000. And every
single food item tasted good, to me at least (excepting the crackers, as noted
above. Even I have limits). The two vegetarian entrees
were surprisingly filling, enough so to distract you from the fact that they
didn't contain any meat.
That said, it has some shortcomings. The major ones are, 1) No spoon or eating utensil of any kind, 2) Water purification tablets for only two canteens worth, not enough for all of the drink mixes included, and 3) No ability to heat the rations except by building a smallish fire with all the wrappings. The odd-looking wooden safety matches included are packed in a waterproof packet but aren't waterproof themselves. You can eat all of this stuff cold, but ... would you really want to?
The lack of any dedicated toilet paper is another concern, although the two included pieces of "multi-purpose paper" would do. In a pinch. The included wet wipe was a nice touch, but I'd like enough to use one after every meal.
As with all modern rations, there is an abundance of packaging, but I think these German rations do the worst job of protecting the main entrees and some of the condiment items from rough handling. The soft aluminum trays and foil coverings are vulnerable to bending or crushing, then leaking, or to punctures, much more so than the usual pliable envelopes most other nations use for their troop's rations. It just seems like a rather old-school way to do things, and I don't think it will last as well under long-term storage conditions.
This ration did not include the clear plastic zip-top bag that was included on the contents list, an odd omission considering the Germans are good at quality control.
* Sadly, Repro-Rations is closing effective April 30, 2020. They will be missed.