License ======= Copyright 2013–2025 "Mr.Wizard" Please do not upload these images or files (Media) to any web site or file repository. If you wish to share the chart you may link to "" only. I give limited and revocable permission to hot-link the image for noncommercial use on public forums; any such use MUST include a direct and visible link to the README file at: "" The Media are for personal use only, which means noncommercial use of the Media for display on personal computers, or making image prints for personal use. The Media may not be used in advertising. The Media may not be resold, relicensed, or sublicensed. The Media may not be modified. Title and ownership, and all rights now and in the future, of and for the Media are reserved. There are no warranties, express or implied. The Media are provided 'as is.' EOF