Meadery Access

Acton, Brian & Peter Duncn, Making Mead,Metheglin,Hippocras,Melomel,Pyment,Cyser. Amateur Winemakers, Andover Hants, England 1978
"Alcohol" - Encyclopaedia Brittanica. William Benton, Chicago 1966
"Alcoholic Beverages" - Encyclopaedia Brittanica. William Benton, Chicago 1966
Allen, H. Warner, A History of Wine. Horizon Press, New York, N.Y.
Arnold of Villanova. Boke on Wine. 1478
Anderson, Stanley F. and Dorothy Anderson, WINEMAKING: Recipes, equipment, and techniques for making wine at home. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, New York, N.Y. 1989.
"Brewing" - Encyclopaedia Brittanica. William Benton, Chicago 1966
Brown, Sanborn C., Wines and Beers of Old New England. University Press of New England, Hanover, N.H. 1978
Cato. De Agri Cultura. Trans. by W.D. Hooper and H.B. Ash. Loeb Classical Library. 1934.
Charlotte, Ron aka Thaalabi uc defa Dokuntu. "Brewing from Grain". Tournaments Illuminated No. 88 p.15+.
Downey, James T. aka Graf Syr Thomann Shadan Secarius. "The Making of Melomels and Flower Metheglins". Tournaments Illuminated No. 82. pp.22-25.
Duffy, Kathleen E. aka Deirdre Ui Mhaille and Michael Tartaglio aka Kurt Michael Meyer Wittman von Altenstein. "Gardens". The Complete Anachronist. Vol. 25.
Fields, Richard aka Reikin ap Gruagach. Personal interview.
Frankel, Nancy aka Caitlin Stuart, OW, OPF. "Mead Making that Works". Tournaments Illuminated No. 59. p.32.
Geary, Don, The Home Brewer's Handbook. Tab Books, Inc.
Hannum, Hurst, Brandies and Liqueurs of the World. Doubleday & Company, Garden City, N.Y.
Hillman, Howard, The Gourmet Guide to Beer. Facts on File Publications, New York, N.Y. 1987
"Hops" - Encyclopaedia Brittanica. William Benton, Chicago 1966
Jungck, Lt. Mark aka Kyle Loup d'Ecosse. 'A History of Beer'. Tournaments Illuminated No. 66. p.19.
Kondo, Hiroshi, Sake: A Drinker's Guide. Kodansha International, Ltd. 1984
Kucik, Priscilla aka Prisilka od Cerveny Kamen the Sensible, CW. "Brewing Sake". Tournaments Illuminated No. 65. p.11.
Kucik, Priscilla akaPrisilka od Cerveny Kamen the Sensible, CW. "Tempting the Period Palate, or, Can Wine be Period and Taste Good" Tournaments Illuminated No.76 pp.26-28.
Lichine, Alexis, The New Encyclopedia of Wines and Spirits. Alfred A. Knopf. New York, N.Y. 1976
Macdonell, Anne. The Closet of Sir Kenelme Digbie Opened, Whereby is discovered several ways of making Metheglin, Sider, Cherry-Wine, &c. H. Brome. London 1669. Reproduced by Philip Lee Warner in London in 1910.
Morgan, Sandra and Craig McTyre. "Making Vinegar at Home". Wine and Brew by You. Miami.
Mercer, S. A. B. The Pyramid Texts.
'Mead' - Encyclopaedia Brittanica. William Benton, Chicago 1966
Petrie, W. F. M. Social Life in Ancient Egypt.
Plat, Sir Hugh, Delightes for Ladies. Humfrey Lownes, London 1602 Crosby Lockwood & Sons, Ltd., London 1948
Ray, Cyril, The Complete Book of Spirits and Liqueurs. MacMillan Publishing Co, Inc., New York, N.Y.
Restall, J. and Hebbs, D., How to make Wines with a Sparkle. Standard Press, Andover England 1972
Root, Waverly, Food. Simon and Schuster, New York, N.Y. 1980
Schoonmaker, Frank. Frank Schoonmaker's Encyclopedia of Wine. 5th Edition. Hastings House, New York, N.Y. 1973.
Seward, Desmond, Monks and Wine. Crown Publishers, New York, N.Y. 1979
Sibley, Jane aka Mistress Arwen Evain fert Rhys ap Gwynedd, O.L. C.M. "Brewing". The Complete Anachronist. Vol.5.
Simon, Andre, Wines of the World. McGraw Hill. New York, N.Y.
Tannahill, Reay, Food in History. Stein and Day. New York, N.Y. 1973.
The Country Housewife. London. 1762.
Theophrastus. Concerning Odours. Trans. by Sir A.F. Hort. Loeb Classical Library. 1916.
Troy, Philip W. aka Gideanus Tacitus Adamantius. "On Spices and Substitutions". Tournaments Illuminated No. 93. pp.17-21.
Turner, B. C. A. and Berry, C. J. J., The Winemaker's Companion. Simon & Schuster, New York, N.Y.
'Vinegar' - Encyclopaedia Brittanica. William Benton, Chicago 1966
Weiner, Michael A., The Taster's Guide to Beer, Brews and Breweries of the World. MacMillan Publishing Co., Inc. New York, N.Y.
Wilhelm, Dr. Paul G. aka William William of Baden-Baden. "Brewing Dark Ale". Tournaments Illuminated No. 69. pp.32,33.
Wilhelm, Dr. Paul G. aka William William of Baden-Baden. "Wine Tasting and Judging". Tournaments Illuminated No. 70. pp.32,33.
Younger, William, Gods, Men and Wine. London, 1966.

Meadery Access