This module adds a signal into a data stream. It is used in the project to add a feed-forward signal into the feedback path.
Ports | Parameters | Notes | Example
reset | input | A reset input. |
clk | input | The clock input. |
ff_enable | input | If asserted, the second (FF) signal is gated onto the data stream. |
in | input | The input data stream. |
ff_in | input | The second input data stream. |
out | output | The output data stream. |
dw | 14 | The data bit width. |
wire count_reset, clk_40, ff_en; wire signed [14:0] sig_in, sig_out, ff_in; // other declarations jump5 #(.dw(15)) FFInjection ( .clk(clk_40), .reset(count_reset), .ff_enable(ff_en), .ff_in(ff_in), .in(sig_in), .out(sig_out) );