This module implements a power of two-to-one multiplexor of variable bit width. The inputs are all concatenated into a single input vector. It is implemented as a binary tree in combinational logic.
sel | input | The multi-bit selector. |
in | input | The data channels concatenated to a single vector, e.g., {in3, in2, in1, in0}. |
out | output | The single-word output. |
wid | 16 | Data bit width of individual input channels and the output. |
lev | 2 | The number of bits in the data selector. There should be 2lev inputs in in. |
invert | "no" | If "yes" the output is inverted; otherwise not. |
- Recursively instantiates itself.
- Trivially instantiates out = in; when lev is zero.
- When not all channels are used, all bits of the input in must still be filled or an error will result.
Example instantiation in Verilog:
// three-bit selector
wire [11:0] in0, in1, in2, in3, in4, in5, in6, in7, out;
wire [2:0] sel = 2'b010;
mpx #(.wid(12), .lev(3)) multiplexor (
.in({in7, in6, in5, in4, in3, in2, in1, in0}),