The Matlab rfboard.m API
This note discribes a new API with which Matlab applications talk to the rf controller board. The controller board may talk to the an application through a host transport layer, such as Opal Kelly FrontPanel, and the EPICS transport layer. The details of the transport layer, and the details of the on-board logic needed to talk to the particular transport layer are hidden from the application by this API. Thus applications may be programmed independent of the particular transport layer in use.
The board.m API is object based, instantiated in Matlab as a reference type.
The scope of this document is to document the API syntax, and not so much the meanings or behaviors of the functions.
Functions by I/O type
Wire-in | Wire-out | Trigger-in | Trigger-out | Pipe-in | Pipe-Out
Functions by board function
Scope | Feed-forward table | Feedback table | Soft trip | Cavity tuner | Circular buffer
Interlocks | Serial number | Limiter | Readbacks | Trip stack | Network analyzer | Opal Kelly board
'Wire in' control points
These application-to-board control-point functions require three arguments (in Matlab):
- A handle or pointer to the interface,
- The value to be written, and
- a third parameter that, for FrontPanel at least, specifies whether the data in the driver are to be flushed to the hardware.
The value to be written is binary, but its number of bits is dependent on the function's function. In Matlab the functions are called with the syntax:, update)
- sdramRdEn
- Enables SDRAM read (logic 0 or 1).
- sdramWrEn
- Enables SDRAM write (logic 0 or 1).
- sdramReset
- SDRAM asynchronous reset (logic 0 or 1).
- zoom
- Scope and feed-forward-table zoom (0-31).
- ep21Sel
- The selector for the ep21 readback of wire-in control points (0-31).
- debug_sel
- The debug selector (0-7).
- trig_out
- ? (logic 0 or 1)
- ff_retrig
- Enables automatic retriggering of output of the feed forward table (logic 0 or 1).
- ff_wr_sel
- Selects for write one of the two feed-forward table buffers (logic 0 or 1).
- ff_rd_sel
- Selects for read one of the two feed-forward table buffers (logic 0 or 1).
- ff_enable
- Gates the feed-forward table onto the data stream (logic 0 or 1).
- limEnable
- Enables the limiter (logic 0 or 1).
- fb_enable
- Enables feedback (logic 0 or 1).
- PhaseOffset
- The tuner controls' phase-offset setting (0-65535 interpreted as 0 to 2π radians).
- ki
- Integral gain setting (0-65535).
- rot_I
- The I component of the loop gain/rotation block (-32768 to 32767).
- rot_Q
- The Q component of the loop gain/rotation block (-32768 to 32767).
- ds1825comm
- ?
- rampinterval
- Controls the duration during which the feedback ramp table outputs (0-65535).
- t_scope_start
- Scope trigger delay (0-2047 (I,Q) samples).
- naFreq
- Network analyzer phase-increment register.
- naDamp
- Network analyzer pre-integration damping time in DDS periods (turns).
- naAcquire
- Network analyzer integration time in DDS periods (turns).
- naIntensity
- Network analyzer intensity as power of two (0 to 15).
When setting several signals using these functions, one ordinarily provides update=false when setting all but the last, then update=true for the last one written. This way all are written to hardware simultaneously.
'Wire out' control points
These board-to-application control-point functions require two arguments (in Matlab):
- A handle or pointer to the interface,
- a third parameter that, for FrontPanel at least, specifies whether the data in the driver are to be updated from the hardware.
In Matlab the functions are called with the syntax:
value = name(interface, update)
In another language, such as C++, a call might look like:
value =
The following are multiple-bits readbacks.
- ep20
- ep20 word for internal use.
- ep21
- ep21 word for internal use.
- ffImon, ffQmon
- Feed-forward setpoint I- and Q-components monitor (signed).
- rlImon, rlQmon
- Feedback-setpoint I- and Q-components monitor (signed). This signal is the output of the feedback setpoint table, and upstream of the soft-trip module.
- dbImon, dbQmon
- Debug-selector I- and Q-components monitor (signed).
- PhaseError
- Tuning system phase error (0-65535 interpreted as 0 to 2π radians).
- TunerPosn
- Tuner position (unsigned).
- TSWord0, TSWord1, TSWord2,
- Trip-stack words.
- sdramPage
- SDRAM page counter (0-32767).
- vacuum
- Vacuum readback.
- ep2f
- ep2f word for internal use.
- cavImon, cavQmon
- Cavity-field I- and Q-components monitor (signed).
- fwdImon, fwdQmon
- Forward-signal I- and Q-components monitor (signed).
- revImon, revQmon
- Reverse-signal I- and Q-components monitor (signed).
- refImon, refQmon
- Reference I- and Q-components monitor (signed).
- fbImon, fbQmon
- Feedback-signal I- and Q-components monitor (signed). These signals are latched from the feedback data streams just upstream of the feedbak-enable switch.
- Dallas1825
- Dallas DS1825-chip serial-number readout. It returns a 14-character hexadecimal string.
- diImon, diQmon
- di1_2-signal I- and Q-components monitor (signed). This signal is is the output of the jump5.v module in logic, which is the summed feedback and feed-forward data streams.
When retrieving several signals using these functions, one ordinarily provides update=true when retrieving the first, then update=false for the remainder. This ensures that all are sampled at the same time.
These are single-bit (logic-valued) readbacks. They take the same arguments as the others.
- ScopeBusy
- Scope is acquiring. Readout can begin when it is finished.
- ScopeBusy_hi
- Readout of the scope is in progress.
- RampBusy
- Feedback-setpoint table is outputting its entire table. When not outputting the entire table it is outputting its first (I, Q) pair.
- ff_busy
- Feed-forward table outputting its entire table. When not outputting the entire table it is outputting its first (I, Q) pair.
- STTrip
- The soft-trip module is tripped.
- RFInhibit
- The RFInhibit block is tripped.
- Quench
- The Quench-detector block is tripped (still a placeholder).
- Vacuum
- The vacuum-trip block is tripped (still a placeholder).
- VacCond
- Vacuum conditioning is in progress.
- CTLoLimSw
- The cavity tuner is at its low limit.
- The AVAGO2-input block is tripped. In the storage ring this input pin is used to trip the soft-trip module.
- PPSTrip
- Indicates the PPS block is tripped.
- The cavity tuner is at its up-limit.
- Indicates that cavity forward power is below its low-limit threshold (too small to use).
- CTUpLimSw
- The cavity tuner is at its up limit.
- limActive
- Indicates the limiter is actively limiting.
- TSArmed
- Indicates that the trip stack is armed.
- TSCount
- The number of events recorded in the trip stack.
- sdramWrap
- The SDRAM wrap counter.
- sdramFill
- Indicates that the SDRAM is acquiring.
- naBusy
- Indicates that the network analyzer is busy.
Readbacks of wire ins
These functions are loopbacks in logic of the wire-in settings. They take as argument only the interface, e.g.,
val = rampintervalGet(ifc);
in Matlab syntax. The function names are the set function names with 'Get' appended. Whole words can be read using these functions:
- ep00Get
- ep01Get
- ep02Get
- ep03Get
- PhaseOffsetGet
- kiGet
- rot_IGet
- rot_QGet
- ep08Get
- ep09Get
- ds1825commGet
- rampintervalGet
- ep0cGet
- ep0dGet
- ep0eGet
- ep0fGet
- t_scope_startGet
while bits or bit fields can be read using these functions:
- sdramRdEnGet
- sdramWrEnGet
- sdramResetGet
- zoomGet
- ep21SelGet
- debug_selGet
- trig_outGet
- ff_retrigGet
- ff_wr_selGet
- ff_rd_selGet
- ff_enableGet
- limEnableGet
- fb_enableGet
Host-to-board triggers (trigger ins)
These functions, too, take only the interface as argument.
- count_reset
- Global reset.
- SoftTrip
- Trips the soft-trip module.
- STReset
- Resets the soft-trip module.
- ffTrig
- Triggers output of the feed-forward table.
- adc_start
- For software initiation of scope acquisition.
- data_read
- Used internally to reset an address counter prior to reading out scope data.
- data_write
- Used internally to reset an address counter prior to writing data to the feed-forward setpoint table and the feedback setpoint table.
- sdramArm
- Initiates SDRAM data acquisition.
- ramp_trig
- Initiates output of the feedback setpoint table.
- RFInhSWTrip
- Software trip of RFInhibit.
- RFInhSWReset
- Software reset of RFInhibit.
- CircBufSWTripA
- Initiates acquisition by the circular buffer.
- QuenchSWTrip
- Software trip of the quench-detection block (placeholder only).
- QuenchSWReset
- Software reset of the quench-detection block (placeholder only).
- ds1825update
- Used during readout of the Dallas DS1825 serial-number chip.
- VacSWTrip
- Vacuum-block software trip (placeholder).
- VacSWReset
- Vacuum-block software reset (placeholder).
- PPS-block software trip (placeholder).
- PPSSWReset
- PPS-block software reset (placeholder).
- AVAGO2-block software trip.
- AVAGO2-block software reset.
- TSNext
- Advances the trip stack during readout.
- TSReset
- Resets the trip-stack trip counter and re-arms the trip stack.
- naStart
- Network analyzer DDS start trigger. Once started, dthe DDS runs until it is stopped.
- naStop
- Network analyzer DDS stop trigger. Once started, dthe DDS runs until it is stopped.
Board-to-host trigger control points
These functions detect triggers from the board to the host to accommodate the FrontPanel trigger-out end points. FrontPanel does not provide a mechanism (at least in Matlab) for interrupt-driven processing, so these functions are implemented on the host side by polling. Thus these functions take two arguments, one being the interface, and the other an update flag. They return a logic value indicating whether the selected trigger occurred.
val = adc_done(ifc, update);
- adc_done
- Indicates that scope acquisition has finished and data can be read out.
- sdramDone
- Indicates that an event has triggered the circular buffer, that acquisition has completed, and data may be read.
- ramp_done
- Indicates that the feedback setpoint table ramp has completed.
- AVAGO2Trig
- Indicates that AVAGO2 trigger input has fired.
- PPSEvent
- Indicates that PPS trigger input has fired.
- RFInhibitPulse
- Indicates that RFInhibit has tripped.
- STPulse
- Indicates that the soft-trip ramp down has started.
- QuenchTrig
- Indicates tha the quench detector has tripped (placeholder).
- VacTrig
- Indicates tha the vacuum-fault detector has tripped (placeholder).
- ffDone
- Indicates that a feed-forward table output has finished.
There is some subtlety about how FrontPanel handles trigger-out end points and the update flag. When the update flag is set, a copy of all trigger events are recorded in the driver prior to returning the requested status. In logic, however, all recorded trigger events are cleared. Subsequent queries for trigger status with the update flag cleared returns the trigger status recorded in the driver at the time of the update. Later queries for trigger status with update flag set records new events since the previous update, which means that trigger events that were not queried prior are lost.
Host-to-board block transfers
These two functions transfer blocks of data from the host to the board. They take two arguments, the interface, and the data to be transferred.
- ffSPTable
- Transfers a 1k-word block to the feed-forward setpoint table.
- fbSPTable
- Transfers a 1k-word block to the feedback setpoint table.
Board-to-host block transfers
This one function transfers blocks of data from the board to the host. It takes two arguments: the interface, and the data to be transferred.
- ScopeReadout
- Transfers an 8k-word block from the scope to the host. The block contains data from the eight scope buffers.
data = ifc.ScopeReadout(data);
- naReadout
- Network analyzer data readout. Reads out the 64-word block containing the cosine and sine integrals and integration time.
data = ifc.naReadout(16);
Interface functions by board function
Scope function
- zoom, zoomGet
- Zoom setting.
- debug_sel, debug_selGet
- Debug signal selector.
- ScopeBusy
- Status bit indicating the scope is acquiring.
- ScopeBusy_hi
- Status bit indicating the is being read out.
- t_scope_start, t_scope_startGet
- Scope start delay setting in samples.
- adc_start
- Trigger in that initiates scope acquisition.
- data_read
- Trigger in used for scope readout.
- adc_done
- Trigger out that indicates scope acquisition has finished.
- ScopeReadout
- Reads out the data acquired by the scope by block transfer.
Feed-forward setpoint table
- ffTrig
- Triggers output of the feed-forward table.
- ff_retrig, ff_retrigGet
- Wire in that selects automatic retriggering mode.
- ff_wr_sel, ff_wr_selGet
- Wire in for table buffer A/B write selector.
- ff_rd_sel, ff_rd_selGet
- Wire in for table buffer A/B readout selector.
- ff_enable, ff_enableGet
- Wire in for enable.
- ffImon, ffQmon
- Table output readback.
- ff_busy
- Wire out indicating table readout is in progress.
- zoom, zoomGet
- Wire in for scope and ff table zoom selector
- data_write
- Trigger in that prepares for a host write to the table.
- ffDone
- trigger out that indicates table output has finished.
- ffSPTable
- Writes to the table.
Feedback setpoint table
- fb_enable, fb_enableGet
- Wire in and Wire-in readback of the feedback enable. Not directly applicable to the table.
- rampinterval, rampintervalGet
- Sets the rate at which the table is output in terms of clocks (x16) between I/Q pairs.
- rlImon, rlQmon
- Feedback-setpoint I- and Q-components monitor (signed). This signal is the output of the feedback setpoint table, and upstream of the soft-trip module.
- RampBusy
- Status bit indicating the table output is in progress.
- data_write
- Trigger in that prepares for data transfer from host to the table.
- ramp_trig
- Trigger in that triggers the start of output of the table.
- ramp_done
- Trigger out that indicates a ramp (table output) has completed.
- fbSPTable
- Write data to the table.
Soft-trip rampdown function
- STTrip
- Status bit that indicates whether the module is tripped.
- SoftTrip, STReset
- Trigger in for s/w trip and s/w reset of the module, respectively.
- STPulse
Cavity tuner
- PhaseOffset, PhaseOffsetGet
- Setting and readback of the phase offset.
- PhaseError
- Wire out for cavity-minus-forward phase readback (includes phase offset).
- TunerPosn
- Wire out for the tuner position (from the PLC).
- cavImon, cavQmon
- Cavity field readbacks.
- fwdImon, fwdQmon
- Wire out for forward intensity.
- Wire outs for status bits for cavity and forward undervoltage, respectively.
- CTUpLimSw, CTLoLimSw
- Cavity tuner up and low limit, respectively.
Circular buffer
- sdramRdEn, sdramRdEnGet
- Bit setting and readback for SDRAM read enable.
- sdramWrEn, sdramWrEnGet
- Bit setting and readback for SDRAM write enable.
- sdramReset, sdramResetGet
- Bit setting and readback for asynchronous SDRAM reset.
- sdramPage
- Readout of the SDRAM page at which acquisition terminated (15 bits).
- sdramWrap
- Readout of the circular-buffer wrap counter since the start of acquisition (counts modulo five).
- sdramFill
- Status bit indicating that data are being acquired.
- sdramArm
- Trigger in that initiates acquisition by the circular buffer (arms it).
- sdramdone
- Trigger out that indicates that acquisition has stopped and data may be retrieved.
- RFInhibit, RFInhSWTrip, RFInhSWReset
- Status bit, and trigger ins for RFInhibit.
- vacuum, VacTrig, VacSWTrip, VacSWReset
- Status bit, trigger out, and two trigger ins for the vacuum interlock module (placeholder).
- Quench, QuenchTrig QuenchSWTrip, QuenchSWReset
- Status bit, trigger out, and two trigger ins for the quench interlock module (placeholder).
- PPSTrip, PPSEvent, PPSSWTrip, PPSSWReset
- Status bit, trigger out, and two trigger ins for the PPS interlock module (placeholder).
- Status bit, triggerout, and two trigger ins for the AVAGO2 interlock input module that is used, in the storage ring, for triggering the soft-trip module.
Dallas serial-number chip
The function Dallas1825 returns a unique 14-character hexadecimal serial number from a Dallas (Maxim) DS1825 serial-number chip. At the time it is read, the interface property Build is updated, representing the code word characterizing properties of the build. See LogicConfiguration.xls for more details. The pointer to the interface resides in the global workspace.
global ifc;
sn = Dallas1825(ifc);
bld = ifc.Build;
- limEnable, limEnableGet
- Setting that enables the limiter. When not enabled, the limiter passes data through without modification.
- limActive
- Status bit that indicates the limiter is limiting.
- ffImon, ffQmon, ffmon
- Feed-forward setpoint I- and Q-components monitor (signed).
- rlImon, rlQmon, rlmon
- Feedback-setpoint I- and Q-components monitor (signed). This signal is the output of the feedback setpoint table, and upstream of the soft-trip module.
- dbImon, dbQmon, dbmon
- Debug-selector I- and Q-components monitor (signed).
- cavImon, cavQmon, cavmon
- Cavity-field I- and Q-components monitor (signed).
- fwdImon, fwdQmon, fwdmon
- Forward-signal I- and Q-components monitor (signed).
- revImon, revQmon, revmon
- Reverse-signal I- and Q-components monitor (signed).
- refImon, refQmon, refmon
- Reference I- and Q-components monitor (signed).
- fbImon, fbQmon, fbmon
- Feedback-signal I- and Q-components monitor (signed). These signals are latched from the feedback data streams just upstream of the feedbak-enable switch.
- diImon, diQmon, dimon
- di1_2-signal I- and Q-components monitor (signed). This signal is is the output of the jump5.v module in logic, which is the summed feedback and feed-forward data streams.
- PhaseError
- Tuning system phase error (0-65535 interpreted as 0 to 2π radians).
- TunerPosn
- Tuner position (unsigned).
- Vacuum
- The vacuum-trip block is tripped (still a placeholder).
Trip stack
These functions are used in the function TripStack, which returns information about trip events. See that function, and type
help TripStack
for more information.
- TSWord0, TSWord1, TSWord2
- Fourty-eight bits for readout of the trip stack.
- TSArmed
- Status bit indicating the trip stack is armed.
- TSCount
- Readout of the number of events recorded.
- TSNext
- Trigger-in end point that advances the event stack, which is used during readout.
- TSReset
- Trigger-in end point that resets the event count and arms the trip stack.
Network analyzer
These functions talk to the network analyzer logic. For reference, the Matlab function naSequenceSinglePoint uses some of these functions in the correct sequence. Also refer to the network analyzer logic and usage document.
In the following code examples, the update argument can be either true or false, determining whether the FrontPanel function UpdateWireIns is subsequently called (or in the case of naBusy, whether UpdateWireOuts is first called).
- naFreq
- Wire-in end point that sets the DDS phase-increment register, which determines the DDS output frequency.
ifc.naFreq(188, update);
- naAcquire
- Wire-in end point that sets the network analyzer integration time in DDS cycles.
ifc.naAcquire(44, update);
- naDamp
- Wire-in end point that sets the network analyzer damping time (delay) prior to start of integration. The unit is DDS periods (turns).
ifc.naDamp(5, update);
- naIntensity
- Wire-in end point that sets DDS output intensity to a power of two (0 to 15).
ifc.naIntensity(12, update);
- naStart
- Trigger-in end point that starts the network analyzer DDS and measurement sequence.
- naStop
- Trigger-in end point that stops the network analyzer DDS.
- naReadout
- Block-throttled pipe-out end point that reads out the network analyzer cosine and sine integrals and integration time. Always 64 words (128 bytes). Its one argument should always be 16.
data = naReadout(16);
Its output block of 32 int32s consists of naChans pairs of cosine and sine integrals, filler numbers, and ending with the integration time in clocks. The function blocks until a currently running acquisition finishes.
- naBusy
- Readback that indicates that the network analyzer is busy.
Opal Kelly functions
The initialization function GuoBo\gb_init() illustrates some of these functions.
- rfboard
- Constructor. Connects to an Opal Kelly board.
ifc = rfboard();
If there is more than one Opal Kelly board attached to the computer, a connection to the last of the list is returned.
- load
- Loads a bit file. A file dialog box opens for interactively selecting the file to be loaded.
- isopen
- Tests whether the instance is connected to a board.
val = ifc.isopen();
Because the isopen FrontPanel call does not seem to work, the GetDeviceMajorVersion is used instead. It returns less than zero if no connection is present.
- destruct
- Closes the connection to an Opal Kelly board.
- MajorVersion
- Returns the major version number of the Opal Kelly board.
v0 = ifc.MajorVersion
- MinorVersion
- Returns the minor version number of the Opal Kelly board.
v1 = ifc.MinorVersion
- DeviceID
- Returns the device ID of the Opal Kelly board.
id = ifc.DeviceID
- BoardModel
- Returns the model of the Opal Kelly board.
model = ifc.BoardModel
- SerialNumber
- Returns the serial number of the Opal Kelly board.
sn = ifc.SerialNumber
- OpenBySerial
- Connects to the board having the serial number of the argument.
handleofinstance = ifc.OpenBySerial(sernumstring);
- SetDeviceID
- Sets the device ID of the Opal Kelly board to which the instance is connected. Calls the okUsbFrontPanel_SetDeviceID FrontPanel function.
ifc.SetDeviceID('Storage Ring System 1');
The following are properties of the class.
- xptr
- Handle to the Opal Kelly board connection. It is used with the FrontPanel API.
- Build
- The build code, which is set when a bit file is loaded.
- Serial
- The rf-board serial number provided by the Dallas chip, and set when a bit file is loaded.
- fs
- The sample frequency in Hz, with the NSLS-II default value coded into the source file.
- h
- The ring's rf bucket count, with the NSLS-II default value coded into the source file.
There are other properties whose functions are not so well established.