The TPSA type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
arcsin | Arc sine function. | |
arctan | Arc tangent function. | |
BesselJ | Bessel J function. | |
BesselJ0 | Bessel J0 function. | |
binomial | Computes the binomial coefficient of the two arguments. | |
Clear(Double) | Clears the instance and sets the constant term to the value of the optional argument. | |
Clear(array<Int32>[]()[][]%) | Clears specific terms of the instance specified by an array of indices. | |
clone | Creates a new copy of the instance. | |
comp | Performs the function composition of the instance and an array of TPSA objects. | |
copy | Copy the argument to the instance. | |
cos | Cosine function. | |
cosh | Hyperbolic cosine function. | |
cotan | Cotangent function. | |
cotanh | Hyperbolic cotangent function. | |
csc | Cosecant function. | |
csch | Hyperbolic cosecant function. | |
Divide(Double) | Divides the instance by a double. | |
Divide(TPSA%) | Divides the instance by a TPSA object and returns itself. | |
Equals | Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object. (Inherited from Object.) | |
Eval(array<Double>[]()[][]) | Evaluate the instance at numerical values of the variables. | |
Eval(array<array<Double>[]()[][]>[]()[][]) | Evalutes the instance at a set of numerical values of the variables. | |
exp | Exponential function. | |
factorial | The factorial of the integer argument. | |
Filter | Zeros coefficients of the instance corresponding to an array of indices. | |
FilterKeep | Returns the complement of Filter. | |
Finalize | Allows an Object to attempt to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before the Object is reclaimed by garbage collection. (Inherited from Object.) | |
GetHashCode | Serves as a hash function for a particular type. GetHashCode()()()() is suitable for use in hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table. (Inherited from Object.) | |
GetTerm | Returns the coefficient of the term with variables having the exponents of the argument. | |
GetTermIndex | Returns the index in tps of the term with variables
having the exponents of the argument. | |
GetType | Gets the Type of the current instance. (Inherited from Object.) | |
grad | Returns the gradient of the instance as an array of TPSA objects. | |
Init | Initializes the class for creating TPSA objects of the given number of variable and order. | |
Inverse | The multiplicative inverse of the instance. | |
log | Log function. | |
MemberwiseClone | Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. (Inherited from Object.) | |
Minus()()()() | Converts the instance to its arithmetic negative. | |
Minus(Double) | Subtracts a real value from the instance. Something like a -= operator. | |
Minus(TPSA) | Subtracts a TPSA object from the instance. | |
one | Returns the unit element or elements representing the variables depending on the argument. | |
Plus(Double) | Adds a real value to the instance. Something like a += operator. | |
Plus(array<TPSA>[]()[][]) | Adds a TPSA object to the instance. Something like a += operator. | |
Power | Raises the instance to a power and returns itself. | |
sec | Secant function. | |
sech | Hyperbolic secant function. | |
SetOrder | Clips terms of the instance whose order is either higher or lower than a given value,
and returns a new object. | |
sin | Sine function. | |
sinh | Hyperbolic sine function. | |
sort | Sorts jagged arrays of integers. | |
sqrt | The square root of the instance. | |
tan | Tangent function. | |
tanh | Hyperbolic tangent function. | |
Times(Double) | Multiplies the instance by a double. | |
Times(array<TPSA>[]()[][]) | Multiplies the instance by a TPSA object and returns itself. | |
ToString()()()() | Returns a String that represents the current Object. (Inherited from Object.) | |
ToString(Double, String) | Returns a string representation of the instance. |