Chapter 5
Constructing the neck
Page 7
The heel assembly can be glued with clamps but I find it easier to use the iron bench hold downs. A word about the bench and hold downs. The bench top is about three inches thick of pine most bench tops are of hardwood but softwood has its merits it can be nailed into for Holding awkward pieces also notice the many holes for holddowns, bolting fixtures, swing lamps etc, have a blacksmith make the iron holddowns (it is not necessary to use steel) of three quarters round stock as in images with a foot to grip the stock the foot is made by upsetting the iron and flattening. Make it plenty long. Drill a seven eighths hole in the bench top For the holddown. If the holddown slips put chalk on it. Make at least two holddowns. Plane the pieces to fit for the heel assembly mark the areas to be glued so as to have full coverage. And that the assembly sequence is maintained and positioning is correct. Warm the wood ,use heavy glue spread on both faces, put pieces together wiggle and push joints together ,as in rubbed joint. Work fast and glue up the other pieces in like manner and then drive hold downs on assembly using a wooden mallet. You are Done. Put wax paper under the assembly. Also put heavy coat of paste wax on the bench top (Lundmarks paste wax is very good for bench tops and guitars it has no additives)