Costa Maya, Mexico

February 2013

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 Belize City, Belize

Cigar Making

Roatan Island, Honduras

Cozumel, Mexico

Chacchoben Mayan Ruins

Quintana Roo, Mexico


Aerial view of Chacchoben.

The buses lined up reminded me of giant grashoppers.


At the tourist stop at the ruins.


This is what the ruins look like before excavation.


'Temple 24', first structure seen upon entering the site.


Northwest corner of 'Temple 24'.


'Temple 24' in living color.


'Temple 24'


Southeast corner of Temple 24'.


Esat side of 'Temple 24'. The cover protects original pigment.


Plaza B: living spaces were seperated by a narrow walkway.


Gran Basamento: west wall.


Gran Basamento, west wall, unexcavated portion.


Gran Basamento, steps leading up to top level.

Solstices were marked by sun shining through this hole.


Approaching 'Temple 1'.


'Temple 1'.


'Temple 1' west side.


'Los Gemelos' structures atop Gran Basamento.


Las Vasijas pyramid of the Gran Basamento.

Back at the port of Costa Maya

Mayan calendars are a staple of iconography at the tourist shops.


Colorful motifs on souvenier wares.



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 Belize City, Belize

Cigar Making

Roatan Island, Honduras

Cozumel, Mexico

© Paul Griffith . All rights reserved.