Ichiro in America! - Chicago, IL

Life in America for a Japanese Penguin

We've finally found a Japanese translator and put together a story about Ichiro's life here in the States. Read the story, in Ichiro's own words! See the pictures! Everyone at FindPeanut.com wants you to see this story!


Bad Company

Meet Klepto - the brown courduroy bear with a red knapsack. He doesn't speak a word, or at least none of us here at Find Peanut has ever heard him make a sound. He emerged from some dusty boxes in the garage...destined for the local Salvation Army shop.

As his name suggests, that knapsack is not for his toothbrush and pjs. We've had to be very observant to notice if anything has been missing around the burrows. We've recovered car keys a few times. And his less-than-upright citizenship has also been a poor influence on impressionable monkeys. Kwame's vulnerable self-identity has caused him to fall prey to acts of petty theft... however Kwame's understanding of stealing lacks the notion of discreet stashing.

Isaiah is just hungry. He's always hungry.


Koda's First Half Marathon - that's 13.1 miles!

Koda is the biggest and most athletic member of the Find Peanut Crew.
Read all about his Race Day adventures at the Pacific Shoreline Half Marathon!


Here's what folks are saying about FindPeanut.com!

I LOVE IT. I haven't read everything but I love it. You have such great
story-telling skills! Love the orange. -S.H.

...I feel like I visited someplace in Japan or something. Very cute, very robust although robust is the wrong word to use since the site is very cute. -R.T.

Senji is my favorite with Little Guy running a close second... Maybe we can all call up and vote for our favorite just like American Idol... -K

where are your animal cracker friends? ;) -C.H.

The new story is really fun! sad ending but fun. cheesecake! -P.W.



"He's one'them speakin' birds!" Yup! Seymour can talk! Check out his vocabulary list!

Hot off the press - STORIES! We've got lots of them! Read about the Adoption Center. Hear about Kwame's rotten day. Peckle, Little Guy, Little Bird, Debt and Corruption! Fun fun! Keep scrolling... there's a Pet Shop story, too!

Seymour has some of his movies posted now! If you want to see our very own retarded cockatiel in some of his finest moments, check out the movies!

Kwame also has a movie up! He's FAMUS, you know?

And the Bios are up now! Check them out and learn a bit about each animal! Tandy and Seymour will be posting theirs soon - so come back!

:: more Stories
