Burrows for Small Animals

Today is cloudy and wet from a light sprinkling over PlanetTandy. All the animals are very happy that there is rain. Julian is considering buying a new home for winter - a warm burrow in the Oakside, a very prestigous part of town. Peckle is still working out the financial logisitics of Peckle Vista - his multi-billion dollar condo complex. It's as if the autumn weather has brought on a frenzy to find winter housing.

Some animals are so desperate, that they settle for a home which needs A LOT of work and is very ugly. Then even as they are in escrow, they see another, BETTER home three burrows down, and decide they would rather live there. They call their friendly agent to put a generous bid on this new home, only to find themselves in the midst of a bidding war. This is hard for animals who don't like confrontation and just want a safe place to live.

But other animals, like Kwame and Little Bird prefer to hang out and smoke cigarettes - very bad habit for Little Bird to pick up. *cough cough* Little Bird is not in his right mind and has been going on and on about starting Little Bird Tobacco Company. Kwame told him that they would be partners, but Little Bird would have to put up the capital, figure out how to import and export now that the LA Port is jammed up in Union Strikes, and also run the day to day operations. Doesn't sound like much of a "partnership" to us!

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