Americans have plenty of delusions. Here are some of my writings about them.

  1. Israel
  2. The Jesus Craze
  3. Mississippi Gays
  4. The Free market
  5. Feeble minds

1.  Israel

US foreign policy supports Israel to the point of overlooking every crime it commits.  See the crimes of Israel pages:
Dropping white phosphorous in Gaza
The victims in Gaza
A land belongs to the people who live there. No one can rightfully come along and drive of an indeginous people.  And expecially violently killing a large number of them.  But that is exactly what Israel has done.  The land occupied by the state of Israel was once home to millions of Palastinians.  Now they are nearly all gone, driven out or killed. The refugees have been crammed into Gaza and other areas. Fenced in by the Israeli military.  Unable to support an economy. Unable to trade with the rest of the world. Starving and dying. This is a crime of genocide.

As for the Just War rationale one has only to look at the kill ratio.  When the kill ratio is 10 in a real war one can expect to be winning.  When the kill ratio is above 100 that is not a fair fight. It is a genocide, a holocast. That is what we are seeing in Gaza.  According to the Just War protocol the Jews should ignore the Palastinian attacks because they are insignificant compared to the casualtys of this kind of war as everyone knows.
The Israelis are violating the Geneva accords by targeting homes schools and hospitals with artillery. Let me remind you that Palastinians launching rockets from such places if it happens is not a violation the Geneva accords because these rockets are homemade junk.

The president of the US could end all this by just yelling "cool it" to Israel. That would make the redical Jews in the US turn on the US government like a pitt bull.  But he won't because they have a stranglehold on US politics.

See Amnesty International report:

Finally after all that Israel has done, no justice respecting person is going to fail to deliver a full measure of condemnation to Israel. That is why I am calling for assistance to the Palistinians and support for the Hamas political position.

2. The Jesus Craze

The United States is plagued by a fanatical group of christians known as fundamentalists. These folk are hell bent on forcing their way of life on the rest of us. They have a political campaign in support of restrictive legislation and they support an ancient mythology known as creationism. In support of creationism they have written numerous documents masquerading as scientific work. These documents have been rejected by the scientific community because they fail to comply with professional standards and do not even use the scientific method. When interviewed by me one individual summed up his method as follows:
He decides what truth is by faith and then proceeds to manufacture whatever evidence is needed to support his view and to label as invalid any scientific evidence for the established scientific theory of evolution. His organization maintains a list of counter-claims against evolution which are demonstrably false and which they present in argument as established fact. This typical individual insists that scientists use the same tactics that he uses and insists that the rules of professional conduct are not followed by the scientific establishment.

I am sufficiently familiar with scientific writings to know that the standards of science are upheld in both physics and biology. In particular the requirement that every acceptable idea must have verifiable support is a practiced standard in both physics and biology and in particular Evolution. I have also personally duplicated sufficient (thousands of) physics experiments to be confident in the present established theory.

2.  The Mississippi Lesbians

On my return trip from New Orleans for the Christmas holidays, I tried to visit Camp Sister Spirit. This retreat for gay women is located in southern Mississippi. It is close to I-59 , the route I usually take. It has been the subject of much publicity and resentment by the local community. At a recent town meeting numerous individuals from the clergy and local organizations along with the townsfolk called for "Running the Lesbians out." A popular complaint which I heard on National Public Radio is that the lesbians were "forcing their perverted way of life on us." The fear was voiced that they would provide a sanctuary for battered wives and possibly influence them. Well I tried to find the place. When I got to Ovette I stopped at a store to ask directions. The directions were not good but I surveyed the whole area. There was no sign of a camp. It was well hidden in the woods. All I saw was a dirt road and some bridge pilings with the graffiti "No Gays." I drove a short way down the very bad road. The mud holes were quite deep and it was beginning to rain. I turned back and decided to return some other time when I could finish the trip on foot.

I could not believe what I had discovered. The incredible distortions of homophobia were revealed. The gay people are invisible to the community, yet they are accused of "forcing their way of life on us."  It shows how insane the Mississippi christian community is.

3.  The Free market

I've heard a lot of lies about the free market - "Everyone believes in the free market", "It is the only system that works" on and on. They are saying these things because they make money for the rich folk. It turns out that what they really have is a monopoly for the rich and their idea of freedom is free to practice monopoly. They say they don't believe in welfare but it is precisely the corporate proponents of the "free market" who are on welfare. They say they believe in freedom of speech but they control the networks and deny speech to anyone who would reveal their corruption. Next time someone talks about the free market call him what he is - a liar. And send him to the Tax The web site.

4.  Feeble minds

Everyone knows about the corrupt politicians and how they are always asking for money, and getting it from the rich business community. It is bribery pure and crooked. Well it seems no one noticed what they do with most of that money. No it doesn't all go into their pockets. It goes to buy television advertisements. Yes the TV ads are the life blood of the politician because they control the vote. The politicians control the vote through ads because the American People are so feeble minded that a slick ad can control their minds. So the American people have no one to blame but themselves for all the corruption.

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