SEPTEMBER 20, 2007
At 6:00 p.m. the town board members interviewed several area attorneys and in the end decided to use the services of the Wood Law Offices located in Oxford and Friendship, WI. Mr. Wood charges $75.00 per hour for municipal work, requires no retainer and works and bills on an as needed basis.
The regular monthly town board meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairperson Mike Julson, all board members were present except Jim Beard. The pledge of allegiance was recited & the meeting was in compliance with the open meeting law. The agenda was approved as prepared with a motion by Lenny Watson/Mike Julson. M/C. Minutes of the monthly town board meeting of August 16, 2007 and the special town board meeting of August 23, 2007 were read by the clerk and accepted with a motion by Watson/Julson. M/C. The treasurer’s report had the following balances as of August 31, 2007: NOW account-$41,024.09, Money Market savings-$25,421.77, Berry Ridge parking fees-$5,617.60 and certificate of deposit-$16,045.44 of which $6,892.00 will be transferred to the checking account for the installation of the parking lot and bumper strips at the town hall. Motion to approve by Watson/Julson. M/C.
After reviewing the survey taken at the garbage drop-off site by the attendant it a motion was made by Watson/Julson to have the hours of operation remain the same on Saturdays from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. M/C. The petition for the discontinuance of Golden Court over the dam was tabled until more information is obtained with a motion by Watson/Julson. M/C.
Myrna Diemert gave an informative presentation on recycling and explained the need for increased container and hauling fees. Patrick Gatterman presented a brief overview of the “flow chart” that pertains to the Adams County storm water run-off ordinance that will have a public hearing on October 8, 2007 - 9:00 a.m.(room A260) at the Courthouse. Motion by Watson/Julson for the Adams County Hwy. Dept. to stock-pile 250 tons of salt/sand mix for the 07/08 winter road maintenance in the township. M/C. A bid from Tom Evans was accepted with a motion by Watson/Julson to plow/shovel the garbage drop-off site and town hall @ $65.00 per hour ($25.00 min.) for plowing and $12.00 ($5.00 min.) for shoveling. M/C. The budget preparation meeting for the proposed 2008 budget will be held at 6:00 p.m. prior to the October 18, 2007 regular monthly town board meeting. Resolution 2007-1(r) recommending the New Haven plan commission be referred the responsibility of reviewing zoning petitions and making recommendations to the town board ,in writing, before it is placed on a monthly agenda was approved and signed by Lenny Watson, Mike Julson, with Jim Beard in absence. The establishment of an advisory committee for dam removal and road discontinuance was tabled until the October 2007 monthly town board meeting by a motion from Watson/Julson. M/C. It was decided that one town board member will attend the road maintenance seminar hosted by the Adams Co. Hwy. Dept. at Carlson’s Rustic Ridge on October 12, 2007, it is unclear at this time who will attend. LaCar builders quoted the town board a price of $150.00 to paint and texture the northeast entry way to the town hall, before he trims out the doorway to the meeting hall. Motion by Watson/ Julson to approve this price. Myron Byers wants Mr. Borud to be reminded that he still needs to caulk the trim around the new windows. M/C.
At this time there was no volunteer chosen to work with the county in implementing a Gypsy moth control program as Glenn Licitar explained there are no funds available at the state and county levels. Motion by Watson/Julson to approve all future state-mandated training for the municipal clerk and chief election inspectors in the next year. M/C.
The bills were read by the clerk and approved for payment with a motion by Watson/Julson. M/C. Motion to adjourn at 8:45 p.m. by Watson/Julson until 6:00 p.m. on October 18, 2007.
Respectfully submitted;
Berniece J. Tangney, town clerk
(these are unapproved minutes subject to approval on October 18, 2007)