TB Meeting Agenda 8-17-06




REGULAR MONTHLY TOWN BOARD MEETING is Thursday, August 17, 2006 at the Town Hall, 7:00 pm.




A)  Call to order/Roll Call

B)  Pledge of Allegiance

C)  Compliance w/open meeting law

D)  July 2006 minutes

E)  Treasurer’s report for July 2006

F)  Old Business:

      1) Sealed Bids for transfer-site building/heater

      2) Rezone A-3/R-2 for Wendy Kingsley, 476 Gillette Ave

      3) Proposed zoning maps for non-conforming parcels

      4) Fuel prepay contract

      5) Jungenberg driveway/ditch work

G)  New Business:

      1)  Dells/Delton EMS contract

      2)  Rezone for Tom & Shirley Storandt- 3 acres and

          Buildings at 4105 Fourth Drive, A-1 to R-1

      3)  Reduction of poll-workers for Sept. 12th primary                 

      4)  Discuss fall mowing/2007 budget for town roads 

      5)  Darrell Renner/Candidate for Adams Co. Sheriff

      6)  Roberta Sindelar/Adams County Sheriff/incumbent


H)  Reports & forthcoming events / local & county

I)  Audience comments

J)  Payment of bills

K)  Next meeting date

L)  Adjournment


Posted: 8/14/06                    Berniece J. Tangney, Clerk




















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