Regular monthly town board meeting, August 16, 2007 at the town hall, 7:00 p.m. 330 Golden Court.
A) Call to order/Roll Call
B) Pledge of Allegiance
C) Compliance w/open meeting law-agenda approval
D) July 2007 minutes
E) Treasurer’s report for July 2007
F) Old Business:
1) Reconsideration and potential action on Class “B”
beer license application for Antiques & Lace Inn B&B
2) Discuss/ potential action on options for Big Spring
dam and Golden Court over dam
G) New Business:
1) Discussion/Action on change in “hours of operation”
at transfer-site
2) Possible action on Conditional use for W. Kingsley,
780 Gillette Ave. to allow mobile on R2
H) Reports & forthcoming events, local & county
I) Public input
J) Payment of bills
K) Next meeting date & adjournment
Posted: 8/13/07 Berniece J. Tangney, Clerk