Town History, Links, Photos and Biographies






BIG SPRING, by Archie R. Crothers - a personal account of Big Spring history, written in 1965


NEW HAVEN ALIAS BIG SPRING, by Solon Wesley Pierce - a four-part article from the Adams County Press from July 1886


Interpretation of "NEW HAVEN ALIAS BIG SPRING", by Kenneth Crothers - explains locations, clarifies and corrects.


    1976 New Haven Plat Map (Ken's appendix 1)

    1900 New Haven Plat Map (Ken's appendix 2)

    1900 map of Big Spring lots (Ken's appendix 3)

    1880 New Haven Plat Map


Big Spring History - link to an account from the Adams County Press in the 1870's. (located about half way down the page)


Big Spring Congregational Church article & photo


1998 Dells Events article on Adams Sesquicentennial w/ early New Haven history


1914 Historical Account of Adams County, Big Spring by Maybelle Douglas


The Early Days of Briggsville by Helene Bloss , helped by Carla Lovesy, Marie Beyer and Katherine Green.  (Might take 3 0r 4 minutes to download)


The Big Spring School District, written by Luke M. Vliet in 1954.  (Includes other info too)






Adams County WiGen Web site - searchable site, one of the best genealogy and history resources available for Adams County.


Big Spring Cemetery - from the Adams WiGen website, includes transcripts and photos of most older tombstones.  (Click link at bottom of 1st page to get to 2nd page)


New Haven/Big Spring census link - from the Adams WiGen website, includes data from 1855, 1860 and 1870 for New Haven or Big Spring.


Wisconsin Survey Records - link to original maps and survey notes from 1851 land survey in New Haven.  Search under T14N, R7E, then select section number or click on "Plat Map"


New Past Press - publisher of many local histories, located in Friendship, WI.  Books may be ordered from their site through this link.





Old photo of Big Spring dam and mill


Old photo of first post office


1925 photo of Badger Valley School, teacher and students


Ellen and Socrates Best, Fort Smith Arkansas, Civil War


Big Spring dam and mill, Pierce Hotel, graves of Robert and Rebecca Ramsey and John Best


Robert and Rebecca Ramsey, Wallace and Henrietta Ramsey


Best Valley School, 1898 and 1916


Best family photographs


Wisc. 10th Vol. Infantry Regiment Reunion held in Kilbourne in 1911, Best Valley School 1904


1900 photo of tobacco harvesting at Rudolph Thompson's farm at 304 State Road 23.  Looking north up the driveway from about where the mailbox is today.




Kilbourn Illustrated Events article on Jared Walsworth and other early settlers


Kilbourn Illustrated Events article on early New Haven settlers


Socrates Thomas Best


Letters between Sarah Best (mother of Socrates) and her sister Eliza Borton Doughty, between 1837 and 1873, with notes by researcher Steven M. Best


Letters between Ellen Best (first wife of Socrates) and her sisters, with notes by researcher Steven M. Best.





Please email personal accounts, family histories, etc. to:newhavenmail


Any old photos of New Haven or its residents would be appreciated.  They could be emailed or quickly scanned and returned with no harm done.

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