TB meeting minutes 7/20/06



JULY 20, 2006


The regular monthly town board meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairperson Robert Krause.  All board members were present.  The meeting was in compliance with the open meeting law.  Minutes of the June 15, 2006 monthly town board meeting were read by the clerk and approved with a motion from Jim Beard/Myron Byers.  M/C.  The financial report was presented by the treasurer with the following balances as of June  30, 2006:  NOW checking account:  $2,132.00, MM savings account:  $113,925.11 and Berry Ridge parking fees:  $5,088.62.  Motion to accept as presented by Byers/Beard.  M/C.


Old Business:  Motion by Byers/Beard to put an advertisement in the Adams County paper for two weeks requesting bids for the purchase and removal of the building (which includes a wall heater) from the transfer-site on County Road G.  Bids will need to be in by August 16, 2006 to be opened at the August 17, 2006 town board meeting.  M/C.


A proposal by Babcock Septic to clean and shape ditch to keep water off the road on Fur Lane by the Jungenberg farm for $500.00 was tabled until the August town board meeting, to obtain more information, with a motion by Krause/Byers.  M/C.  The proposal from Babcock Septic to clean and shape ditch to prevent water from trapping and seeping under roadway on First Lane at Jim Cleary property for $200.00 was accepted with a motion by Beard/Byers.  M/C.


The proposed zoning maps for non-conforming parcels were tabled until the town’s plan commission and ACP&Z can confer and make corrections, motion by Beard/Byers.  M/C.


The “No Parking” signs on both sides of Golden Drive will remain there until April 2007 to see how they work out over the winter months and will once again be brought back on the agenda in April 2007 with a motion by Krause/Byers.  M/C.


New Business:

The Maintenance Agreement with the Adams County Highway Department was tabled until the board members can obtain more information and options with a motion by Beard/Byers.  M/C.


Motion by Byers/Beard to approve the rezone request for Kenneth and Richard Huber for approximately 1.4 acres including buildings at 3874 County Road P from A-3 to R-1 was approved.  M/C.


Rezone request for Shirley Hill for three (3) acres at 421 Gillette Avenue from A-3 to R-1 and the remaining two (2) acres of the previously five acre rezone will be returned  to the original parcel it was split from  creating a total of 97 acres to A-1 was approved with a motion by Byers/Beard.  M/C.


Motion by Beard/Byers to table the conditional use rezone for Lee Kingsley until the non-conforming parcel maps can be approved, therefore possibly no rezone would be needed, Clerk will check with Mr. Kingsley to see if there is a time limit as to when this needs to be done, this could save the property owner  a $100.00 fee.  M/C.


Hohl’s propane has offered a pre-pay price of $1.68.9 p/g, Chairperson will call to see if this price is negotiable.


Motion by Krause/Byers to table the approval of the Certified Survey Map # 559, Lot 1 at 4121 First Lane for Roger Lippitt as there is a lawsuit filed by adjacent property owners pending on this parcel.  Mr. Lippitt was advised not to bring this proposal back to the table until property is out of litigation.  M/C.


A special town board meeting is proposed for August 10, 2006 at 7:00 p.m. for the purpose of discussing the 2007 budget.  The current levy limit law requires that a referendum to exceed the levy limit must be conducted as part of a regularly scheduled primary or general election.


The bills were presented by the clerk, motion to pay all as presented  by Beard/Byers excluding the Gasser Construction bill, which the town will retain 10% of until the low spot  on 3rd Lane is repaired. M/C.


Motion by Byers/Beard to adjourn at 8:30 p.m. until August 17, 2006.  M/C.



Respectfully submitted;



Berniece J. Tangney, Town Clerk






(these are unapproved minutes subject to approval on August 17, 2006)







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