TB minutes 3-15-12




THURSDAY, MARCH 15, 2012-7:00 p.m. –TOWN HALL

      A Public Hearing for proposed changes to the Land Division Ordinance was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by Chairperson Mike Julson.  Pete Joslin, Plan Commission Chairperson explained the proposed changes to the Town Board, as there were no other persons in attendance at the hearing.  The following changes to the Land Division Ordinance were unanimously approved for recommendation  to the Town Board  are as follows: 1) to add a new definition for “net total lots.” The number of lots, parcels or building sites created as the result of a land division, minus the number of lots, parcels or building sites which existed in the same area prior to the land division. 2) Under Restrictions on Major Land Divisions and Town Subdivisions,  (F) add to the end of last sentence of this section: unless the proposed Major Land Division or Town Subdivision results in one or less “net total lots,” as defined in this Ordinance. 3) Lot Design Standards: (D) Access, change from 100 feet to 33 feet, and delete “easements are prohibited as a means of providing access to public roads or streets for new parcels.” Add to Section 17 (E) Flag lots, Driveway Access Separation-each parcel of land created must allow for a driveway access or easement location which is a minimum of seventy five (75) feet from any existing driveway access or easement location on the same road.  Driveway access separation requirements may be even greater under the Adams County Driveway Access Policy Ordinance for County Highways or Wisconsin Dept. of Transportation access regulation for State Highways.  No one spoke for or against these changes.  Public hearing was adjourned at 6:55 p.m.


      The  Regular Monthly Town Board meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairperson Mike Julson with all Town Board members present.  Pledge of Allegiance was recited.  This meeting was properly noticed and a motion was made by Brad Seiler/ Lenny Watson to accept the agenda as presented for this meeting.  M/C.  Minutes of the Regular Monthly Town Board meeting of February 16, 2012 were read by the Town Clerk and approved with a motion from Seiler/ Watson. M/C.  The financial report as of February 29, 2012 was read by the Town Treasurer with the following  balances:  NOW checking account: $1,527,65, Berry Ridge Parking Fees: $1,667.27, Money Market:  $109,785.76, Tax Collections: closed  and CD: $19,467.53, approved by Watson/ Seiler. M/C.


    A Resolution was prepared by the Town Attorney establishing fees for various services and permits  that  was tabled at the February meeting and placed on the March agenda was again tabled until the regular monthly Town Board meeting of April 2012 with a motion from Watson/Seiler  until the wording can be changed to request a fee of $25.00 for a permit to exceed Class B weight limit restrictions and the permit would be good for one week.  If the project was to exceed one week, it would be at the discretion of the Town Chairperson as to the need for a surety bond to insure coverage of road damage associated with exceeding the Class B weight limits. M/C.



    Ordinance No. 03-2012 regarding the Extension of Town Board Members terms by one week in April of the year their terms expire due to election law changes was unanimously adopted by the Town Board and will not  effect  salaries but a per diem would be paid if an additional meeting was to be held in that time period.  This Ordinance will become effective upon posting.

    Pete Joslin, Chairperson of the Plan Commission summarized the proposed changes to the Town’s Land Division Ordinance for the persons in attendance at this meeting.  Ordinance No. 02-2012 amending the Town of New Haven Land Division Ordinance was adopted unanimously by the Town Board and will become effective upon publication.

    The Town Board recommended staying with the Bank of Wisconsin Dells even though they will be implementing a new service fee of $2 (two) every time there is a transfer between accounts.

    A rezone request for Elton & Gladys Ellis at 3989 2nd Court to change 2.25 acres separating buildings and farmland from A-1-35 to R-1-LL was unanimously approved by the Town Board and will now go before the Adams County Planning & Zoning Committee.  Tuesday, March 20, 2012 was set for the Town Board to meet at the Town Hall at 1:00 p.m. to do annual road inspections.  Annual appliance and tire recycle will be placed on the April agenda.

      The vouchers for payment were read by the Clerk,  approved  by  Seiler/ Watson.  M/C.  This meeting was adjourned at 8:05 p.m. until Thursday, April 19, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. with a motion being made by Seiler/Watson.  M/C.




Respectfully submitted;



Berniece J. Tangney, Town Clerk



(These are unapproved minutes subject to approval on Thursday, April 19, 2012.)





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