JUNE 19, 2008
The regular monthly town board meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairperson Mike Julson, all board members were present with the exception of Supervisor II-Jim Beard. This meeting was in compliance with the open meeting law. A motion was made by Lenny Watson and a second by Mike Julson to approve the agenda as presented. M/C. Minutes of the May monthly town board meeting and the June 12, 2008 special town board meeting were read and approved with a motion from Watson/Julson. M/C. The financial report was read by the treasurer with the following balances as of May 31, 2008: NOW account: $1,294.10, MM account: $61,450.95, Berry Ridge parking fee account: $3,053.52 and CD at $14,529.91. Motion to approve this report by Watson/Julson. M/C.
Old Business:
A “Memorandum of Agreement” regarding the Big Spring Dam project was drawn up by town attorney Dan Wood with all the conditions agreed upon at the June 12, 2008 special town board meeting and brought to this meeting. Attorney William O’Connor representing the Lake Mason Lake District presented the town board with a petition containing 49 signatures of residents surrounding Lake Mason, requesting that the town board, before signing any agreement for removal of Big Spring dam require the owner of the dam to follow the original plans and specifications of Interfluve, Inc. to protect Lake Mason. Attorney Wood stated that “ the DNR has granted the permits for dam removal to the dam owner and permits for stream restoration to Adams County Land & Water Conservation, therefore it should not be the responsibility of the town to see that these are followed through. Mr. O’Connor also was concerned that if this project was not carried out properly and fully, that the town board may be asked as to why they did not request an agreement with ACL & W to ensure the project being completed correctly. The town board and Attorney Wood agreed that this concern was an after-the-fact request and someone representing the Lake District should’ve been at the June 12, 2008 special town board meeting when conditions of the memorandum of agreement were being finalized in anticipation of the dam owner and town signing it on June 19, 2008. Motion by Watson/Julson to sign the “Memorandum of Agreement regarding Big Spring Dam Project” and the “easement agreement” with the dam owner at this time. M/C.
New Business:
Mr. Clayton Sengbusch offered the town board his final contract for the 2009 assessment at $5,500, and has offered his assistance in the search for a new assessor for the following year. Motion by Watson/Julson to accept this contract. M/C. Alcohol beverage, operator’s license and tobacco license applications were reviewed by the town board and motion by Watson/Julson to renew licenses for the following establishments, The Cove, Club 23, Wagon Wheel Campground, Antiques & Lace Inn, B&B and Lake Mason Campground for the period of July 1, 2008 to June 30, 2009. M/C. A Mobile Home Park license application was received from Aaron Lebovic of Denver, Colorado for Berry Ridge Estates Mobile Home Park located at 3863 Fifth Drive, Wisconsin Dells, WI. Motion by Watson/Julson to approve the issuance of the license. M/C. A request by Curtis Vanderbilt of 3621 2nd Ct. to rezone 43.4 acres from A1-35 to A1-15 to divide off a 20 acre parcel. The Plan Commission after reviewing the plan, recommended approval of the rezone to the town board, and agreed to leave the decision as to the best access to the parcel up to Adams County. Motion by Watson/Julson to approve the rezone. M/C. Supervisor II James L. Beard turned in his resignation that would b come effective at the time a replacement would be appointed by the town board to fill the remainder of his term. Motion by Watson/Julson to table this appointment until the July monthly town board meeting. M/C. The bills were read by the town clerk and approved for payment with a motion by Watson/Julson. M/C. Motion to adjourn at 8:15 p.m. until July 17, 2008 by Watson/Julson. M/C.
Respectfully submitted;
Berniece J. Tangney, Town Clerk
(these are unapproved minutes subject to approval on 7/17/08.)