REGULAR MONTHLY TOWN BOARD MEETING is Thursday, February 16, 2006 at the Town Hall, 7:00 p.m.
A) Call to order/Roll Call
B) Pledge of Allegiance
C) Compliance w/open meeting law
D) January 19, 2006 minutes
E) Treasurer’s report for January 2006
F) Old Business:
1) Memo of understanding between municipality and
Adams County Emrg. Gov’t for use of town hall
2) Brushing and culvert extensions discussion
G) New Business:
1) Scedule date and time for driveway inspection for
Big Spring Cong. Church/Golden Ct.
2) Discussion of public boat launch N. side Mason Lake
3) Amendment to Adult Oriented Estab. Ord. discussion
4) March 9th election training attendance
5) Roger Lippett/ variance/ spec. exception, 4021 1st
H) Forthcoming events-reports, local & county
I) Audience comments
J) Payment of bills
K) Next meeting date
L) Adjournment
Posted: 2/13/06 Berniece J. Tangney, Clerk