Regular Monthly Town Board Meeting
Minutes of May 20, 2010
The Regular Monthly Town Board Meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairperson, Mike Julson, (at 6:00 p.m. prior to this meeting the Town Board met to open and discuss bids or quotes for the TRIP project on 5th Drive) no action was taken at that time. All Town Board members were in attendance, the Pledge of Allegiance was recited and the meeting was in compliance with the Open Meeting Law. A motion was made by Brad Seiler/Leo Musiedlak to approve the posted/printed agenda for this meeting. M/C. Minutes of the Regular Monthly Town Board Meeting of April 15, 2010 were read by the Town Clerk and approved by a motion from Seiler/Musiedlak. M/C. The April Financial Report was given by the Town Treasurer with the following balances as of April 30, 2010: Now Checking Account-$1,353.48, Berry Ridge Parking Fees-$2,965.99, M/M savings-$111,161.12 and Certificate of Deposit-$25,192.91, motion to accept the report by Musiedlak/Seiler. M/C.
Chairperson Julson reported that he has completed the application for the Storm Water Runoff Permit, to allow the Town to improve and pave the parking lot at the Town Hall, to be submitted to Adams County Land & Water and will be turning it in to them on Friday, May 21st. The permit fee is $100 (fee will not be waived by this dept. as is customary to a municipality for permits from Planning & Zoning) and to record the document with the Register of Deeds is $21.
There were two (2) bids that were submitted for the TRIP project on 5th Drive by the deadline of May 20, 2010 @ 5:45 p.m. The Town Board opened and discussed the bids at 6:00 p.m. from Scott Construction of Lake Delton, and D. L. Gasser Construction of Baraboo. A motion was made by Musiedlak/Seiler to accept the bid of Gasser Construction for $57,432.00. The bid from Scott Construction came in @ $57,198.00. M/C. The Town Board felt that the quality of glacier rock gravel that was used in the Gasser asphalt was better than the limestone gravel used in Scott Construction’s asphalt mix. Ron Chamberlain, Adams County Highway Commissioner was present to encourage the Town Board to give the Adams County Highway Department an opportunity to do more small municipal road projects, even though the Town does contract with the Department for Snow Removal. He also presented a letter addressed to the Town Board signed by the Highway Committee that states at a July 13, 2006 meeting of the Public Works Committee four Town Boards including New Haven were present to discuss the Highway Dept. performing winter maintenance work for those towns and how those Towns should continue to support the County assets needed to perform that winter maintenance. Two agreements came out of that meeting, the first being that the Towns would pay actual machinery costs or the State Machinery rate whichever was higher, and the second being that the Towns would give more consideration to providing non-winter work to the Dept. He recognized the fact that the present Town Board was not the Town Board represented at that tmeeting. Mr. Chamberlain reports that since that time they have seen an increase in non-winter work from two of those Towns and one Town is using a Private Contractor for winter road maintenance. New Haven has not shown any increase in non-winter work performed by the Highway Dept. He also stated that he had read in the Dells Events a quote from someone at a Town Board Meeting, “that the County Roads on the south end of the County don’t seem to receive the same maintenance and attention as other County roads.” Mr. Chamberlain continued to give comparisons with other County roads, and stated that there had just been wedging done on County G, and will be seal-coated on approximately June 21st of this year, and County Road P is going to be redesigned and hopefully completed in 2013-2014. A motion was made by Seiler/Musiedlak to recommend to the County to approve a rezone request from Bernard Gussel, Jr. to rezone a 2 acre parcel which is part of a 52.6 acre parcel on Second Lane from A1-35 Agriculture to R1-Large Lot, upon all approvals this parcel could not be divided, according to the New Haven Land Division Ordinance, again for another five (5) years. The Plan Commission reviewed this rezone application and recommended to the Town Board to approve the rezone for the following reasons: There are no nearby agricultural operations and this proposal is “consistent with agricultural use” as defined in the Zoning Ordinance. This rezone request is generally consistent with the New Haven Comprehensive Plan, the Comprehensive Plan contains these items that are pertinent to the rezone: 1) Development on prime soils will be guided to minimize the impact upon these areas. 2) New Haven will place a high priority on limiting or guiding development on A1 and prime soils. 3) Continue to provide farmland owners with a reasonable opportunity to divide and sell parcels of land. 4) New Haven recommends the choice of smaller rural residential parcels in exchange for deed restrictions on surrounding farmland, and to allow clustering of these parcels close to roads and utilities. An application for a Mobile Home Park License was received, along with the $100.00 license fee, from Aaron Lebovic, owner of the Berry Ridge Mobile Home Park located at 3863 5th Drive, Wisconsin Dells, WI. With all Mobile Parking Fees being paid in full as of this time a motion was made by Musiedlak/Seiler to issue the Park License for another year. M/C. The Plan Commission also recommended to the Town Board for the setting of Fees for certain Plan Commission reviews. Pete Joslin, Plan Commission Chairperson, stated that they had voted that each regular and alternate Plan Commission member be entitled to a $20.00 per diem and Chairperson a $30.00 per diem. The Plan Commission also voted to recommend to the Town Board that there be a $130.00 fee, which would cover the cost of a meeting if the per diems were charged. There would be only two (2) reasons these fees would come into effect: 1) for any type of a review that would require a Special Plan Commission meeting or 2) the application for a Town Subdivision or Plat Review seeking to split into five (5) or more parcels. The Land Division Ordinance just adopted states that any legal, surveying or engineering costs incurred by the Town in these reviews could be passed onto the applicant also. A motion was made by Musiedlak/Seiler to adopt the Fee Schedule for reviews and per diems recommended by the Plan Commission, to become effective at this time. M/C. The expenses to be paid were read by the Town Clerk and accepted for payment with a motion by Musiedlak/Seiler. M/C. This meeting was adjourned at 8:20 p.m. until June 17, 2010 at 7:00 p.m. with a motion by Seiler/Musiedlak. M/C.
Respectfully submitted;
Berniece J. Tangney, Town Clerk
(These are unapproved minutes subject to approval on June 17, 2010.)