MAY 18, 2006
The regular monthly town board meeting was called to order at 7:10 p.m. by Chairperson Robert Krause. All board members were present. The meeting was in compliance with the open meeting law. Minutes of the April 20, 2006 monthly town board meeting were read by the clerk and approved with a motion from Jim Beard/Myron Byers. M/C. The financial report was presented by the treasurer with the following balances as of April 30, 2006: NOW checking account: $20,998.87, MM savings account: $115,107.50 and Berry Ridge Parking Fees: $3,959.19. Motion to accept by Byers/Beard. M/C.
At this time there have been no prices obtained for repairs to the town hall interior or folding chairs, motion to place these items on the June agenda by Beard/Byers. M/C.
Motion by Beard/Byers to deviate from the original agenda and award the road project contracts at this time. M/C.
2006 Roadwork Contracts:
* Motion by Beard/Byers to hire D. L. Gasser Construction to repair Golden Avenue between Third Avenue and Glen Lane, a total of 5,700 ft with a tack coat pre-wedge on low sections and pave 1 ½” full wedge 20’ wide for $50,842.00 M/C.
*Fifth Drive north of Gillette Drive, cut and remove 200 feet of old blacktop and repave 20 ft wide for $1400.00 from Gasser Construction approved with a motion from Beard/Byers. M/C.
*Third Lane from County Road G east past Gale Drive, 2,425 feet, wedge and overlay, installation of tack and a 1” asphalt wedge, then 1 ½ “ asphalt surface overlay with 2’ shoulder on each side given to Gasser Construction at $29,754.00 with a motion from Byers/Beard. M/C.
*Beard so moved to have Scott Construction single seal Golden Drive & Fifth Lane between Fifth Avenue and Golden Court and also install cold mix on inside of curve for $12,968.75, second by Byers. M/C.
ACP&Z administrator Phil McLaughlin gave a presentation pertaining to proposed zoning maps for non-conforming parcel problems. He stated that he had one more township to present these maps to, and thus far all townships seemed to favor these changes.
A mobile home park license was granted to Aaron Lebovic of Fast Property Solutions of Chicago, Illinois, for Berry Ridge Estates for one year, expiring June 30, 2007 with a motion from Byers/Beard. M/C.
Two letters asking for support of the township from Adams County Soil & Water and River Alliance regarding the overseeing of culvert removal and road restoration on Golden Avenue and requesting township approval to gain access to the Big Spring Creek restoration project through town - owned property were tabled with a motion by Krause/Byers, this matter will be put on the June 2006 agenda. M/C.
Supervisor Myron Byers will look into the culvert erosion by Jim Cleary’s property on First Lane.
The Town Clerk advised the town board that the order for a voting machine, which is mandatory to be in place by the September 2006 election for the visually impaired, needed to be signed and submitted, each municipality is approved for a grant from the Wisconsin State Elections Board in the amount of $6,000 to cover the machine, supplies and training. Once the paperwork is filed the township will be reimbursed. The order form was signed by the town Chairperson for the Sequoia voting equipment.
Bills were read by the town clerk and accepted for payment with a motion from Beard/Byers. M/C. Motion to adjourn at 8:50 p.m. until June 15, 2006 from Byers/Beard. M/C.
Respectfully submitted;
Berniece J. Tangney, Town Clerk
(these are unapproved minutes subject to approval on June 15, 2006)