TB Special Meeting 6/12/08

Special Town Board Meeting

New Haven Town Hall

June 12, 2008-3:00 p.m.

Special town board meeting was called to order at 3:00 p.m by Chairperson Mike Julson.  Lenny Watson, Supervisor I was also present and Jim Beard Supervisor II absent,  the town clerk and treasurer were excused from attending.  The agenda consisted of negotiating a Memorandum of Agreement with the dam owner for the Big Spring Dam project.  After considerable discussion an agreement was reached by the dam owner (Mark Knutson) and the town board, execution of this agreement will be placed on the June 19, 2008 regular monthly town board agenda.  The contents of the agreement reached on  June 12, 2008 are as follows:


Town of New Haven agrees to temporary closure of Golden Court for removal of the spillway and replacing it with a culvert. Closure of road will begin no earlier than 7/7/08.

Phase I will be removal of existing spillway by dam owner,  town and dam owner will  equally share cost of road signs for closure as approved by town board or designee, above mentioned will also equally share responsibility for placement and maintenance of barricades required by Manual for Uniform Traffic  Control Devices.

Town and dam owner also equally share cost of placement and maintenance of detour signs.

Dam owner and his funding sources will be responsible for removal of dam spillway.  Agreement was reached with the assurance of Chris Murphy of Adams County Land & Water Conservation Department at this meeting that Adams County shall be responsible for stream restoration as described in the plans and specifications of Inter-Fluve, Inc., dated November 29, 2006 as adjusted to reflect the installation of the culvert on Golden Court.

The town with it’s funding sources will be responsible for installation of the culvert and replacement of the road within the existing right-of-way.

The removal of the existing dam spillway will be completed no later than 12/31/08.  The town shall begin installation of the culvert no later than 7/7/09.

Dam owner will provide the town with any temporary or permanent easements that may be needed on land under his ownership for the purposes of the installation of the culvert and maintaining erosion control, provided the easement(s) shall not extend more than 53’ from the center of Golden Court.  Town will be solely responsible for the installation and maintenance of the culvert, with the understanding it will recover damages from any person for negligent, reckless or intentional interference with the normal operation.  The town recognizes the culvert installation is a discretionary decision on the part of the town.  Meeting was adjourned at 4:30 p.m. until June 19, 2008.


Respectfully submitted;


Berniece J. Tangney, Town Clerk






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