TB minutes 3-18-10 (and LDO public hearing)




MARCH 18, 2010 -  6:00 P.M.

A Public Hearing to receive comment on the proposed Land Division Ordinance was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by New Haven Town Board Chairperson Mike Julson.  The full Town Board was present and nine  visitors  signed  in. 

Bill Isaacson inquired about the new minimum lots size of 2 acres - what happened to zoning that used to  require  35 acres to build on?  Plan Commission member Pete Joslin  explained that A1 zoned ag land still required 35 acres, but any land zoned for min lot size less than two acres, such as R1 residential, would now have a two acre min lot size, to protect public safety and preserve environmental quality. 

Parcels of land in certain areas of the Town (about 3/4 of the Town) will only be able to be divided once every 5 (five) years.  This is to control the development of Subdivisions.

Joslin explained that condominiums are covered in the ordinance, and that condominiums must follow the same density requirements as any other development. 

Adams County P&Z Director earlier stated there appears to be no conflicts between the Town’s proposed Land Division Ordinance and the County.  No one spoke against the ordinance at the hearing.  The Public Hearing was adjourned at 6:40 p.m.



The Regular Monthly Town Board meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairperson Mike Julson,  all Board members were present.  After reciting the Pledge of Allegiance, this meeting was declared to be in compliance with the open meeting law.  Brad Seiler moved to approve this meeting’s agenda as posted/printed, seconded by Leo Musiedlak.  M/C.  Minutes of the February 18, 2010 regular monthly Town Board meeting were read by the Town Clerk and approved by Musiedlak/Seiler. M/C.  The Financial report for February 2010 was given by the Town Treasurer with the following balances as of February 28, 2010: Now account-$ 1,205.82, Berry Ridge Parking Fees -$ 1,448.41, Money Market-$ 130,303.92, Tax account was closed out and the Certificate of Deposit  remains at $ 20,126,41 and approved as printed by Musiedlak/Seiler.  M/C.


Chairperson Julson reported that after  he and Sup. Musiedlak  took an inventory of emergency/address signs, it appear that approximately 300 would be needed, and also about a dozen large signs with multiple numbers.  Motion was made by Seiler/Musiedlak  to contract  with Lange Enterprises of Oconomowoc, WI as to what the Town’s needs are. The 20”x18” double sided, (3-line) reflective flag-style signs are presently quoted at:  $16.60 per sign, $5.50 per post and $7.10 per each installation for a total of $29.20 each. M/C.


Resolution  #2010-3 was adopted by the Town Board approving and adopting the Land Division Ordinance for the Town by a vote of 3(three)-approving and 0 (none)-against.  This Ordinance will become effective 1 (one) day after Notice has been posted and published.  This Ordinance Notice in Summary will be published in the Times-Reporter on March 24, 2010.  The Town Board designated Monday, March 29, 2010 as the date they will be doing an annual road inspection, leaving the Town Hall at 9:00 a.m.  Representative Fred Clark was in attendance and informed residents about upcoming Assembly Bills and answered any questions.

Expenditures were approved with a motion by Seiler/Musiedlak.  M/C.  Motion by Seiler/Musiedlak to adjourn at 7:55 p.m. until April 15, 2010.  M/C. 

Respectfully submitted;

Berniece J. Tangney, Town Clerk

(these are unapproved minutes subject to approval on April 15, 2010)





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