Annual Meeting 4-8-08



The annual town meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairperson Mike Julson.  The meeting was in compliance with the open meeting law and the pledge of allegiance was recited.  Minutes of the 2007 annual town meeting were read by the town clerk and approved with a motion by Rosemary Carlson/Myron Byers.  M/C.  The 2007 clerk’s financial report was read and approved with a motion from Dennis Schmitz/Bill Isaacson.  M/C.


Questions were asked as to where the four (4) eight foot folding tables were that were approved at the 2007 annual meeting.  Motion by Myron Byers/Joan Byers to purchase two (2) eight foot folding tables and have them on the premises by the November 2008 presidential election.  M/C.  Exterior lighting for the town hall and parking lot was again discussed and it was left to the discretion of the town board by a motion from Pat Coon/Mark Knutson as to what type of lighting is needed and where it is to be installed.  M/C.


Questions were asked of the town board as to what the bank service charges were for on the past two months treasurer’s report.  Motion by Myron Byers/David Lulling suggesting that if the charges occur again next month to have the town board inquire with the Wisconsin Town’s Association as what the appropriate disciplinary action would be.  M/C.  Motion by Joan Byers/Mark Knutson to combine the offices of the clerk and treasurer beginning the next term.  By a show of hands-thirteen (13) opposing and four(4) approving the recommendation.  Motion by Pat Coon/Mark Knutson to have the voters of New Haven make the decision as to whether we can afford to replace a portion of Golden Court over the dam or not.  It should be voted on at a special election held within 60-90 days.  The voters will need to know the facts of the project before voting, exact cost to the taxpayers by replacing the road and how the loss of grants, by road replacement, could effect the project as it was designed.  I would suggest holding a special meeting before the referendum to have Chris Murphy, River Alliance, and an others you feel pertinent attend, to answers any questions voters would have.  By a show of hands eight (8) approving the referendum election with seven (7) opposing.  Motion by  Ken Huber suggesting that the town board look into an ordinance that would prohibit the planting of trees within 10-20 feet of the road right-of-way. Second by Pat Coon.  M/C.

Motion by Lenny Watson/Myron Byers to consider extending the hours at the transfer-site from the original hours of 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. every Saturday to open one hour earlier at 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.  The hours on Wednesday evenings during the summer would remain the same from 5:00p.m. - 7:00 p.m.  Motion approved by a show of hands fourteen (14) approving the change and one (1) opposing.  After discussing this change with the attendant it will be decided at the next regular monthly town board meeting of April 17, 2008 as to when this change will become effective.  Motion to adjourn at 8:40 p.m. by Mark Knutson/Rosemary Carlson until April 14, 2009.  M/C.



Respectfully submitted;


Berniece J. Tangney, Town Clerk



(these are unapproved minutes subject to approval on April 14, 2009)





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